Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 575 The Big Stomach King

It has been getting colder and colder recently. The temperature in Wuhan has dropped to minus three degrees, and the newly purchased thermometer has exploded.

I had no choice but to huddle in the antique shop, drink tea and read the newspaper, and declined all business.

That day, I made a pot of tea and set out a pot of stewed lamb chops while I was enjoying myself. Li Mazi came in wrapped in a military coat.

He rubbed his hands, picked up a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and started eating with me. After eating for a while, he calmed down, put down his chopsticks, and asked me if I had taken on any work recently.

I smiled and asked him why he was here. Li Mazi spread his hands and said, "Ruxue went back to her parents' house."

I took a sip of hot tea and said, "No wonder you think of me. I haven't taken any jobs recently. It's cold and I don't want to move around."

Li Mazi was not happy when he heard this, and taught me earnestly: "It's cold, so you have to stretch your muscles. Come on, come on, I'll find a job for you."

It turned out that Li Mazi took Ruxue to eat spicy hot pot two days ago. Just as they were about to leave after eating, the family sitting behind them started clamoring to see the manager, saying that the hot pot was poisonous and made people vomit after eating it!

Li Mazi turned around and found a slender man holding a trash can and vomiting wildly. The waiter stood aside with a blushing face and kept apologizing, saying that he had already gone to ask for the manager.

Seeing that there was something lively to watch, Li Mazi was not in a hurry to leave. He hugged Ruxue and sat down to watch the show.

A few minutes later the manager came. The man was still vomiting. The manager kept apologizing and offered to give the family a free meal.

But the family was not happy and wanted the store to pay for the medical expenses.

Although the manager was a little displeased to see the man vomiting like this, he still compensated them several thousand yuan for gastric lavage.

Seeing that all the guests in the hot pot city were staring at them, the family felt embarrassed and prepared to help the man away. Unexpectedly, this man wiped his mouth and continued to eat and drink.

His family members dragged and pulled him, but they couldn't pull him away. After a while, all the food left on the table went into the man's stomach.

Seeing that there was nothing to eat, the man held his round belly and searched for food everywhere. When he passed Li Mazi's table, the man suddenly jumped up, grabbed the hairy belly on the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

Li Mazi was stunned: Oh my God! The hairy belly is still raw...

When his family realized something was wrong, they dragged the man out again. However, the man’s hands were firmly holding on to the table, and he did not forget to free up one hand to get food.

As soon as Li Mazi saw it, he knew something was wrong with this man, and immediately helped drag the man out of the hotpot city. He also left a contact information for the man's son, saying that he could call him if something happened again.

At this point, Li Mazi slapped his thigh and said: "I just received a call from the child, saying that his father ate everything in the refrigerator in the afternoon. There were fifty eggs, five pounds of Chinese cabbage, and two Ten pounds of raw pork, and I’m currently undergoing gastric lavage in the hospital.”

I happened to have a little free time at this time, and what Li Mazi said was quite interesting, so of course I was going to take a look.

The hospital was not far away. It only took about ten minutes to drive there. As soon as I got out of the car, a young man came to greet me.

Li Mazi told me that this is the man’s son Lin Xia.

Lin Xia was about twenty years old. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. She was fair and pure, and looked very eye-catching in a crowd.

As soon as he saw Li Mazi, Lin Xia quickly came over and said, "Master, my dad's condition is serious again..."

Li Mazi interrupted him and introduced that I was the master, and he had to look at the specific situation first before talking about it. Lin Xia immediately said some polite words to me and took us to the ward.

Lin Xia's father, Lin Qiusheng, was lying on the hospital bed for infusion at the moment and greeted us with a smile.

Lin Qiusheng looks like a middle-aged version of Lin Xia. He is thin and elegant. It is hard to imagine him grabbing the plate and devouring food. It seemed that Li Mazi's intuition was correct, he must have been affected by something.

Seeing that Lin Qiusheng was in good spirits, I asked him when did this situation begin? Have you encountered anything special before?

Lin Qiusheng said it would only last a few days! I was fine, but suddenly I became a big eater. I couldn't stop eating. I was knocked unconscious by my family every time and sent to the hospital for gastric lavage.

I frowned and was about to say something when the door to the ward was pushed open. A woman in a suit and leather shoes walked in and asked Lin Qiusheng if he could still record the live broadcast tonight? Lin Qiusheng smiled and nodded. The woman said she would pick him up at six o'clock in the afternoon and left.

I asked Lin Qiusheng in confusion what the live broadcast was?

Lin Qiusheng explained that he was a gourmet and hosted a TV show that was broadcast live every Saturday to recommend delicious and healthy diets to people.

Lin Xia interjected and said, Dad, how can you be on the show like this? Li Mazi and I also think it is best for him not to be on the show now. Food programs will definitely prepare a lot of delicious food. If Lin Qiusheng gets sick in the live broadcast room, what will happen to him? The negative impact is too great...

Lin Qiusheng sighed and said that he also knew that the current situation was inappropriate, but the contract had been signed and the show had just aired one episode. Now that it was stopped, he could not bear the responsibility.

What he said made sense, and I couldn't persuade him, so I asked Li Mazi to buy a pair of red chopsticks for Lin Qiusheng to carry. If something happened, he would use the red chopsticks to pinch his middle finger hard.

Lin Qiusheng's situation is like being possessed by a starving ghost. Using red chopsticks on his middle finger can make the starving ghost appear and temporarily drive it away.

Food programs are usually not very long, so as long as I can survive it, I will have a way to solve the problem!

After talking for a while, Lin Qiusheng's expression became a little bad. Seeing that I had nothing to ask, I left with Li Mazi first.

Li Mazi drove the car and said with a toothpick in his mouth: "Lin Qiusheng's incident is probably caused by a starving ghost. His food tastes like it has not been touched by fishy food for hundreds of years."

I shook my head and said, "That's not necessarily the case! If you're starving to death, you'll usually eat a hearty meal and then walk away satisfied. It's really rare for someone like Lin Qiusheng to eat every day."

After all, ghosts don't just get on people's bodies. If a ghost like a starving ghost with no moral character gets into a human body casually, he will be burned by the sun's fire. Therefore, starving ghosts rarely get into people's bodies.

I was explaining to Li Mazi when he suddenly braked hard. My head hit the front seat and he yelled: "Don't take me with you even if you want to die! It's such a smooth road, you're just playing around with the brakes." Woolen cloth?"

After yelling for a while and not hearing any response, I rubbed my head and looked over in confusion, suddenly breaking into a cold sweat.

The driver's seat was empty, and Li Mazi was missing.

I subconsciously looked out the car window and found that it was already dark, and the surrounding buildings were getting further and further away from me. My heart skipped a beat, and I guessed that I might be under an illusion.

I bit the tip of my tongue immediately, and the illusion slowly left me. When I turned around, I saw Li Mazi sitting in the driver's seat, looking at me in horror through the rearview mirror: "Brother Zhang, there was a moment just now. I don’t think I saw you…”

I was shocked. It seemed that Li Mazi and I were under the illusion at the same time!

I knew it was an illusion, so I broke it with the tip of my tongue. Li Mazi obviously didn't know it from the look on his face. I was curious about how he came out?

Li Mazi laughed after hearing this and proudly raised the red string tied on his left wrist: "This year, Ruxue asked me for a red string at the Bodhisattva Temple. I thought I was dazzled when I saw it light up just now. .”

After listening to his words, I had to admire Li Mazi's luck. But now I feel that the possibility of a starving ghost causing trouble is even smaller. I just met Lin Qiusheng, and before I did anything, it came to my door and gave me a big warning.

If Li Mazi wakes up later, we will probably crash the car and kill everyone!

"Quickly, turn around and go back to the hospital." Thinking of this, I said anxiously to Li Mazi.

Li Mazi looked at me doubtfully, and I explained quickly: "We just took a look at the situation, and that thing wants to kill us. Naturally, it will not let go of Lin Xia who invited us! Lin Xia will die if he is a step too late." undoubtedly."

After hearing this, Li Mazi immediately turned around at the intersection and drove the car very fast.

I jumped out of the car before it stopped and hurried into the hospital. Just as I was about to open the door of the ward, I heard a loud noise coming from the ward.

Lin Qiusheng sat on the hospital bed and scolded: "Son, this matter is not your responsibility. You must not let others know that that thing is on me, otherwise my father will be ruined for the rest of his life."

Lin Xia's voice sounded like she was about to cry: "Dad, it's all because of that thing that you're like this! Can't we stop doing food shows?"

"What do you know? Food programs are my dad's lifelong hobby, how could I not do it?" Lin Qiusheng's voice was mixed with a hint of anger.

Then Lin Xia finally cried: "What a hobby, isn't it just for money! Our family can be poorer, but we can't risk our lives for money."

It seemed that there was something fishy about this. I was just about to put my ear against the door and continue listening, when Li Mazi stumbled over and asked me why I didn't go in?

When I saw that I was exposed, I had no choice but to open the door and enter the ward.

As soon as I entered the ward, I immediately pretended to be weak, gasping for breath and said: "What you are provoking this time is not simple!

He even dared to touch me, which made my head swell and I haven't recovered yet. "

Li Mazi was so smart, he quickly cooperated with me and said: "Yes, the Zhang family was afraid that it would find you, so he rushed back in a hurry. We can't leave today, and we have to follow you at all times to prevent the starving ghost from getting sick!"

Lin Qiusheng smiled and said that it is natural for the two masters to stay, but I still have to record the program at night, and now I want to sleep for a while.

Li Mazi grinned: "Understood, understood."

After Lin Qiusheng lay down, the ward became quiet. I had to pretend to be injured and couldn't talk all the time. Li Mazi tried to chat with Lin Xia for a few words, but seeing that Lin Xia looked worried, he left it alone.

At six o'clock in the evening, the woman in a suit and leather shoes arrived on time. Seeing that Lin Qiusheng wanted to take us with him, she didn't say anything and simply asked the program crew to find a van.

While waiting for the bus, we chatted casually and found out that she was Xiao Zhao, Lin Qiusheng's assistant in the company.

Xiao Zhao looks aloof, but she is actually very good at chatting. Although the chat is not lively, it is very happy.

Li Mazi liked such aloof beauties the most, so he got in the car and chatted with her all the way to the live broadcast room.

When Lin Qiusheng arrived at the live broadcast room, he was immediately put on a chair to put on makeup. I heard from Xiao Zhao that he could leave the country directly before, but he had to put on makeup to deal with the color difference these two days!

I nodded in understanding. As a public figure, who doesn’t want to show their best self in front of the camera?

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