Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 576: The Gourmet Who Lost His Sense of Taste

Men's makeup is not as cumbersome as women's, and it only takes ten minutes. During this time, Xiao Zhao and several other assistants have already moved the ingredients to the stage.

Lin Qiusheng walked over and stood in front of the stage with his beautiful partner, maintaining a gentle smile for the camera.

I was afraid that something would happen during the live broadcast, so I found a place to sit that was closest to Lin Qiusheng and out of reach of the camera.

Lin Qiusheng introduced the edible value and cooking methods of each ingredient step by step, and occasionally joked with his partner, making the show exciting.

After the introduction of the ingredients, the most nervous part for me came - the on-site review of the dishes! There were three dishes in total, all prepared by the program team. For the sake of the show's effect, three staff members with very little appearance were hired to work on it before placing the three dishes in front of Lin Qiusheng.

Lin Qiusheng tasted each dish and commented casually, and the stage was over.

Later, Lin Qiusheng wanted to cook a dish on the spot. When he was preparing the ingredients to be used next, the staff removed the three dishes to make room for him.

Seeing the staff holding three dishes and about to exit the camera, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Who would have thought that just when the staff was about to leave the camera, Lin Qiusheng, who had been normal just now, suddenly rushed up, opened a plate, grabbed the food and stuffed it into his mouth!

I immediately went up to hold him down, took out a red chopstick with my left hand from a place where the camera couldn't notice, and clamped it on his middle finger.

Unexpectedly, this clamp was completely useless. Lin Qiusheng's struggle became stronger and stronger, and the food in his hand was almost swallowed by him. When I saw this, I immediately dropped my chopsticks, took out the Taotie portrait from my pocket and stuck it on him!

Taotie is an ancient ferocious beast with a greedy character and a fondness for food. He is the ancestor of foodies. It is said that the reason why Taotie only has one head is because the body was eaten by itself. This shows how much Taotie loves to eat.

This Taotie looks like I borrowed it from the T-shirt man before. I think since the trouble this time is an edible thing, it must be afraid or in awe of the Taotie!

Sure enough, this trick was really effective. As soon as the Taotie statue touched him, Lin Qiusheng's body shook like a sieve, and he returned to normal in just a few seconds.

Looking at the situation at the scene, he also knew what happened, so his face looked a little ugly.

Just as I was about to comfort him, I saw Xiao Zhao gesturing at me. I followed her instructions and took Lin Qiusheng away from the camera.

As soon as we got off the stage, a publicist came up to make a joke, saying something wrong with Lin Qiusheng was a plot deliberately prepared by the program team. In the dish just now, the program team deliberately mixed in seasonings that should not be used, just to see if Lin Qiusheng could distinguish them?

It was said before that the food was cooked by the audience, but now it was said that it was arranged by the program team. Although the loopholes were obvious, Lin Qiusheng's matter was finally smoothed over without embarrassment to him.

Next, Lin Qiusheng introduced the benefits of winter dietary supplements while doing it, and this program was successfully concluded. Because he was wearing a Taotie statue, there were no problems in this aspect.

After the show, I asked to go to Lin Qiusheng's house to visit. Lin Qiusheng said that he was a little tired and asked me if he could go another day.

I thought about the conversation between him and Lin Xia in the hospital, and knew that he was afraid that I would find out something by going to his house. Although I wanted to go take a look, he had already said so, and I couldn't say anything more. I just told him in a roundabout way that he should notify me immediately if anything happened.

After Lin Qiusheng left in the car, I realized that my car was still parked at the hospital. When I was about to take a taxi with Li Mazi, Xiao Zhao honked the horn to give us a ride.

As soon as Li Mazi got in the car, he joked about why she didn't leave with her boss? Be careful of salary deductions.

Xiao Zhao smiled slightly and said how could she, the boss asked her to send us off. I chuckled, thinking that Lin Qiusheng is really interesting. He does a good job on the surface and makes it hard for people to find fault with him, but he just won't tell you the truth.

I asked Xiao Zhao to take me to the hospital. Watching Xiao Zhao leave, I immediately got in the car and followed. Li Mazi was sitting in the passenger seat and asked me why I followed Xiao Zhao?

I rolled my eyes at him and said, do you even need to ask? Of course, it was to find out what Lin Qiusheng had provoked.

I told Li Mazi what I overheard in the ward in the afternoon. Li Mazi glared and said, "No wonder Lin Xia's expression is wrong. It turns out that he knew there was something wrong with his father from the beginning!"

After following for more than half an hour, Xiao Zhao drove into a high-end community. Such high-end communities generally do not allow outside cars to enter. I parked my car at the entrance of the community and approached with the Zhonghua cigarettes and security condom in my pocket.

The security guard is a middle-aged man in his forties. He looks very kind but is actually very difficult to deal with. I contributed a few packets of Zhonghua but I didn’t even hear about them, so I had no choice but to drive away.

Li Mazi cursed all the way: "I was so idle that I thought of taking this business. I didn't even mention the benefits, but it also made me look hot!"

But I felt that things were not that bad at all. Although Lin Qiusheng did not tell the truth, he obviously wanted to seek help. It’s just that I thought about it silently and didn’t know how to get Lin Qiusheng to speak.

Because I was thinking about things all the time, I almost bumped into someone when I got out of the car and walked sullenly into the store. I looked up and realized it was Lin Xia. His whole face was white from the cold. It seemed that he had come to the antique store as soon as the show ended.

Seeing me, he excitedly held my hand and said, "Master Zhang..."

I waved my hand and motioned to go to the store first. I didn’t want to be frozen into a popsicle on such a cold day.

Li Mazi was angry with Lin Xia, so he slipped into the store as soon as he got off the car, then picked up a cup of hot tea and drank it. After I led Lin Xia in, he put the teacup on the table and stomped upstairs, making Lin Xia look embarrassed.

I poured Lin Xia a cup of tea and comforted him by saying that Li Mazi was a straight-tempered person and asked him not to mind. Lin Xia shook her head and said no, and then stood there with some restraint in her hand holding tea. After hesitating for a long time, she asked: "Master Zhang, you must have heard the quarrel in the afternoon, right?"

I almost spit out the sip of tea I just drank. I dare you to say that the scene in the afternoon was in vain. Even Lin Xia, a young man with no hair, could see it. Lin Qiusheng had no reason not to see it.

I nodded awkwardly and told him that I did hear it. If he knew any clues, he'd better tell me so that I could help his father.

Lin Xia sighed and slowly said: "I don't know what happened specifically. I just know that my dad mysteriously said that he bought a good thing a week ago, and he has been like this since then. …”

When he said this, I felt more or less confident that the good thing Lin Qiusheng mentioned was probably a negative thing. It seems that Lin Qiusheng also knows that this thing is unclean, and he probably wants to use it to achieve some purpose!

Lin Xia saw that I didn't speak for a long time, and nervously asked me if something would happen to his father. I nodded and said something would definitely happen if things continued like this. If nothing else, let’s just say that your dad’s body couldn’t stand the fact that he was eating and drinking so much every day.

Lin Xia's eyes turned red when he heard this and asked me if there was any way I could help his father.

I patted his shoulder and told him to take it easy. He would definitely help, but I needed to know the details of what this thing was before I could deal with it.

Lin Xia excitedly begged me to help his father, then put the tea cup on the table and ran out, leaving me looking at his back in confusion.

Li Mazi came down from upstairs and sat down across from me. He said in a mean tone that this guy was definitely rushing to meet his lover and could run faster than a rabbit. I rolled my eyes at him: "Don't think that everyone is like you. I think Lin Xia is quite a good person."

Li Mazi smiled and asked me what I planned to do? I looked at him pretending to be surprised and said, "Don't you want to give up your pick?"

Li Mazi coughed a few times and said, "How can I? I just roar when I see injustice on the road..."

Lin Xia's performance at night made me a little uneasy. I always felt that something was going to happen. So after chatting with Li Mazi, I went upstairs to prepare a few magical weapons that might be used, and then went to bed.

I originally wanted to have a good sleep, but I was woken up by Li Mazi's snoring sound early in the morning. I thought something serious had happened, so I put on my clothes and hurried downstairs, only to find Ruxue chasing Li Mazi all over the house.

I leaned against the stair rail and watched for a while and realized what was going on. When Ruxue came back from her parents' home last night and didn't see Li Mazi, she knew he must be with me. I ran to look for him early this morning, only to find that Li Mazi was Drooling over the bikini beauties in magazines.

Li Mazi gave me a look asking for help. I spread my hands and asked him to ask for help, and then went out to have breakfast. I rarely eat breakfast outside, but looking at Ruxue, I couldn't get rid of my anger for a while, so I simply went out to hide for a while.

I walked slowly out of the antique street and found a breakfast stall to sit down. I was halfway through my meal when I saw someone hurriedly walking past outside. It looked like Lin Xia. I wondered why he was here so early, and worried that something might happen to him, I put the breakfast money on the table and followed him out.

But when I looked in the direction he was walking, I found that he was gone. This road went straight forward, and there was a fork two hundred meters in the direction he was walking. There was no reason for him to disappear in such a short period of time.

Which store did you enter?

I thought to myself and looked for him along the road, but I didn't see him until I reached the fork in the road. I felt something was wrong and immediately called Lin Xia. The phone rang twice and the call was connected. Lin Xia eagerly asked me if I had thought of a solution.

I gave a random excuse and hung up the phone, thinking that I might have been blinded just now. After this episode, I didn't feel like eating out, so I bought some fried dumplings and went back to the antique shop.

Li Mazi and Ruxue were already sitting on the sofa making love to each other. I handed the packed fried dumplings to Li Mazi and looked up Lin Qiusheng's information on my phone, hoping to find out why Lin Qiusheng relied on vaginal objects.

After staring at my phone for two hours, I finally saw a clue among a bunch of true and false reports!

Three months ago, there was a blog post about Lin Qiusheng on Weibo that became very popular. The blog post was full of pictures and texts. The general content was that a food program invited Lin Qiusheng to be a guest. In order to liven up the atmosphere, the program team prepared a show. Braised pork ribs filled with three tablespoons of sugar teased Lin Qiusheng.

Unexpectedly, he ate two pieces without changing his expression and gave it a high rating. People thought that Lin Qiusheng had a taste problem.

However, this news report did not have a big impact on Lin Qiusheng's career, because Lin Qiusheng's company promptly issued a statement saying that it was just a show effect, and also said that someone might be maliciously attacking Lin Qiusheng.

However, Lin Qiusheng's performance in several consecutive programs was not quite right. The news about him losing his sense of taste was instantly laid. Those food programs he usually collaborated with were willing to pay liquidated damages rather than break the contract. Lin Qiusheng's career suddenly Hit rock bottom...

It wasn't until a week ago that he signed a new show from a small company, and after one episode, he barely regained some popularity.

Lin Xia said that Lin Qiusheng also got the vaginal object a week ago, and the time is very consistent. It seems that this report is probably true! I now know why Lin Qiusheng was unwilling to tell me the truth. A gourmet without a sense of taste is like a musician without hearing. Not many people can withstand such a blow.

Then I was going to call Lin Qiusheng, thinking it was time to talk to him.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang before I made the call, and it was Lin Qiusheng calling.

When they heard that Cao Cao had arrived, I answered the phone and was about to speak when Lin Qiusheng's panicked voice came over: "Master, my son is missing!"

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