Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 577: Finger Bone Feminine Object

As soon as I heard that Lin Xia was missing, I immediately remembered the figure I saw in the morning. I had an ominous premonition in my heart and quickly asked when Lin Xia disappeared?

Lin Qiusheng hesitated, saying that he couldn't explain clearly on the phone, and asked me if I had time to go to his house now.

Of course I had time. In order not to let him know that I had followed Xiao Zhao, I asked for the address specifically. After hanging up the phone, I took the prepared backpack of magic weapons on the road.

When Li Mazi saw this, he also wanted to follow me. I said that I was just going to find out the situation first and asked him to accompany Ruxue here and take a look at the store.

When I arrived, Xiao Zhao was standing at the entrance of the community waiting for me. When she saw me, she came up to me very excitedly, and then we entered the elevator and went straight to the fourteenth floor.

It was only one night later, and I noticed that Lin Qiusheng's complexion was even worse. He looked like a terminal cancer patient.

After seeing me, he immediately got upset and said that he shouldn't have hidden the truth from me.

I smiled lightly and asked him if it was because of his loss of taste?

He glanced at me in surprise and said, "How do you know that?" Before I could answer, he laughed at himself and said, "It's not surprising if you know. There's so much commotion on the Internet. Just search on Baidu and you'll find thousands of messages..."

I didn't continue chatting with him about this topic, but directly asked him about Lin Xia's disappearance.

Lin Qiusheng sighed and said, "It must be because of that thing that my son disappeared!"

Later, Lin Qiusheng told me that some time ago he bought a dried little finger bone. After getting the bone, he found that not only did he regain his sense of taste, but his ability to taste food was also improved. The only shortcoming was that he could not control himself. , always wanted to eat.

For the sake of his own career, he didn't tell me about it. Who knew that Lin Xia had disappeared with her phalanges? He was worried that Lin Xia would keep eating due to the influence of the phalanges, so he wanted me to find Lin Xia quickly.

Thinking that I had called Lin Xia in the morning, I asked Lin Qiusheng if he had called Lin Xia?

Lin Qiusheng was a little embarrassed, and finally told me that Lin Xia had contacted him and asked him to cooperate with me to solve the matter, otherwise he would run away from home and not recognize him as his father.

After hearing this, I suddenly felt happy. No wonder Lin Qiusheng suddenly figured it out. It turned out that he was forced by his own son.

I immediately called Lin Xia and said that his father had told me everything and asked him to go home quickly.

"Master, save me, I'm in the community park..." Lin Xia said with burps on the other end of the phone.

I immediately jumped up and rushed out, Lin Qiusheng and Xiao Zhao hurriedly followed behind. When I got downstairs, I was a little embarrassed to find that I didn't know where the community park was, so I had to ask Lin Qiusheng.

After hearing this, he immediately led me the way, and a few minutes later we found Lin Xia, whose stomach was almost full, on a bench in the community park.

The bench was covered with chocolate, potato chips, cola, instant noodles and other snacks, and there were piles of empty packaging bags under the bench. It was hard to imagine how he got all these things into his stomach.

After seeing us, he whimpered for help while continuing to stuff potato chips into his mouth.

I rushed up and slapped him on the head, causing him to faint. The forehead is a person's celestial palace and represents a person's luck. Slapping the forehead with a backhand can evoke a person's luck and temporarily suppress evil spirits! However, this method cannot be commonly used, because slapping the forehead with a backhand will instantly lift the luck on the forehead, and a person's luck is limited, so doing this frequently will make luck worse and worse.

Lin Qiusheng picked up Lin Xia and ran to the hospital. When he saw his son's round belly, his eyes turned red!

I didn't expect that Lin Xia would use this method to force Lin Qiusheng to submit. I admired him more or less, but looking at his belly that was bigger than a balloon, I felt uncomfortable. If I looked carefully this morning Give him a try and maybe nothing will happen to him.

After entering the hospital and struggling with inducing vomiting and gastric lavage for a long time, Lin Xia finally woke up. His face turned pale and pale after all this effort.

Even so, he didn't forget to beg me to save his father while he was lying in bed.

At this time, I remembered that the phalanx that Lin Qiusheng said should still be on Lin Xia's body, so I asked Lin Xia to take out the phalanx and show it to me. When he touched his pocket, he found that the phalanx was missing!

I asked Lin Xia a little angrily, why didn't you give it to me immediately after you got the phalange yesterday? There's so much going on now.

Lin Xia's face turned red when I said that, and he quickly explained that he actually wanted to give it to me, but for some reason he rushed into the supermarket uncontrollably, bought a bunch of food, and sat in the park eating it all day and night... …

It seems that Lin Xia cannot be blamed. He was completely controlled by the phalanx. Seeing Lin Xia's self-blame look, I comforted him and told him to have a good rest, and then left the ward.

As soon as I left the ward, I felt something was wrong. It was actually warmer outside the ward than inside!

I entered the ward again, and sure enough I found the ward to be eerie. I didn't think anything was wrong just now. After all, the hospital's yin energy was heavier than other places. Now it seemed that the thing should still be in the ward.

When Lin Xia saw that I was back, she asked me what was wrong? I signaled him not to speak, took out my compass and started searching in the ward. The compass needle shook violently for a few seconds and then stopped. I looked up and saw that the needle was pointing to Lin Xia's hospital bed.

I told Lin Xia with my mouth to get out of bed. As soon as he left, I took out my Sirius whip and pointed it at the bed. There was a scream from the bed, and then a large piece of the quilt protruded, and with a 'tearing' sound, a phalanx flew out of the bed, trying to escape from the ward.

I ran after it and saw that it ran very fast in dark places. Now that it's daytime, I can't invite the ghosts nearby, so I can only rely on my feet to chase after them.

After chasing for a distance, it suddenly turned a corner. As soon as I followed it, I saw it flying downstairs. At this time, I discovered a problem: although it flew very fast, it never got rid of me, as if it was deliberately waiting for me.

I was startled when I thought of this, thinking that this thing wouldn't have a trap waiting for me to get out of it, right?

But at this point, I can’t tolerate it anymore. I finally forced it to show up, but I can’t let it run away like this.

As soon as this thought came to an end, I found that the yin energy around me suddenly became much heavier. I quickly stopped and realized that I had chased myself into the hospital morgue without even realizing it!

The morgue doesn't get any sunlight all year round, and it houses a lot of people who died violently. It's the most sinister place in the entire hospital. Ordinary people must bring some yang-laden items with them when they come to the morgue. When they return, they must dust themselves off at the door and take a shower with hot water. Otherwise, they will easily attract dirty things.

I faced off against the phalanges hovering in mid-air, ready to attack at any moment! Unexpectedly, the phalanges swayed from side to side, and suddenly accelerated and flew over my head. Just as I was about to turn around and catch up, the lights in the morgue suddenly dimmed.

Without the light, the gloomy air in the morgue seemed to be even heavier. It penetrated into the pores of my clothes and I couldn't help but shudder. Holding the Sirius Whip, I stepped back cautiously, and then I saw a pair of green eyes staring at me in the darkness.

Damn, it’s a big deal this time!

My heart thumped, I put away the Sirius Whip and then took the umbrella in my hand.

One ghost after another slowly approached me in the dark, apparently trying to surround me. I stabbed the approaching ghosts diagonally with my umbrella. As soon as the umbrella came into contact, they howled and turned into ashes.

The ghosts here are not difficult to deal with, but there are too many of them. Sooner or later, if this continues, my energy will be exhausted and I will be besieged by the ghosts, so I must fight quickly!

I took a deep breath, and suddenly sped up my umbrella and turned it. In an instant, the circle of ghosts closest to me was reduced to ashes. I took advantage of this short gap to quickly take out the sunshade charm from my backpack and put it on my body. These ghosts look for people's Yang Qi to attack. Once I cover up the Yang Qi on my body, they can no longer feel me.

As soon as they lost their target, they immediately stopped attacking and started looking around the morgue with dull eyes.

I breathed a sigh of relief, carefully avoiding the ghosts that kept passing by, and walked towards the door of the morgue. Although I accidentally bumped into a few little ghosts in the middle, with the help of my parasol, I finally made it out without any danger. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and finally felt relieved.

After such a delay, the phalanges disappeared long ago. I collected the umbrella and returned to Lin Xia's ward. When Lin Xia saw me coming back, she asked me how I was doing in anticipation. I shook my head and said that this phalanx was not simple, I almost hit it.

At this time, Lin Qiusheng walked in from the outside. He was obviously relieved when he saw me. I was a little strange. Lin Xia said that his father was afraid that something would happen to me, so he went out to look for me.

I rested on the chair for a while, and then asked Lin Qiusheng where did he get such an evil thing?

Without the introduction of insiders, it is not easy for ordinary people to obtain femininity.

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