Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 578: Spirit Chasing Formation

Lin Qiusheng seemed a little apprehensive. Seeing him like that, I knew the origin of this phalanx was not simple!

He was silent for a while, then made up his mind and said, "I bought that finger bone from an underground auction..."

There are all kinds of things traded in underground auctions, but most of them are shady. Some are the proceeds of theft, some are the proceeds of robbery, and some are the proceeds of tomb robbing. There are even national treasures that are not allowed to be sold by law.

It is not unusual for Lin Qiusheng to photograph a small piece of human finger bone from this place. The question is how does he know that this finger bone is useful to him?

Lin Qiusheng smiled bitterly and explained that since his sense of taste failed, he found many old Chinese doctors to prescribe folk prescriptions to no avail. Later, someone anonymously sent him a message saying that this finger bone could help him. At that time, he was also anxious. I felt dizzy, so I quickly went to an underground auction and bought such a small piece of bone.

Thinking about it now, the person who sent the message appeared too timely!

I sneered and said that someone must have harmed you. Although vaginal objects can help you get what you want temporarily, there will most likely be backlash in the end.

Lin Qiusheng looked ashamed at what I said and asked me if there was any way to conquer that phalanx now?

I shook my head and said: "Now I can only try my luck at that underground auction to see who put this finger bone there for auction? Since this person wants to harm you, he must have a lot to do with the finger bone." .”

Lin Qiusheng said with some embarrassment: "Generally, underground auctions will not disclose customer information. I'm afraid this road will not work."

I shrugged and said, "There is only one way out now. If I don't go for a walk, will I sit at home and wait to die?"

Lin Qiusheng was speechless by me, and finally nodded helplessly. It's just that this kind of underground auction doesn't open during the day, so no matter how urgent it is, you can only wait until night.

It was still a long time before dark, so I went out to prepare some things and caught up on my sleep when I came back.

In the evening, Lin Qiusheng left Xiao Zhao in the hospital to take care of Lin Xia, and then personally drove me to the underground auction.

When I arrived, I discovered that the auction was quite close to the Antique Street!

Since Lin Qiusheng had been here before, we went in easily. After taking our seat with the seat number given by the doorman, we found that the auction had already started.

There were a lot of antiques at the auction, but I could tell with just a quick glance that there were only two genuine items, so I was just trying to fool these half-hearted collectors.

I leaned back in the chair to rest out of boredom, but I always felt like someone was quietly staring at me from behind. When I turned around, I couldn't see anyone.

I turned back silently and continued to rest, deliberately ignoring the glances from behind me from time to time. This man probably thought I was asleep, and his gaze became more and more unscrupulous. When I saw it, I suddenly turned around and saw a middle-aged man looking at me with hatred. When I noticed him, he quickly looked away, and then He left the venue in a hurry.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't remember that I had anything to do with him, so I simply ignored it. When the auction was coming to an end, Lin Qiusheng randomly took a photo of something. As soon as the auction ended, we went backstage to pay.

After Lin Qiusheng paid the money, he pretended to be unintentional and asked the staff if there were any finger bones like the one he took last time? As soon as the customer asked for something, the staff immediately checked the computer and told him that it was no longer available.

Lin Qiusheng had a rather regretful expression on his face, saying that he had accidentally broken the finger bone last time, and he came here to try his luck today, but he didn't expect that it was gone...

The staff also expressed regret. Lin Qiusheng then asked the staff if he could give him the contact information of the previous owner of the finger bone? Maybe the other party still has some stock in hand. As he spoke, he handed a few pictures of Mao Zedong to the staff without leaving any trace.

When the staff heard Lin Qiusheng asked for the customer's contact information, he was about to kick them out, but as soon as he stuffed a few red tickets, he suddenly said with a smile that he would be fired if he leaked the secret.

Lin Qiusheng smiled and said he understood, and then quietly handed over a stack of Grandpa Mao.

The staff member laughed even more happily and secretly wrote down a list of addresses and names and stuffed them into Lin Qiusheng's pocket.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Lin Qiusheng took me out of the underground auction. I was stunned by this series of exchanges. Lin Qiusheng handed me the address in his hand and said that this is the person he is looking for!

I couldn't help but give him a thumbs up and said that you are really efficient in doing things. Lin Qiusheng smiled and said that money can make all the difference.

After getting the contact information, Lin Qiusheng asked me anxiously if I could deceive this person?

I shook my head and said, "Since this person wants to harm you, he might have been secretly watching me! He has probably seen me. In order not to alert the snake, I must find someone he has never seen before to lure him out. "

Lin Qiusheng spread his hands and said, "Master Zhang, I can only rely on you for this kind of thing. The people around me must have big goals."

After hearing this, I shook my head helplessly, alas! I'm afraid Li Mazi can't survive either, who else?

Yes, Ruxue!

Thinking of this, I immediately returned to the antique store. Li Mazi was watching TV with Ruxue at the moment. When he saw me coming back, he pointed at the food on the table and said that it was hot and I could eat it. I said there was no rush to eat, but I needed Ruxue’s help with something.

When Li Mazi heard that I wanted to ask Ruxue for help, he said that he couldn't make the decision in this matter. I ignored him and told Ruxue about the specific situation. Ruxue agreed when she saw that she only needed to make a phone call.

It’s just that after thinking about it for a long time, I still don’t know what excuse to use to fool this person out? Ruxue pouted and said it was easy, and then dialed the phone.

"Hey, is it Brother Wang?"

As soon as the call was connected, Ruxue started to act coquettishly. Li Mazi was so angry that he opened his mouth to curse, but I quickly covered his mouth with quick eyesight and hands.

With just a few words, Ruxue made the other person believe that she had been secretly in love with her for a long time and hoped to meet her. I couldn't help but open my mouth. Ruxue chatted with the man named Wang for a long time, and he finally agreed to meet her in a cafe tomorrow night.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Li Mazi pulled Ruxue aside to teach him a lesson, but after a few minutes, the roles were reversed. Ruxue held Li Mazi's ear and began to talk about his petty ways.

After seeing that everything was done, I drove to the hospital again. Lin Qiusheng was so moved that he was speechless when he saw that I had come to guard him at night. I showed Ruxue's photo to him and told him that we had made an appointment to meet him at a cafe next to the hospital tomorrow. I asked him to arrive an hour early so that he could secretly see who Ruxue was meeting!

After discussing the meeting tomorrow, I briefly arranged it in the ward. First, I posted a picture of Taotie on the bedside. This picture was drawn by myself. Although it is not as good as the one of the man in the T-shirt, it can be somewhat effective.

Then I used a cinnabar pen to draw a spirit chasing formation beside the door and window. As long as the finger bone enters or exits from these two places, the spirit chasing array will be activated immediately. Even if it escapes, I will still have a way to find it.

After getting ready, I looked at Lin Qiusheng, and when I saw that his face looked bad, I asked him to rest first. He was a little embarrassed. I smiled and said that I often stared at him all night long and I was used to it. Then he pulled up a chair and leaned against the bed to rest. After a while, he could hear regular snoring.

I put a sunshade charm on my body and got under the bed, listening to the noise outside with my ears raised. After waiting for a long time, there was finally movement at the door. The door was gently pushed open, and I saw a transparent shadow floating in through the gap under the bed!

Then I gently moved my head outside to see what it was going to do? I saw it hesitated between Lin Qiusheng and Lin Xia for a long time, and then suddenly rushed towards Lin Xia.

I quickly got up from the bottom of the bed, and by this time it had already attached itself to Lin Xia's body.

Lin Xia sat up suddenly, her eyes were extremely dull, and then she lifted the quilt, twisted her neck as if she was not used to it, and then walked out of the ward.

When I saw Lin Xia go out, I woke up Lin Qiusheng.

When Lin Qiusheng saw that Lin Xia was gone, he gasped in anxiety. I told Lin Xia that I would chase him, and he would stay and watch the formation I set up. Lin Qiusheng nodded and asked me what should I do? I handed the cinnabar pen to him, and then explained: "Once you find that the formation has darkened, you can use the cinnabar pen to touch up the marks I made. Remember to be calm when you touch up."

After saying that, I ran out quickly. The spirit chasing array showed that Lin Xia got into a car and was far away from the hospital. I immediately recited the magic spell and asked the little ghosts around me to lift me up and fly up.

Lin Xia's car swerved out of the city and ran all the way to the suburbs. I followed it for a long time and finally stopped in front of a suburban villa.

However, this place is more like an unfinished project than a villa. Halfway through the construction of dozens of villas, the investors withdrew their capital without warning. This incident was quite sensational at the time.

This person must have bad intentions in bringing Lin Xia here by manipulating the evil things! I secretly became more cautious and saw Lin Xia looking around first before entering the villa.

I quickly and quietly got into the grass. The darkness in this place made it easier for me to hide.

Not long after, the lights came on on the first floor of the villa, clearly illuminating Lin Xia's back. At this moment, a person appeared in front of Lin Xia. I was shocked when I saw the other person's appearance. He was the middle-aged man who stared at me at the auction.

But I saw the middle-aged man saying in a strange way: "No one is following me. I'm doing a good job. I'll make you some bastard soup later!"

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