Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 579: Blood from the sword

After saying that, the middle-aged man raised a butcher's knife and was about to chop it at Lin Xia's head.

In my desperation, I couldn't care so much. I rushed into the villa and threw away the Sirius whip. I knocked away the butcher's knife with one whip, and then I pulled Lin Xia and ran out.

Halfway through the run, I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my left hand. When I turned around, I found Lin Xia looking at me blankly, biting my arm greedily with her teeth.

What a fuck!

I couldn't help but curse. This guy must have discovered me before. He chopped Lin Xia with a knife just to force me out, and then controlled Lin Xia to attack me.

I gritted my teeth and whipped Lin Xia with all my strength. I saw a transparent shadow flying out of Lin Xia's body with a howl and stopping next to the middle-aged man who was chasing him.

Only then did I see clearly that this transparent shadow was a fat-headed and big-eared ghost.

Lin Xia asked me in a daze, why am I here? I didn't have time to explain too much to him, so I calmly told him that there was a car outside, and asked him to drive the car to my antique shop quickly, and asked Li Mazi to bring someone to help me. After that, I stuffed him with a few magic talismans.

Lin Xia is a smart person after all. He was slightly stunned after hearing what I said, then without asking anything, he grabbed the charm and ran out.

The middle-aged man pointed his hand, and the Yin spirit floated towards Lin Xia. I blocked its way with a fierce wave of the Sirius whip. When the man saw that Lin Xia had driven away, he simply controlled the Yin spirit to deal with me.

After a few whips, the Sirius Whip lost its power. I wrapped the Sirius Whip back around my waist, took out a few talismans and applied them to my injured arm, and then applied them to Yin Ling.

Although the blood on the wrist is not essence blood, it still has a certain amount of yang energy!

When the middle-aged man saw me using this move, he immediately controlled the Yin spirit to retreat. However, the Yin spirit under his control was obviously not flexible enough. I used the magic talisman to stick it on my forehead before I could dodge it.

Yin Ling suddenly let out a scream, and his figure suddenly became much smaller. The middle-aged man quickly took Yin Ling back into his finger bones.

I breathed a sigh of relief, now the only one I had to deal with was this middle-aged man! I took out a sharp dagger from my backpack, stared at the middle-aged man closely, and asked him why he wanted to harm Lin Qiusheng?

The middle-aged man laughed sinisterly and said that this was a private matter between him and Lin Qiusheng, and asked me not to meddle in other people's business.

I sighed, raised my still bleeding arm and said, "You let the Yin spirit bite me and then told me to mind my own business?"

The middle-aged man's face darkened when I asked him, he picked up the butcher's knife on the ground and stabbed me.

I quickly twisted my body to the side, avoided his knife and went around behind him. I stabbed the dagger directly into his chest, and then slashed down hard!

I often deal with femininity, and I have seen a lot of corpses. I know the structure of the human body very well. I can strike quickly and accurately. The man let out a low growl and stabbed me with the butcher's knife without losing power.

Because I was a little tired from the battle just now, I slowed down my movements for half a beat. The butcher knife grazed my shoulder and stabbed me, causing blood to pour out.

In order to prevent the middle-aged man from attacking me further, I rolled to the side.

As soon as I turned around, I saw a middle-aged man walking toward me with a knife in his hands. I gritted my teeth and braced myself, holding up the dagger and glaring at him fiercely.

Just as the middle-aged man was getting closer and closer to me, and I clenched my dagger and prepared to fight him to the death, a car horn suddenly sounded outside the grass!

When the middle-aged man knew that my reinforcements were coming, his expression changed drastically, he hurriedly got into the grass, and then disappeared into the night.

The whole movement was done in one go, obviously with the help of the power of the Yin spirit.

After Li Mazi and Lin Xia got out of the car, they all panicked when they saw how injured I was. Li Mazi simply treated my wound and sent me directly to the hospital. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor re-disinfected me with alcohol. The injury on my shoulder looked scary, but in fact it was just a layer of skin peeled off. Instead, my arm was bitten by a Yin spirit and the muscles and veins were injured. It will take a long time to heal. get well.

Li Mazi advised me to cultivate myself well and find Senior Rat or the man in the T-shirt to take over this matter. I don't think it's necessary, but it's just that the arm was slightly injured and it doesn't mean that the whole person can't move.

And after all this hard work today, it was not without gain. Now it seems that Yin Ling's strength is average. As long as the person controlling it is solved, things will be easy to handle!

The only thing I'm worried about is that I gave the man a dagger in the villa, and I don't know if he will come to see Ruxue tomorrow.

Li Mazi said in confusion: "Brother Zhang, have your brain been damaged? Haven't you already seen that person? Just describe that person's facial features to Liu Qiusheng."

After listening to this, I couldn’t find a reason to refute...

Early the next morning, I told Lin Qiusheng about the appearance of middle-aged people. Lin Qiusheng's face turned ugly after hearing what I said. After a long time, he took a breath and cursed angrily: "I didn't expect it. It's him!"

"what happened?"

As soon as I heard that Lin Qiusheng knew this person, I immediately became energetic.

Lin Qiusheng said that the middle-aged man was called Wang Jie and he was his roommate when he was in college. The relationship between the two has always been so-so, and they lost contact after graduation. It was not until they met by chance at a class reunion two years ago that they reconnected.

Li Mazi curled his lips after hearing this: "Then why did he want to harm you?"

Lin Qiusheng's face stiffened, and he sighed and said: "Wang Jie is a food show producer like me, but he has no talent and hasn't been doing well. Seeing that I'm doing well, he begged me to help him if I could. Help him, who knew this gang might even help him to get revenge..."

It turned out that Lin Qiusheng once introduced Wang Jie to his company as his assistant. Lin Qiusheng then tried his best to teach him and imparted his culinary experience to him. After studying for a year, Wang Jie also wanted to host his own show, but he really had no talent and messed up every time he hosted.

Later, he didn't know whose instigation he listened to, but Wang Jie actually thought that Lin Qiusheng was afraid of being robbed of his position as the number one food expert, so he colluded with the TV station to screw up his own program. His dissatisfaction instantly exploded, and he resigned in anger.

The two stopped contacting each other after that. Unexpectedly, Wang Jie was so ungrateful and wanted to harm Lin Qiusheng's family.

After hearing this, I felt a little unbelievable. Wang Jie actually wanted the life of his benefactor for such a trivial matter?

Li Mazi agreed very much, saying that there are all kinds of people in this world, and it is normal to have such scum.

"Is it possible that your sense of taste has disappeared inexplicably, and you can't see a doctor?" I thought about it and suddenly asked.

Lin Qiusheng understood what I meant instantly: "Is this also done by Wang Jie?"

I nodded. Although I was not sure, experience told me that this matter was most likely to be related to Wang Jie.

Lin Qiusheng's face turned red and he angrily scolded Wang Jie for having no conscience. I shook my head helplessly. Since I already knew who the murderer was, there was no need for Ruxue to go.

"No, I still want to go!" Lin Qiusheng said extremely seriously.

Then he told me that Wang Jie was not only greedy for money but also very lustful. As long as he was not seriously injured, he would definitely go to the appointment.

Anyway, things will be resolved sooner or later, so I thought about it and agreed!

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