Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 580 Young Master Song and Bastard Tang

The next day, Lin Qiusheng and I found a relatively secluded place to stay in the cafe an hour early.

An hour later, I saw a pretty girl dressed like snow walking in. I chose a place that was just within our line of sight but out of sight of us.

Sure enough, as Lin Qiusheng said, Wang Jie came a few minutes after she sat down. Wang Jie's waist was obviously swollen, and it looked like he was wearing a bandage. As soon as he saw Ruxue, his eyes immediately straightened, and he kept getting close to Ruxue!

Ruxue came here in the name of liking him. She was particularly gentle and charming towards him, and soon Wang Jie was fascinated.

I felt it was almost done, so I used my phone to vibrate Ruxue. Ruxue immediately asked Wang Jie in a sweet voice if she wanted to come to her house. Seeing Ruxue taking such initiative, Wang Jie couldn't refuse. He put his arm around Ruxue's waist and got into the car outside.

Lin Qiusheng and I immediately went out from the back door and got into the van that had been prepared long ago.

Xiao Zhao drove the car out with just one click of the accelerator!

When we arrived at the house we rented temporarily, I knocked on the door and when there was no response, I took the key and opened the door, and then we each found a place to hide.

As soon as I hid, there was the sound of unlocking the door, and then I heard Wang Jie laughing obscenely. After making sure the door was completely closed, Ruxue said she would take a shower first and was out of Wang Jie's control.

Lin Qiusheng and I rushed out with a knife each and surrounded Wang Jie. Because he came to meet a beautiful woman, Wang Jie didn't bring anything with him. He was shocked when he saw our posture, and he took out his finger bones and released the Yin spirit.

Before commanding the Yin Ling, I heard him say that he would make soup for the Yin Ling.

After doing all this, he did not control the ghosts like last night. Instead, he picked up the stick at hand and confronted us!

I winked at Lin Qiusheng, and Lin Qiusheng immediately picked up the knife and slashed at Wang Jie. It's just that although Lin Qiusheng was holding a knife, he obviously didn't fight. He just slashed randomly without causing any harm to Wang Jie. On the contrary, Wang Jie always gave Lin Qiusheng a stick from time to time.

I looked anxiously from the side, but I didn’t have time to care, because the Yin spirit was already floating towards me!

The Yin Spirit's attacks were getting faster and faster. I just blocked it from the front, and its next move was already coming from behind.

If I hadn't been injured, I could barely cope with its speed. Unfortunately, I can't move my left arm at all, and my movements are restricted.

The Yin spirit seemed to also see that there was something wrong with my left hand, and consciously attacked my left hand. It was very difficult for me to deal with it. Lin Qiusheng could barely hold on for a while relying on his knife, but I was slowly losing ground.

Seeing that I was about to be beaten by the Yin spirit, I immediately snapped my fingers. As soon as the voice fell, Ruxue walked out of the room and placed two plates of delicious, delicious dishes on the table.

This is what Li Mazi asked Ruxue to prepare. He said that the evil creature will be unable to move when it sees food. At critical moments, you can use food to hold it back!

Li Mazi's method worked as expected. As soon as Yin Ling saw the food, he immediately pounced on it and didn't bother to attack me. Although it was a spirit and could not eat, it still lay on the table and sniffed the food. No matter how much Wang Jie roared, it was of no use.

Wang Jie roared for a long time and saw that the Yin spirit was still out of his control. He was so anxious that he would never make bastard soup again.

When he shouted like this, Yin Ling really stopped coveting the food in front of him. It seems that this bastard soup must have a lot to do with Yin Ling during his lifetime. This makes me curious about who Yin Ling was during his lifetime.

Seeing that Yin Ling became fierce again, I had to cheer up, but the injury to my left hand had a great impact on me, so I tried my best to fight against Yin Ling.

When Lin Qiusheng saw the situation on my side, he suddenly slashed at Wang Jie desperately. Wang Jie panicked and subconsciously used the stick in his hand to block Lin Qiusheng's attack. As a result, the stick broke with a sound, and the machete was as powerful as a bamboo. Chao Wang Jie continued to chop down.

Wang Jie suddenly sat on the ground and was about to be hit. He was forced to recall the Yin spirit and let the Yin spirit control his body and jump out of the window to escape.

I had been guarding against his move, and when he just called Yin Ling back, I took out a handful of salt and sprinkled it. Unexpectedly, although Yin Ling screamed, his speed did not slow down at all!

When I ran to the window I could no longer see Wang Jie. When I thought about him escaping this time and not knowing when I would catch him next time, I couldn't help but curse: "Damn, what a shrinking head." turtle……"

I suddenly thought of something when I was scolding. I immediately searched for Bastard Soup on my mobile phone, and the webpage quickly popped up. It said that in the State of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was a man named Gongzi Song who was a relative of King Zheng, so he was very popular with King Zheng. of care.

One day, Young Master Song followed the guards into the palace. His index finger trembled all the way. The guards asked curiously what was going on? Young Master Song then replied: His index finger is very efficacious. If he moves it, it means that he is about to eat delicious food.

As everyone entered the palace, they found that King Zheng had stewed tortoise soup to entertain the ministers.

During the banquet, the guards reported to King Zheng an anecdote about how Master Song moved his index finger. King Zheng made a joke and did not give it to Master Song when distributing the soup. He also satirized him and said, "Why is your index finger not working this time?" ?

Young Master Song was so angry that he dipped some soup from King Zheng's bowl with his finger, sucked it and said: How can my index finger not be inspired? Doesn’t it taste delicious now?

After saying this, he walked away. In order to prevent King Zheng from getting angry and killing him, the next day, Prince Song entered the palace with his servants and took the initiative to kill King Zheng, and supported Prince Jian to ascend to the throne.

But it was a pity that the young master Song was unpopular, and he was soon executed by the ministers for treason, and his body was thrown into the wilderness to be fed to dogs.

After reading this information, the three of us looked at each other. This young master Song was really awesome. He killed the king for a bowl of soup. This King Zheng died too cowardly...

It seems that the amputated phalange is probably the index finger of Young Master Song. It was originally a foodie and someone deliberately manipulated it, so it affected Lin Qiusheng and made him stuff food into his mouth as soon as he saw it!

This discovery made me dumbfounded, but the most important thing right now is to find Wang Jie's hiding place. Young Master Song will not be able to live in peace for a day unless he solves Lin Qiusheng.

Lin Qiusheng said with a smile: "Don't worry, according to Wang Jie's character, he can do anything when he gets angry! So as long as he thinks that my sense of taste has recovered, he will definitely jump out. I will spend some money tomorrow Just film a food tasting show..."

I nodded, that was all I could do for now.

The program was broadcast for three days, but there was no movement from Wang Jie. We all thought that Lin Qiusheng's trick was useless, but he swore that Wang Jie would never survive a week!

On the fourth night, I still stayed at Lin Qiusheng's house. Seeing the time passing by, I shook my head. It seemed that today was in vain again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished sighing, a bell suddenly rang in the room. My spirit was shaken, and my hand holding the Sirius Whip tightened: Something broke in!

I threaded a dozen copper bells with very thin red thread and hung them in every corner of Lin Qiusheng's house. Then I closed the doors and windows of his house tightly to try not to let the wind in. The ringing of the bells now only means that something is coming.

I stared closely at the direction of the bell, and soon there was a dark wind blowing towards me. I leaned back and rolled around to escape the cold wind, but a chill came from my back. I subconsciously threw the Sirius Whip back, and with the force of this force, I slid forward for a while before barely escaping. attack.

When I turned around, I saw Young Master Song's Yin spirit rushing towards me again with red eyes.

I was shocked. In just a few days, Young Master Song's Yin Qi had strengthened so much. Even the soul that was only half beaten by me has now recovered.

It seems that the reason why Wang Jie held back until today is because he went to think of ways to enhance Young Master Song's Yin Qi!

After guarding for several days, my energy was a bit low, and I underestimated Young Master Song, so for a while I was overwhelmed and beaten by it. Gradually I got angry, put away the Sirius Whip, then took out an old leather belt and whipped it at Young Master Song.

After people died in ancient times, leather belts were not allowed to be used for all burial items. This was because ghosts were afraid of leather belts. Sure enough, Young Master Song had attacked very fiercely just now, but after encountering the leather belt, his movements slowed down significantly.

As soon as it slowed down, I immediately rushed forward, waving the leather belt quickly, wrapping up Young Master Song in layers. The more Young Master Song struggled, the tighter the leather strap became. Seeing that the time had come, I picked up the bastard soup that had been prepared on the table and poured it into Young Master Song's mouth.

Young Master Song struggled hard at first, but as soon as he smelled the smell of tortoise soup, he calmed down. Before he could react, I quickly drank the entire bowl of soup.

I added the blood of two roosters to this bowl of tortoise soup, and it has been stewing for several days. You can imagine its power!

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