Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 581: Jade Spirit

Sure enough, as soon as the tortoise soup was poured down, Young Master Song began to howl in pain, and then it melted away bit by bit as if it had been corroded. At this moment, Wang Jie suddenly broke in. Seeing the miserable appearance of Young Master Song, he knew the situation was not good and wanted to run away!

Before I could react, I saw Young Master Song rushing forward and crashing into his body.

Wang Jie froze and turned around mechanically. It looked like he was obviously being controlled by Young Master Song.

After Master Song took control of Wang Jie, he charged toward me ferociously, so fast that I was speechless. In panic, I sprinkled a handful of refined salt on him, but to my surprise it had no effect at all.

I originally wanted to take out the umbrella and hold it for a while, but I didn't expect that it was so fast that I didn't even have a chance to pick up the umbrella.

In the blink of an eye, Master Song scratched blood marks all over my body. I hid while looking around to see if there was anything I could use. If this continued, I was going to be caught by him...

At this time, I suddenly saw a lighter on Lin Qiusheng's desk. I saw the right moment and rushed over to get the lighter in my hand. Then he threw the lighter to the ground with all his strength. With a loud bang, the sparks that popped out when the lighter shattered directly burned the desk calendar.

The ghost is afraid of the sound of explosions, so I originally wanted to scare it by making a loud noise, so I had a chance to take out the parasol, but unexpectedly, it accidentally caught fire!

Young Master Song's movement stagnated, and I quickly took out my yin-yang umbrella and covered it.

It realized something was wrong, turned around and wanted to run away, but Wang Jie was a human after all. After the fierce attack in front, Wang Jie's body was already a little out of control, so Song's movements seemed very uncoordinated.

I saw this opportunity and suddenly accelerated the speed of the spell. The umbrella rotated at high speed and directly trapped Young Master Song in the middle.

I wanted to get rid of him in one go, but my body suddenly couldn't support it. I sat on the ground and fell together with Young Master Song under the umbrella.

As the halo of the parasol dimmed little by little, Young Master Song licked his lips, obviously wanting to eat it too!

I thought to myself that you have made me look like this, and if you let me play harp again, I might as well go home and farm! Then I bit the tip of my tongue fiercely, wandered over to the umbrella, and spurted a mouthful of blood on it. With my essence and blood, the Yin Yang Umbrella shines brightly, and Young Master Song screams and then disappears without a trace.

Wang Jie suddenly fell to the ground and struggled for a long time without being able to get up. I breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground.

Not long after, Lin Qiusheng pushed the door open and came in. He saw Wang Jie and I lying on the ground, and asked me if I had dealt with Young Master Song?

I raised my hand and pointed at Wang Jie and said, "The phalanx must still be on his body. Master Song has tormented me for so many days, so this phalanx should be used as interest."

Lin Qiusheng laughed when he heard this, and immediately leaned over and took out the finger bone from Wang Jie's body and handed it to me, saying that according to the rules, this is now my reward, and he would also give me a hard-earned fee.

I smiled and didn't refuse, then rolled my eyes and fainted completely...

When I woke up, it was already noon. I was so hungry that I picked up the chopsticks and put rice into my mouth. Lin Qiusheng laughed and said, "Looking at you, it seems that you were affected by the phalanges."

I had the rice in my mouth and had no time to pay attention to him. It wasn't until my stomach was full that I put down the bowl and chopsticks and asked Wang Jie what he should do.

Lin Qiusheng sighed quietly: "Let it go!"

I was quite surprised after hearing this. I didn't expect Lin Qiusheng to have such tolerance. Isn't he afraid that Wang Jie will continue to retaliate?

"Oh! I don't know why Wang Jie suddenly realized that he was wrong. He said sorry to me with snot and tears. I don't think he was pretending..." Liu Qiusheng said.

After hearing this, I finally understood what was going on. I guess it was the fact that Master Song possessed him in the end that frightened him, but it was always a good thing that Wang Jie could admit his mistake.

Regardless of whether they can become friends, at least Lin Qiusheng will have one less enemy from now on.

After I had eaten and drank enough, I took the generous reward from Lin Qiusheng and left. Lin Qiusheng asked Xiao Zhao to see me off. Before getting in the car, I remembered that he had lost his sense of taste and asked him if he had recovered?

Lin Qiusheng shook his head and said: "Forget it! I have made enough money in my life, and I almost risked my life for money. Now I finally see through it."

After hearing this, I smiled knowingly, thinking that he finally understood how many people are now so ugly in the face of interests, that they would ignore dignity or even sacrifice their body for money.

It’s not that money is bad, it just means people are too greedy. You can never make enough money, and the original intention of making money is for a better life. If you can't even guarantee the most basic life safety, what's the use of making more money?

The reason why Wang Jie wanted to kill Lin Qiusheng for a small show was just to accept the word "greed". He was lucky, he met such a kind person like Lin Qiusheng.

But there are too many Wang Jies in the world, and how many Lin Qiusheng are there? In the end, we can only sink deeper and deeper into the whirlpool of greed until we drown ourselves!

I was sighing while sitting in the car. Xiao Zhao, who was driving in front, suddenly asked me if I could do her a favor. I nodded and said I would help if I could.

She smiled, found a parking spot, parked the car, and motioned for me to get off.

After we sat down at a bookstore on the roadside, Xiao Zhao said that she seemed to be entangled in unclean things recently. After hearing this, black lines appeared on my forehead, and I thought that there was really a tacit understanding between the boss and the subordinates, and they even came together when it came to dirty things, but on the surface, I still asked her to explain in detail.

Xiao Zhao pulled off the blood jade he was wearing around his neck and handed it to me. He said that the jade was originally yellow, but I don’t know when it started to have a trace of red in it. In the past few days, it has completely turned into blood jade, sometimes even It will get hot!

I took the jade in my hand and looked over it several times without seeing any problems, so I told her that this jade exudes a faint heat and is a typical warm jade. Wearing it for a long time can nourish the body, even though it looks bloody. It's a bit scary, but there is no yin energy on the jade.

Hearing what I said, Xiao Zhao's eyes suddenly turned red. She didn't care that we were in public, so she turned down her turtleneck sweater and let me see her neck!

I looked around awkwardly. Fortunately, we were sitting in a relatively remote place and there was no one nearby, so Xiao Zhao's actions did not attract attention.

When I saw Xiao Zhao's neck clearly, I couldn't help but take a breath of air. Her neck was densely covered with hickeys, some were blood red, and some were even black and blue. Obviously, these hickeys were caused by continuous kissing for several days. , and looking at the depth, it was obviously a kiss with a bit of SM.

Seeing me staring at her neck, Xiao Zhao was a little embarrassed. She stretched out her hand to put her clothes in order, and then told me in a tearful voice that she had been feeling like someone was kissing her these past few nights, but she couldn't see anyone when she opened her eyes. She thought she was sleepy and didn't pay attention, but one morning when she looked in the mirror, she discovered these hickeys on her neck.

From that day on, the color of jade became darker and darker.

She comforted herself that there might be a pervert in the house, so she secretly recorded the video with her mobile phone. When she turned on her mobile phone the next morning, she saw herself tossing and turning on the bed, looking like she was trying to push away things!

As she said this, she handed me the phone, and I took it and looked at the video.

Sure enough, just as she said, there was something vaguely lying on her body, and the marks on her neck gradually increased. It seemed that it was really stained with dirt...

I raised my head and glanced at Xiao Zhao, and then I realized that she was indeed pretty. If she were to pursue an acting career, she would definitely be a goddess. Could it be that she had recruited a pervert?

However, the deeper the hickey, the darker the color of the jade, which means that this incident is related to this piece of jade. I asked Xiao Zhao how long he has been wearing this piece of jade? She said she had been wearing it since she could remember, and it was said to be passed down from her ancestors. It was originally passed down from male to female, but since she was the only girl in the Zhao family's generation, it was passed down to her.

The longer the jade belt is, the more spiritual it will be. Especially the body of a virgin is the most suitable for raising jade. She has carried it for more than 20 years, and it is an ancestral treasure. Logically speaking, there should be no problem with this jade.

But I once heard a legend that if a jade is worn for a long time, it will develop feelings for the owner. If the jade spirit is raised by warmth, the jade spirit may fall in love with the owner.

Xiao Zhao's piece of jade may have given birth to a jade spirit. I thought about it and asked Xiao Zhao if he was in love recently.

She said in surprise: "How do you know?"

I smiled and thought that was right, Yu Ling must be jealous.

In order to confirm my thoughts, I had no choice but to ask: "Are you having sex with your boyfriend?"

Xiao Zhao's face was a little unhappy, but she was not stupid either. She quickly reacted and asked with some confusion: "Is it because of this?"

I nodded, and then told her that all things could give birth to spiritual beings, and once these spiritual beings became intelligent, they would be particularly prone to love the people who gave birth to them.

"This time, it must be Yu Ling who saw you falling in love and got jealous, so she came out to make trouble."


Xiao Zhao was dumbfounded and said in astonishment: "Then what should I do? I can't stay married all my life just for a piece of jade, right?"

I held the jade in my hand and stroked it twice before handing it to Xiao Zhao.

Because this problem is not difficult to solve, just put the jade in the water and change the water every three days. When the blood color completely fades, the jade spirit will melt into the water.

As long as she doesn't wear this jade in the future, there will be no more trouble.

Xiao Zhao kept thanking me after listening, but I was not in a good mood, because after the jade spirit was melted in the water, it lost its spirituality. In my opinion, this is no different from killing a human life.

But by looking at the color of this piece of jade, I know that if this continues, the jade spirit is likely to become an evil spirit, so I just want to solve it once and for all.

I didn't let Xiao Zhao see me off anymore, but slowly walked to the store. I have been exhausted from dealing with Young Master Song in the past few days. I just destroyed a jade spirit with my own hands. I just feel a little breathless!

Nowadays, many people follow online methods to nourish their spirits. If something goes wrong later, these spirits will be destroyed.

Some spirits will even be cultivated into evil spirits to satisfy human desires, and in the end they will only end up in a state of disarray, which is really sad.

It can only be said that people are still selfish after all. This can never be changed by the ghost dealers. The only thing they can do is to help them as much as possible.

Just like Kuafu Zhuri, knowing that it is impossible to succeed, but persevering without hesitation.

This is our duty and our destiny!

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