Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 582 Anorexic Female Model

The finger bone fetish incident is finally over. I used the reward Lin Qiusheng gave me to choose a Jaguar top-of-the-line convertible sports car at the 4S store, which can be regarded as a reward for myself.

It is worth mentioning that after spreading the news in the circle, I quickly found a suitable owner for this amputated finger.

That was an international model who suffered from anorexia. She kept controlling her figure in order to walk on the catwalk every day, and eventually became skinny and skinny. She didn’t think about food and drink, and she was about to die...

I thought about it, the other person has no appetite for food now, but a severed finger can make people appetite, crazy devouring delicacies from mountains and seas, isn't this the right medicine for the situation?

So the deal was completed quickly. It is said that since wearing the amputated finger, the female model's appetite increased greatly and she gained fifty pounds in one month. She praised me as a great benefactor and also developed a love for drinking bastard soup. Because of her habit, she was nicknamed: Miss Bastard.

This is of course a matter for later.

That day, I was wiping the antiques in the store as usual, but a white Lamborghini drove in on the antique street. I glanced at it casually and found that it had the license plate of Jin A.

Darling, this license plate alone is much more expensive than my entry-level sports car...

Many local tycoons in Shanxi became rich from coal mining, and they also like to collect antiques to show their taste. This man drove a luxury car to Antique Street, and it was obvious that he wanted to be ripped off.

I quickly stood up and placed several antiques on the shelf in the most conspicuous position. Fat sheep... If you don't kill them, you won't kill them!

The antique business is actually about deceit and deception. If you encounter an antique that you know how to deal with, you can only earn a small amount of money for tea. If you catch someone who is ignorant and has a lot of money, you will be sorry for yourself if you don't kill him.

Most of these big bosses buy antiques for show off, and generally don’t care much about the price. They just depend on whether the antiques have bragging rights.

After placing the antiques, I sat calmly at the door of the store, holding a cup of jasmine tea and drinking it slowly.

Jasmine tea is the favorite of the man in the T-shirt. It is said that he never drinks boiled water or fine wine in his life, so he can only take a sip of jasmine tea. I gradually got into this habit.

As soon as I took it into my mouth, I felt the refreshing fragrance, and I felt indescribably ecstatic.

In the antique making business, in addition to being sharp-tongued, one also needs to be able to show off. Only when you show off and show off is that you are awesome.

After a while, panicked footsteps came from outside, and I felt happy: I really took the bait!

"Are you Zhang Jiulin, Boss Zhang?"

I was just about to go forward when a hoarse voice came over.

When I looked up, I saw a middle-aged man in his fifties staring at me with a pair of cloudy eyes, looking very haggard.

From the look on his face, you can tell that he is not here to buy antiques, but to ask for my help.

So I quickly stood up and said, "I'm Zhang Jiulin, what can I do for you?"

The middle-aged man did not speak, but clapped his hands. The two bodyguards in sunglasses standing behind him immediately put the box in their hands on the counter and opened it in front of me.

The two boxes were filled with stacks of RMB, estimated to be in the millions!

The bodyguard pushed the box to me and said that this was my deposit. If I had spent this money when I first started working as a fetish merchant, I would have been knocked unconscious. Now that the orders I have received are getting bigger and bigger, more than one million in cash will not make me irrational.

And I understand that the more you pay, the harder things get.

So I pushed the box back calmly and asked the middle-aged man to tell me what was going on.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I asked, the middle-aged man squatted on the ground and wiped his tears. He couldn't say a word for a long time. When I saw this posture, I quickly helped him on the sofa and took out a few pieces of paper to him.

After a long time, the middle-aged man introduced himself with red eyes: "Boss Zhang, my name is Jiang Teng. I am here to ask you to avenge my son!"

Having said this, he tremblingly took out a stack of documents from his briefcase and handed it to me.

He seemed like he couldn't bear to recall the past. He sniffed several times but couldn't tell the story. Finally, he simply asked the bodyguard to tell me and walked out with red eyes.

The bodyguard sighed and said, "Boss Zhang, don't mind. The chairman just lost his son and is very emotionally unstable."

No wonder, the most tragic thing in the world is when a white-haired person gives a black-haired person a gift. I glanced at Jiang Teng standing outside the store and saw that he was covering his face with his hands and his shoulders were twitching. He looked abnormal. desolate.

When the bodyguard saw that I was distracted, he called me and motioned for me to look at the documents in my hand first.

When I opened the document, I was so frightened that I almost threw it out. This was not a document at all, but a photo of a bloody corpse!

The corpse was lying on the bed, his head was smashed to pieces like a watermelon, and his white brains were splattered on the floor. Judging from his clothing, he should be a very young and fashionable boy.

An autopsy report was attached to the photo. The deceased's name was Jiang Guanguan. The cause of death was that he died instantly after being hit hard with an unknown blunt instrument.

I closed the document and asked slowly: "Have you confirmed that it was not man-made murder?"

The bodyguard nodded and said that they called the police immediately after discovering the body, but the police did not find any signs of man-made signs at the scene. They called the cameras around the villa and found no suspicious persons coming or going, and...

Having said this, the bodyguard wiped the cold sweat from his forehead before continuing: "According to the autopsy results, the young master only received one heavy blow, and his whole head completely collapsed."

After hearing this, I finally understood that the skull is the hardest bone in the human body. Ordinary people are definitely not strong enough to smash a person's head at once. This can only be done by Yin spirits.

"Boss Zhang, what do you think?"

The bodyguard asked a little uneasily when he saw that I hadn't spoken for a long time.

When I saw the photo, I had already decided to take this order. There is a ghost creature that dares to kill people in broad daylight. It is the duty of the ghost creature dealer to surrender it.

Jiang Teng had already entered the store at this moment. Seeing that I agreed, he immediately asked with great excitement: "I wonder when Mr. Zhang can set off? To avenge the child!"

I understood his urgency, so I told him that I would pack my things first and then set off.

While I was packing my things, I sent a text message to Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue each, saying that I had taken on a business from out of town and that it would probably take a while before I could come back, so I asked them not to worry.

When I packed my things and went downstairs, everyone was already waiting for me in the car. As soon as I got in the car, I found Jiang Teng looking at me, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" I asked hurriedly, thinking something big had happened.

Unexpectedly, he told me not to mind his behavior of taking money as soon as he walked in. At that time, he was really overwhelmed by the pain of losing his son.

I spread my hands and said that I understood his feelings as a parent. Jiang Teng felt relieved and raised his head to tell the driver to drive.

Taking advantage of the time on the road, I asked Jiang Teng to talk to me in detail about the situation before and after the incident. Jiang Yuan's mood had stabilized, and he spoke to me in a low voice.

The day before the incident was Jiang Guanguan's birthday, he and a group of young friends played outside until early in the morning before returning home.

Jiang Teng was still busy at work when his son came home, so he remembered it clearly. The son was very drunk at the time and found his room with the help of a servant.

Jiang Teng said that his son used to act crazy when he was drunk, but this time he was quiet and didn't make a sound. After about ten minutes, Jiang Teng went into the house to see his son a little worried.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect Guan Guan to be him..."

At this point Jiang Teng collapsed again, his eyes red and he said it was his fault for not entering the house earlier, otherwise his son would probably not have died.

After hearing what he said, I was already sure that it was a Yin spirit. It was impossible for ordinary people to kill someone and destroy all evidence in such a short period of time.

I was afraid that Jiang Teng would lose control, so I didn't ask any more questions, but closed my eyes and rested.

The next morning we arrived in Taiyuan City. When the car was driving on the viaduct and looking out through the car window, a strong historical and cultural atmosphere hit our faces. It is indeed a thousand-year-old city, with every plant, tree, brick and tile. Full of flavor.

After getting off the viaduct, the car drove all the way east, and it took a long time to stop in front of a five-star hotel.

I glanced at the hotel strangely, because looking at Jiang Yuan's anxious look before, I thought he would let me go directly to his home.

Jiang Teng had a strange expression and said that he had to deal with the aftermath now. I was afraid of neglecting him so I arranged this hotel with all-inclusive food, accommodation and entertainment. I hope I don't mind.

Only then did I remember that he had received a phone call while he was on the way. I was half asleep at the time and could not hear the content of the phone call clearly. I could only vaguely hear that he was waiting for him to go back and deal with it. Now it seemed that he must have something urgent to do.

However, what could be more important than avenging his son?

Yesterday I was crying so hard that I wanted to cut the murderer into pieces, but today I can handle things with a normal expression...

I said calmly that you should be busy first, and then followed the bodyguard into the hotel.

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