Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 583: Headshot Mystery

After the bodyguard received the room card at the front desk and handed it to me, he said apologetically that he had to protect the chairman.

I smiled slightly and waved my hand: "Go quickly! I'm not a three-year-old child."

The bodyguard then turned around and left the hotel.

He booked me a VIP suite on the top floor, which cost more than five thousand a night. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, I could overlook most of Taiyuan. I moved a chair and sat down facing the floor-to-ceiling window, but I was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery outside.

I was thinking, since Jiang Teng loves his son so much, why does he still have time to deal with other things?

If the aftermath he wants to deal with has to do with his son, why should he avoid me?

I didn't think about it for a long time, so I stopped thinking about it. I ate some lunch and lay down on the bed to rest, ready to face the next challenge.

It was already dark when I woke up, and the large swaths of neon lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows looked very beautiful. I couldn’t help but take out my phone, take a photo, and send it to WeChat Moments.

After taking the photo, I felt strange that not only did Jiang Teng not come to see me, he didn't even call me. I frowned, thinking that this was too strange. People who suffer from vaginal objects want to solve the problem as soon as possible, but he was kind enough to leave me in the hotel to serve me delicious food and drinks for a whole day.

I was afraid that he had also been attacked by a feint, so I quickly called him. The phone rang for a long time before he was answered.

"Boss Zhang, the chairman is busy at the moment. What can I do for you?"

As soon as I heard the bodyguard's voice, I felt relieved and quickly said nothing happened. I just wanted to ask when we could start working.

The bodyguard was silent for a moment and said that the matter encountered by the chairman was rather difficult and he didn't know when it would be resolved yet. He would come to pick me up when it was resolved.

I hung up the phone speechlessly, took my coat and left the hotel. Taiyuan is a national historical and cultural city. It’s hard to come here, but it would be a pity not to go out for a walk!

I walked around slowly and tasted several kinds of Taiyuan delicacies along the way, such as fried pork, mutton steamed dumplings, Taiyuan tender tofu, etc. After my stomach was full, I was about to go back, but I received a call from the bodyguard.

His voice was panicked and his words were intermittent. After listening for a long time, I realized that he was waiting for me at the hotel and asked me to go back quickly.

As soon as I heard it, I knew the sky was falling! I quickly hailed a taxi and rushed to the hotel. When I arrived at the hotel, I saw a bodyguard sitting in the lobby waiting for me. He lowered his head and pressed the electric baton on his waist tightly with one hand, looking very nervous.

I ran over and patted him on the shoulder and asked him what happened? When he raised his head, I found that his face was very pale and his muscles were twitching, obviously frightened.

When he saw me, it was as if he had seen a savior. He stood up and grabbed my arm tightly, tremblingly saying: "Zhang...Boss Zhang..."

The bodyguard worked hard for a long time before he could utter a complete sentence: Another person was shot in the head!

I was shocked after hearing this, and quickly pulled the bodyguard into the room. I waited until he calmed down before asking him to explain the specific situation.

The bodyguard took a few deep breaths, his face finally looked better, and then he slowly said: "The person who died was the young master's friend."

It turns out that the matter Jiang Teng went to deal with today was indeed related to his son Jiang Guanguan. Jiang Guanguan's friends said that he had a video of the birthday party in his hand, which completely recorded everything that happened that night. However, somehow this video was exposed.

There are always some shady things in the birthday parties of rich children. Jiang Teng didn't want to be spat on by netizens after his son's death, so he hurriedly contacted several media and asked them to delete all the news online.

Unexpectedly, one netizen deliberately sang the opposite. No matter how much money Jiang Teng spent, he just refused to delete the video he posted on Weibo. This is why Jiang Teng has not been able to come to me today.

In the end, Jiang Teng had no choice but to find a hacker to hack this person's Weibo. Unexpectedly, this person was also a master hacker. The two sides fought and it took a lot of effort to completely destroy the other person's Weibo.

After settling this matter, Jiang Teng planned to pick me up and take me to his home.

Jiang Guanguan's friends heard that I could avenge Jiang Guanguan, so they proposed to come and see it together.

Jiang Teng knew that the other person was his son's good brother during his lifetime, so he did not refuse. Who knew that the young man who had behaved normally all the way insisted on getting off the car at a traffic light intersection, and no matter how hard Jiang Teng tried, he couldn't hold him back.

The young man got out of the car and started circling around the car. At this time, the light turned green, and the car behind me kept honking its horn.

Jiang Teng quickly leaned out of the car window and called the young man back. Unexpectedly, the young man walked to the front of the car, apparently trying to stop the car from moving forward.

Just when Jiang Teng didn't know what to do, there was a sudden 'bang' and the young man's head exploded, spraying blood all over the windshield...

The bodyguard witnessed this scene from the driver's seat. The blood all over the car window made his hands and feet weak with fear. It took him a long time to think of calling the police.

He knew it couldn't be a man-made incident and it would be useless to call the police, but if he didn't call the police, he and Jiang Teng wouldn't be able to explain it clearly. The police arrived quickly, and the bodyguard and Jiang Teng were taken back to the police station as suspects. The police watched the surveillance several times before they believed that this was a case beyond their knowledge.

"Where is Jiang Teng?" I asked the bodyguard with some confusion. Since they have been together, why didn't Jiang Teng come over?

The bodyguard smiled bitterly and said that although the police believed they were not the ones who killed the person, the parents of the deceased insisted that they were the ones who tampered with the person and wouldn't let them go.

Jiang Teng had no choice but to ask the bodyguard to come to me first, while he stayed there to deal with the deceased's parents.

"The chairman wants you to go over and take a look and see if you can find anything."

I nodded, took my backpack and left the hotel with the bodyguard. His car was parked at the police station as evidence, so the two of us had to take a taxi. Fortunately, there was no traffic jam on the road, and we arrived at the police station not long after.

Before I entered the door, I heard heart-wrenching cries. Looking at the bodyguard's face, I knew that the crying people must be the parents of the deceased.

Sure enough, a man and a woman were pulling Jiang Teng's tie in the office hall. Several police officers tried to persuade him, but to no avail. The parents of the deceased believed that their son was killed by Jiang Teng.

Jiang Teng originally let them pull me helplessly, but when he saw me, he quickly broke away from the deceased's parents, took a few steps forward, held my hand and said excitedly: "Boss Zhang, you are finally here!"

Since the situation was urgent, I didn't waste any time and asked him to show me the surveillance camera.

As soon as the police officer in charge of the case heard that I specialized in handling supernatural incidents, he immediately took me to the monitoring room.

The situation was similar to what the bodyguard said. The young man under surveillance looked very agitated and kept walking around next to the car. When the light turned green, Jiang Teng urged him. Unexpectedly, he suddenly walked to the front of the car, and then his head went blank. The sign exploded, and blood mixed with brain matter spread out.

After watching the surveillance video, my stomach churned and I almost vomited it out. I didn't feel much when I heard the bodyguard talk about it before, but now I can see it intuitively, it's so bloody!

I felt a little frightened. Although I had seen many ghosts that hurt people's lives, such bloody and violent ones were really rare.

Most of the evil spirits cause trouble by making some noise in the pots and pans to scare people, but this time the evil spirits have only one purpose, and that is to kill people.

"Can I see the body?"

I thought about it, then turned to ask the policeman on the side.

He said that according to judicial procedures, the body should be placed in the forensics department now, and he could take me there if I wanted to see it.

When the parents of the deceased saw that I wanted to see the body, they immediately rushed to me and begged me to catch the murderer. They stared at Jiang Teng as they spoke.

Jiang Teng didn't speak, just sighed helplessly.

Seeing the grief-stricken expressions of the deceased's parents, I knew it was useless to say anything to them now, so I just comforted them with a few words and then left the office hall with the police.

The Forensic Department is on the sixth floor. The forensic doctors are very busy because of this murder case, but looking at their expressions, you can tell that there is no progress at all.

Seeing us coming in, a forensic doctor wearing a white coat and a mask came up to us, handed the report in his hand to the policeman next to me, and said very seriously: "Old Wu, this case is the same as the last case, there is nothing wrong with it. clue."

Old Wu nodded, flipped through the report and handed it to me.

"Who is this?"

When the forensic doctor saw Lao Wu handing me the report, he glanced at me curiously.

Lao Wu briefly introduced me as a folk expert in handling supernatural incidents. The forensic doctor nodded lightly to me, but I saw a strong distrust in his eyes.

I said hello casually, turned around and asked Old Wu to take me to see the corpse.

The body was placed in the cold storage at the end of the sixth floor. Old Wu and I put on white coats and disposable gloves and shoe covers before walking in. As soon as I entered, I shivered and quickly wrapped myself in clothes.

The body of the deceased was covered with a white cloth. Even though I had been mentally prepared for a long time, I was still shocked when I opened the white cloth! There were no wounds on the deceased's body, except for only one-third of his head. The mixture of blood and brain was extremely shocking.

This fucking attack was too cruel. I tried not to spit it out. Then I checked carefully and found that the entire head was almost flattened by some kind of heavy object, and there was no black mark around the wound!

Generally speaking, after the ghost kills a person, it will leave a black mark around the wound, which can be seen by anyone with some eyesight.

Having been in this business for so long, I have gained some experience. So far, Yin spirits that do not leave traces of Yin energy are roughly divided into two types: the first type is that the Yin spirit has become a ghost king and can cover up its own Yin energy.

The other is that after the death of the Yin spirit, it is conferred as a god or a Buddha, just like the monk Jigong and the tea saint Lu Yu whom we met before.

No matter what kind of Yin spirit this time is, it will not be easy to solve!

I couldn't help but beat a small drum in my heart, and stayed inside for a while. When I saw that there was nothing to see, I asked Lao Wu to leave the cold storage.

As soon as I returned to the office lobby, Jiang Teng and the deceased's parents immediately gathered around me and asked me if I had seen anything.

"It's a bit troublesome."

I frowned and said, Jiang Teng's face suddenly darkened after hearing this, and he asked me anxiously what should I do next?

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