Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 584: Sending Paper Money

I shook my head and said that the biggest headache now is not knowing where this ghost came from?

Not to mention whether it will kill someone next?

This thing kills instantly as soon as it takes action, and then dodges after killing, giving me no time to react at all.

I stood there for a long time and couldn't think of a way, so I asked Jiang Teng to take me to his house to have a look.

The bodyguard drove the car at high speed, and within ten minutes, the car stopped in front of a luxurious villa. Immediately, a servant came to open the door and respectfully asked us to get out of the car.

When I got off the bus, I felt uncomfortable all over and couldn't get used to this feeling. But Jiang Teng was obviously used to it and entered the villa without even looking at the servant.

The decoration inside the villa is very luxurious, even the floors are Italian. Judging from the appearance, I really didn't realize Jiang Teng was so rich.

I glanced around a few times and found that the entrance to the villa was placed in a position that was in line with the Feng Shui principle of hiding wind and absorbing energy. Someone must have looked at it.

Therefore, the feng shui of this villa can not only attract wealth but also ward off evil spirits. There is no reason for Jiang Guanguan to mess with unclean things while living here. I thought there might be a hidden meaning, so I looked at Jiang Teng and asked, "Did the young master do anything unusual before he died?"

Jiang Teng thought for a while and shook his head affirmatively.

I asked unwillingly: "Then has he offended anyone?"

Jiang Teng looked a little weird after hearing this. After a long time, he said with embarrassment that his son was a little rebellious in adolescence and didn't like to talk about his affairs to his family.

I was about to continue asking, but the bodyguard pushed the door open and said nervously: "Chairman, that person is making trouble again..."

Jiang Teng's expression changed, and he shouted gloomily: "Are all security guards fucking trash?"

Just as the bodyguard was about to explain, he was interrupted by Jiang Teng. He said irritably: "Okay, I'll go and see for myself."

Then the bodyguard looked at me awkwardly, obviously not wanting me to follow. I raised my eyebrows and said that I wanted to check the feng shui of the bedroom, so I wouldn't go down with them.

Hearing what I said, they were obviously relieved, and then hurriedly went downstairs.

The window of Jiang Guanguan's bedroom faced the entrance of the villa. I could clearly see what was going on downstairs by hiding behind the curtains.

I saw several security guards surrounding an old man with gray hair. The old man was kneeling on the lawn with a copper brazier in front of him. He was crying and stuffing something into it. When I looked carefully, I realized that he was actually burning something. Paper money!

It is very unlucky to burn paper money in front of your home. No wonder Jiang Teng looked so bad just now.

Although the few big and thick security guards stood aside and fired the electric batons with crackling sounds, no one dared to take action. It looked very strange.

At this time, a security guard moved away, and I realized that the old man was holding a kitchen knife to his neck, as if he would commit suicide if he disagreed with me.

Soon, Jiang Teng appeared in my sight with a gloomy face. Unexpectedly, he turned around and glanced at my location for the first time. I was so frightened that I closed the curtains, subconsciously feeling that he was looking at me.

Since he is so afraid that I know about this, I am afraid that the old man who came to make trouble is related to Jiang Guanguan.

Soon there was a commotion downstairs, and Jiang Teng's insults and the old man's wailing could be vaguely heard.

After a few minutes, the villa returned to calm. After a while, footsteps were heard in the corridor. I thought it was Jiang Teng going upstairs. I quickly stared at the ground and pretended to check carefully.

"Boss Zhang..."

The bodyguard called me, vaguely tentative.

I raised my head suddenly and asked him what was wrong. Seeing my strong reaction, the temptation on the bodyguard's face immediately disappeared and he showed a gentle smile: "It's getting late, Boss Zhang, do you want to rest first?"

I stood up and hammered my numb legs, nodded, and then asked the bodyguard to place me in the bedroom opposite Jiang Guanguan.

As a result, I waited for a while without finding any clues, so I even doubted whether the Yin Spirit would come back.

When the bodyguard came to call me for dinner, he asked me strangely why I had two panda eyes. I was too embarrassed to say that I had stayed up all night, but Mao didn't even notice...

After breakfast, I asked my bodyguard to buy some red paper. Jiang Teng asked with some confusion: "I would like to ask, what do you need red paper for?"

I glanced at him and said calmly, you'll find out later in the evening. I don't know why, but since I saw the gray-haired old man last night, I have become somewhat hostile to Jiang Teng.

Over the years, I have seen many dirty things done by wealthy people in private. Even if Jiang Teng deliberately concealed it, I could probably guess it.

Seeing that I was unwilling to explain, Jiang Teng stopped talking to me, and I took advantage of the bodyguard's time to buy red paper and rested on the sofa for a while.

Unexpectedly, when the bodyguard came back, there was another person around. This person looked arrogant and kept glancing up to the sky when talking to others, which made me feel disgusted.

When he and Jiang Teng entered the study, I turned around and asked the bodyguard, only to find out that this person was a friend of Jiang Teng's business. Since he had nothing to do with Jiang Guanguan, I didn't care about him anymore.

After thinking about it, I asked the bodyguard to follow me into the bedroom with red paper, and then used scissors to cut out a paper man based on Jiang Guanguan's photo.

After cutting it out, I used a cinnabar pen to write Jiang Guanguan's horoscope on the paper figure. Then I got a few drops of Jiang Teng's blood and smeared it on it. After doing all this, I placed the paper figure on Jiang Guanguan's bed.

After I finished my work, the bodyguard asked me curiously what I was doing.

"Be a stand-in."

While wiping my hands with a towel, I explained to him: "Seal Mr. Jiang's birthday and birth date on the paper figure, and add his father's blood and essence. The ghost must have mistakenly thought that he is still alive."

After all, Jiang Guanguan and Jiang Teng are father and son, and the Yin spirit will definitely not be able to tell them apart, and it will definitely come again when the time comes.

The bodyguard took a breath after hearing this and asked in disbelief: "You mean you want to lure it here?"

I gave him a strange look and thought to myself, isn't this nonsense? How can I solve this problem without drawing out the Yin spirit?

The bodyguard realized that he had lost his composure and said with embarrassment that he had been terribly frightened yesterday, so he couldn't bear the sudden news that the ghost would appear.

I nodded to express my understanding, and then handed him a self-defense charm. The bodyguard hurriedly took it and stuffed it into his shirt pocket, and then kept saying thank you.

I waved my hand to tell him you're welcome, and then said that I was going to catch up on my sleep, and asked him to watch Jiang Guanguan's bedroom and not let anyone get close to the paper man.

The bodyguard asked me with a grimace if I could change to someone else. Seeing his scared look, I couldn't help but feel happy. I pointed to the sun that was almost rising above my head and said, "Yin spirits basically don't come out during the day. I told him to stay safe and wait until the sun goes down to call me again."

He then breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest to ensure that he was optimistic about the paper man. I nodded with satisfaction and turned around to leave.

Towards evening, the bodyguard woke me up at some point. After I got up, I ate something and went into Jiang Guanguan's bedroom, then hid in the cupboard diagonally opposite the window.

In order to facilitate observation, I pushed the cabinet open a crack. As night fell, the light in the bedroom disappeared little by little, and soon it was completely dark.

I smeared some garlic juice on my body to cover my yang energy, then closed my eyes and waited.

As time passed by, I became more and more nervous. When I arrived at twelve o'clock, there was a sudden gust of wind at the window.

Sure enough it came!

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