Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 585: Beat the faint king from above, beat the evil people from below

After I was sure that the thing had entered the room, I grabbed the Sirius Whip and jumped out. Then I saw a thin figure raising a dark iron whip, aiming it at the paper man's head and hitting it hard!

Before the figure noticed me, I looked carefully and found that it was wearing clothes from the Tang Dynasty and an official hat. Judging from the gorgeous patterns embroidered on the clothes, it seemed that its official position was not low during its lifetime.

It's a pity that its back is turned to me, so I can't see its face.


When the iron whip hit the paper man, Jiang Teng's screams came from downstairs.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized something was wrong. Although I added Jiang Teng's essence and blood to the paper man, it was only used to increase the Yang energy of the paper man. I didn't expect that the Yin spirit was so powerful that it could backfire on Jiang Teng himself.

This move to hit the cow across the mountain was beyond my expectation. I knew I couldn't wait any longer, so I held up the Sirius whip and whipped it away. Unexpectedly, the Yin spirit blocked the Sirius with the iron whip without looking back. Whip, the mana on the Sirius whip was drained instantly!

Immediately afterwards, it exuded a strong murderous aura, which made me feel breathless.

I was just thinking about "Tao Te Ching" to resist the murderous intention, but I found that the Yin spirit's movements stagnated, and then the murderous intention in the sky receded like a tide.


Then Yin Ling snorted coldly, jumped along the window, and disappeared.

After it left, I sat down on the ground, wiped the cold sweat from my head, and felt a panic in my heart: What is the origin of this evil spirit? I can't even take a move from it.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. I calmed down and opened the door, and found the bodyguard standing outside the door looking at me expectantly.

I shook my head and said with some frustration: "Alas! Let alone conquering the Yin spirit, I didn't even see what it looked like. I only knew that it was wearing a black official uniform similar to that of the Tang Dynasty and that it was very skilled."

The bodyguard sighed in disappointment, and then remembered that he asked me to go see Jiang Teng. I hurried downstairs and found Jiang Teng lying on the sofa with a painful expression, covering his head.

I stepped forward and took a look and found that there was nothing wrong with him. He just had a bump on his head, so I told him not to worry.

Jiang Teng breathed a sigh of relief, and then returned to the room with the help of his bodyguard. After Jiang Teng left, I sat on the sofa and recalled the scene just now. I couldn't figure out why Yin Ling suddenly let me go?

Its murderous intent at the beginning was definitely not fake. I still feel a little scared when I think of that suffocating feeling, but it did leave.

After thinking for a long time, I had no idea, but my head became groggy. I staggered upstairs. Just as I was about to go back to the room, I found something wrong with Jiang Guanguan's bedroom door.

I leaned over to take a look, and was shocked to find a line of bloody regular script written on the door: Beat the fainting king at the top, beat the evil people at the bottom.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a surge of hatred emanating from the lines!

I was startled and thought that Jiang Guanguan must have offended someone. I didn’t care about sleeping at that moment, so I ran downstairs to find Jiang Teng and asked him to quickly find out what happened the night before his son died. What's up.

When he heard the words "Kill the king down, beat down the evil people", his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately said that he would investigate the matter as quickly as possible.

I nodded and repeatedly told me to tell me the results as soon as possible, and then went back to the room to sleep. When I woke up the next day, neither Jiang Teng nor the bodyguards were there. The servants in the villa said they had received a call early in the morning and left the house in a hurry.

Will something happen again? I was murmuring in my heart because I was really afraid of seeing a headshot corpse again.

I stayed in the villa anxiously all morning and didn't receive a call from either of them, so I took the initiative to call them. Unexpectedly, both of their phones were turned off.

This made me even more uneasy, so I simply left the villa and wandered outside. I kept walking along the road, thinking about how I could lure the ghost out again. After all, the Yin spirit this time is so powerful that the substitute can only deceive it once.

Because I was thinking about something, I walked a long way without realizing it. When I looked up, I was surprised to find that I had arrived in front of a cemetery.

I thought to myself that it was bad luck, and I casually glanced at the cemetery and planned to go back, but I accidentally caught a glimpse of the old man burning paper in front of Jiang Teng's villa.

He was slowly walking out of the cemetery with an empty basket in his arms and his waist bent.

Looking at him like this, he must have just paid homage to the deceased. Since his behavior the night before yesterday left a deep impression on me, I couldn't help but look at him twice. At this glance, I really saw a problem: his hair was gray. He looks like an old man in his sixties, but with a sad face, he could only be forty years old at most.

Such a contrast made my heart skip a beat, and then a vague idea flashed through my mind, but unfortunately it disappeared again before I could catch it...

When the old man passed by me, he glanced at me lightly, as if he was looking at an enemy!

I subconsciously stepped back, and when I tried to see clearly, the other party was already far away. I shook my head and thought that maybe it was just my illusion.

It was already evening when we returned to the villa, and Jiang Teng and his bodyguard still hadn't returned.

I ate a few mouthfuls of food and then lay down on Jiang Guanguan's bed. I closed my eyes and imagined in my mind the scene before Jiang Guanguan's accident: I was drunk, walked into the room with my head dizzy, and fell on the bed wheezing. Big sleep.

At this time, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew in the room. Jiang Guanguan, who woke up from the cold, thought that the window was not closed properly, so he got up and closed the window in a daze. At this moment, an iron whip containing a thousand catties of power suddenly hit him, causing his brain to burst!

My heart skipped a beat when I thought of this, and then I sat up suddenly.

The moment I imagined Jiang Guanguan being shot in the head, I felt the strong murderous aura again: It's here again!

I bravely looked up and looked in the direction from which the murderous aura came, and suddenly I saw the man standing by the door with his back to me.

It had an iron whip stuck on its back, and it didn't move for a long time with its hands behind its back.

I was about to go around to the front to see what it looked like, but as soon as I got out of bed, it jumped out of the window!

Seeing that it was trying to lead me somewhere, I hesitated for a moment before grabbing the Sirius Whip and jumping down. Sure enough, I saw it waiting for me not far away.

I gritted my teeth and followed, and gradually I discovered that it had been deliberately keeping a distance from me, neither letting me lose it nor letting me see its face clearly.

In order to catch up with it, I recited the magic spell and found a few little ghosts to carry me and fly. Unexpectedly, when the little ghosts saw the back figure in front of me, they ran away in fear...

This made me even more curious about its identity, and I followed it for a long time before I was sure it was heading south of the city.

After walking for about three hours, it suddenly accelerated and turned a corner. I hurriedly followed it and found that it was gone. A stone tablet appeared in front of me, with a few words vaguely engraved on it. I was a little far away and couldn't see clearly, but subconsciously I felt that these words were very important, so I quickly took a few steps forward. Unexpectedly, when I was about to see clearly, I heard the bodyguard calling me from behind.

I was about to turn around, but I was horrified to realize that the bodyguard couldn't be here! At this time, a thunderous roar pierced my eardrums. I woke up suddenly and found that I was still sleeping on Jiang Guanguan's bed.

Seeing this scene, a chill suddenly rose in my heart. It seemed that I had been tricked by a ghost in my dream just now. Fortunately, the bodyguard woke me up in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The bodyguard's expression changed after I calmed down, and he said in a deep voice: "Boss Zhang, someone's head was shot again."


My eyes widened for a moment, and the bodyguard nodded, and then started talking to me.

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