Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 586: Spirit Gathering Array

It turned out that the person who died this time was the son of a big leader in the city. Like the previous two people, his head was exploded.

Although this leader was not the top leader, he held a lot of power. I immediately learned of my existence from Jiang Teng.

At the end of the sentence, the bodyguard smiled and said: "Boss Zhang, if you can avenge the deceased this time, you will be relevant in the city in the future..."

I was speechless for a while after listening to it. I thought that what I hate most in my life is dealing with the officialdom. If the matter is done well, I may be killed and silenced. If the matter is done badly, I will not be able to open the store. It is a real hard job.

Then the bodyguard asked me if I wanted to go to the scene. I nodded. Since the leader had spoken, I had to go and see everything. Along the way, the bodyguard kept telling me to control my temper when I got there and not to get into any arguments with the leader.

I know even if he doesn't say it, and I still understand why the people don't fight with the officials.

After arriving at the place, our car was stopped outside the iron gate, and then the police searched us inside and out, and even took away the things of those who were eating.

Under the leadership of the police, we passed through layers of guards before arriving at the living room. There was a crystal coffin in the living room. I saw the body lying inside through the transparent coffin board.

There is a human figure drawn in chalk in front of the sofa. It seems that this is the scene of death.

This body was the same as the previous two, with no other wounds except for the smashed head. I asked the bodyguard and found out that this time was a little different from the previous two: this incident happened in the morning, when the sun had already risen...

Although the sunlight in the morning is not very strong, the brightness in the living room is very high. Generally, Yin spirits do not dare to appear at this time. This is definitely bad news for me!

After I carefully inspected the scene, I was taken to the backyard. The bodyguard wanted to follow me, but was stopped by the police.

Sitting in the backyard were Jiang Teng and a gentle man wearing glasses. Jiang Teng's sitting posture was very upright and it could be seen that he was very nervous, while the gentle man was leaning back in his chair much more casually.

After seeing me, the polite man waved his hand, and the policeman behind me immediately retreated. Then he looked me up and down and said, "I heard Lao Jiang say you are very capable."

"You have three days to catch that ghost who goes around killing people. Is that okay?"

His last few words were deliberately prolonged, and his fingers were tapping on the table.

Seeing that I didn't reply for a long time, the gentle man added: "Boss Zhang has a lot of good things, right? Several of them are national treasures."

After hearing this, I was shocked. This person was able to check me out so clearly in one day. His background was evident.

"no problem!"

I agreed with my mouth twitching, but secretly scolded his eighteen generations of ancestors.

I ignored Jiang Teng on the way back, thinking that this person was too unreliable. There was no progress on my side, and he actually sold me directly.

Jiang Teng looked at me and was still embarrassed to speak. The bodyguard knew something was wrong, so he just focused on driving and said nothing.

As soon as the car stopped, I was attracted by the noise at the door of the villa. It turned out that the gray-haired old man was making trouble again!

He was like an angry lion burning paper money outside the villa. His mouth was covered by the security guard and he could not speak. He could only make a low whimper, which sounded particularly miserable.

As expected, there were a lot of Hades Coins on the ground. I turned to look at Jiang Teng and found that he was staring at the old man with a dark face and eyes fiercely.

My heart shook violently, and I felt that Jiang Teng had murderous intentions.

When Jiang Teng saw me looking at him, he put away the cruel look on his face and said helplessly: "Oh! I met a messy guy and made Boss Zhang laugh."

After saying that, he asked the bodyguard to get out of the car and directed everyone to drive the old man away. The moment the old man was thrown out of the door, he glared at me fiercely.

I'm sure it wasn't a dazzle this time, but I didn't think much about it. After all, Jiang Teng and I got off the same car, so he might have regarded me as Jiang Teng's lackey.

Then I stopped thinking about it, took a deep breath and said to the bodyguard: "Prepare a pot of cooked glutinous rice, a bowl of fresh chicken blood, two white candles and a piece of white paper immediately!"

The bodyguard ran to get ready without asking anything, but Jiang Teng asked me what I wanted to do.

"Gathering Spirits!"

I replied with two words to him angrily.

In fact, Juling is similar to Bixian, which many young people like to play, but it is more dangerous than Bixian. It is said that it is easier to invite immortals than to send them away. The ghosts invited by Bi Xian are usually ghosts with deep grievances. As long as they abide by the rules, they will not harm others.

But Juling is different. Juling invites ghosts of all sizes in this area. If you are not careful, you may attract a big boss! If the big boss is invited, it won't go back without some blood.

But I have no choice. If I can't deal with the Yin spirit in three days, I will be finished. Why not try my best now and maybe I will be lucky enough to gather the troublesome Yin spirit?

The two things needed this time were very ordinary, so the bodyguard came back in about half an hour.

I signaled him to cut off the power supply to the entire villa, until only two white candles on the living room table were left emitting a dark yellow light.

When I felt that the time was almost up, I said to Jiang Teng and the others: "You go back to your room first, and don't come out no matter what sound you hear for a while!"

They were already scared, so they went back to the room without a moment's delay after hearing what I said.

I shook my head helplessly and spread the white paper flat on the table. I dipped my hands in some chicken blood and drew a few intersecting red lines on it. Then I divided the glutinous rice into four portions and scooped them into the four corners of the white paper. Above, this forms a simple spirit gathering array.

Then I half-crouched in front of the table and recited the incantation devoutly: "Sacrifice with blood, support with salary..."

As the spell was recited, the red lines in the middle of the white paper glowed faintly. When I saw that the formation was taking effect, I quickly sped up. The light from those red lines became stronger and stronger. By the time the spell ended, the light from the red lines had already They intersect in mid-air to form a strange and complex pattern.

The spirit gathering array began to rotate, and the speed became faster and faster. As it continued to rotate, the Yin spirits floating around came one by one along the route.

The ones who came at the beginning were all little ghosts, and they could be sent away with a few sticks of incense and a handful of yellow paper. The ghosts that came in the middle were a little more powerful, and I could send them away with a drop of blood.

But as these Yin spirits become more and more advanced, it becomes more and more difficult for me to deal with them.

I opened my parasol and hit it on my body. At the same time, I looked at the several Yin spirits in front of me who were staring at me with eager eyes. I couldn't help but curse: "Don't fuck that thing before it comes, I'll be squeezed dry first!"

After scolding me, I made up my mind to wait for the last two minutes. If it doesn't come again, I will shut down the spirit gathering array immediately!

Unexpectedly, as soon as I had this thought, a strong wind blew over me. The ghosts who were still confronting me swished away after feeling the wind.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce murderous aura hit his face! Frankly speaking, my legs were a little weak, but this was my only chance. I gritted my teeth and gripped the Sirius Whip in preparation.

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