Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 587 Detective Di Renjie

But after waiting for a long time, the Yin spirit did not make a move. I was afraid that the spirit gathering array would be ineffective if I waited any longer, so I closed my eyes and whipped the place where the murderous aura was strongest based on my feeling.


At the same time, Jiang Teng heard a scream, and then the murderous aura surrounding me disappeared without a trace.

I realized something was wrong, so I turned on the switch and ran towards Jiang Teng's room. The bodyguard also rushed out of the room. We both entered the room together. After seeing the scene in the room, we both collapsed at the same time. Take a breath of cold air: Jiang Teng was rolling on the ground with his head covered, and the blood from his forehead flowed all over the floor.

"Call an ambulance!"

I yelled, then dug out the medical kit in the living room and gave Jiang Teng some simple bandages.

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, as soon as Jiang Teng was pushed into the emergency room, several policemen walked over from the end of the corridor. It turned out that the hospital had called the police.

Fortunately, the leader was Lao Wu, who took me to the forensic department last time, so there was no misunderstanding.

Old Wu knew that I was in charge of these cases, so he just asked a few simple questions and took the people away. Then the bodyguard and I waited.

Until now, I haven't seen Yin Ling's face, but it has left my customers' lives hanging by a thread. I vowed to solve it, otherwise my sign would be destroyed!

Fortunately, Jiang Teng was out of danger with the doctors' full rescue efforts, but he was still unconscious. The bodyguard and I took turns keeping watch in the ward for a day and a night, and he still couldn't wake up until the next night.

The bodyguard was a little scared and asked me if the evil spirit would come to the hospital? After hearing this, my eyes lit up and I suddenly had an idea.

The hospital has a strong yin energy, which makes it easy to attract ghosts. In addition, its attempt to kill Jiang Teng failed yesterday, so there is a high possibility that it will come here tonight.

Thinking of this, I immediately cheered up and asked the bodyguard to find a hospital to change Jiang Teng's ward.

The bodyguard immediately shook his head and said, "The doctor told me that the chairman must stay in the intensive care unit until he wakes up."

I turned around to look at Jiang Teng's condition and felt that he was indeed not suitable for living in other wards. I thought for a while and asked the bodyguard to find a way to convince the doctor to let me go in wearing a antibacterial suit.

Seeing that the bodyguard was still hesitant, I frowned and said, "If you want to watch him get his head shot, don't go."

As soon as the bodyguard heard this, he turned around and walked to the dean's office. After a while, he came back with two sets of anti-bacterial suits. He handed one of them to me and then put the other one on himself.

I saw that he was about to go in, so I told him to hide aside quietly later, so as not to be discovered by the evil spirit.

As soon as we stepped in, the door of the intensive care unit was shut tightly, and the outside sound was instantly cut off.

After entering the house, I took out a copy of the Tao Te Ching from my bag and placed it on Jiang Teng's bedside. Since I didn't know the identity of the Yin spirit, I simply used the most common method to deal with it.

Then I taught the bodyguard some passages from the Tao Te Ching that were easier to remember, and asked him to start reading them aloud when he realized something was not right.

The bodyguard nodded seriously and sat beside Jiang Teng's bed with a chair. I activated my parasol to cover the entire ward, and then took out the Sirius Whip and held it in my hand, feeling a little more at ease.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, a dark wind blew in the ward. I instantly became energetic and waited for the yin-yang umbrella to attack. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, there was still no movement from the yin-yang umbrella. I knew something would happen later, so I hurriedly shouted: "Recite sutras!"

The bodyguard almost reflexively recited the Tao Te Ching. As his lips moved, the golden light of the Tao Te Ching on the bedside shone brightly, covering Jiang Teng and the bodyguard.

As soon as the golden light enveloped them, an iron whip with a breaking sound hit the aperture.

The aperture was shaken for a while, and I stared at Jiang Teng nervously. I was relieved when I saw that he didn't react at all!

Just when I was thankful that the "Tao Te Ching" worked, a gust of wind suddenly hit me from above my head. I felt a thump in my heart and fell backwards. I avoided the vital point, but my leg was hit hard by it. .

I thought my legs were going to be broken, but I didn't expect that there was only a little soreness and numbness. I couldn't help but wonder: This thing can knock off melon seeds on the head with an iron whip, but it only caused a slight pain in my legs. Could it be that it meant to let me go? One horse?

I quickly suppressed this thought, took out a handful of cinnabar from my arms and threw it at it, and it hurriedly hid aside.

"What a bastard!"

I was so excited that cinnabar worked so well that I almost shed tears. After a long time, I finally found what it was afraid of. I cursed loudly and then took out a handful of cinnabar and threw it out. As soon as the shadow came into contact with the cinnabar, a black smoke came out. I felt happy and quickly used the umbrella to cover it.

The umbrella rotated rapidly to cover it in the middle, but I found that the Tai Chi light of the umbrella did no harm to it at all.

It looked up at me, with a mocking smile on its face.

This is the first time I have seen its face. Its facial features are as sharp as a knife, its nose is high and its eyes are as bright as stars. Its three short beards make its whole person look majestic and upright, and there is a vague feeling of familiarity.

I was so angry with it that I swung the whip at it crazily, but it dodged it one by one. After the magic power of the Sirius Whip disappeared, the Yin Spirit smiled coldly at me again, and then disappeared in a flash. .

After it left, a picture kept flashing in my mind, and finally I remembered the stone tablet in the dream that I hadn't had time to see clearly!

After daybreak, I asked the doctor responsible for changing Jiang Teng's dressing if there were any famous attractions here. The doctor thought for a while and said there was nothing interesting about it. Only one Di Village was famous.

"Di Cun?"

After hearing this, my head exploded, and I became even more sure of my inner thoughts. I immediately borrowed the bodyguard's car and rushed to Di Village in the dust, but I didn't see anything when I got there.

Later, I asked some locals and found out that the relics of Di Village had been moved to Tanghuai Park.

Tanghuai Park is just a few hundred meters away. I walked there in more than ten minutes. Far away, I saw the large locust tree that was said to have been planted by Di Renjie’s mother. There was also a stone tablet standing under the locust tree: 'The Hometown of Duke Di Liang'.

Yes, the stone tablet I encountered during that dream was exactly the same as this one!

I walked along the path in the park, and soon I saw the ancestral hall to commemorate Dee Renjie. Outside the ancestral hall stood a bronze bust of Dee Renjie, which didn't look out of the ordinary.

"Did I guess wrong?" I continued walking in unwillingly, actually I had given up hope.

Unexpectedly, there is a small statue in the ancestral hall. On the statue, Di Renjie is holding a weapon and wearing a black official uniform of the Tang Dynasty, posing a majestic appearance.

I gasped when I saw the weapon in his hand. The four-sided iron mace in his hand was exactly the same as the weapon used by Yinling. It seemed that the murderer was really him!

It is said that Di Renjie served as an official all his life, and he served as prime minister of the Tang Dynasty twice. While he was an official, he prayed for the people, eradicated corrupt officials, and helped Wu Zetian establish a prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, Di Renjie also has another specialty, that is, he is able to solve cases like a god, which is rare in the world!

During his tenure at Dali Temple, he spent a whole year solving all unjust, false, and erroneous cases in Dali Temple, as well as unsolved public cases. As many as 17,000 people were involved in the case. Afterwards, no one complained about injustice. He was called It's: Detective Di Renjie.

Even foreign detectives were shocked when they saw Dee Renjie's story and likened him to the Sherlock Holmes of the East.

According to folklore, in order to allow Di Renjie to solve the case without any hindrance, the late emperor personally gave Di Renjie a weapon called: Dragon Mace! When you are above, you beat the king unconscious, when you are below, you beat the evil people. Seeing the powerful dragon with his mace is like seeing the emperor.

Regardless of whether Kanglong's Mace really exists, it expresses the good wishes of the people at the bottom of the ancient world and shows Di Renjie's upright image.

Because Kang Long Mace only hits evil people, not innocent people, this can explain why Di Renjie and I fought several times, and he showed mercy to me in the end!

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