Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 588: A proud dragon has regrets

I think I know where to start!

So I drove straight to the cemetery. I wanted to find the old man with gray hair.

He burned paper money outside the villa again and again. I had to wonder, was it Jiang Teng or Jiang Guanguan who killed his relatives and left him nowhere to redress his grievances?

My intuition tells me that he will definitely come to the cemetery again to pay his respects.

I stood at the entrance of the cemetery until dark, and finally saw him walking over carrying a fruit basket.

When he passed by me, I grabbed his arm. As a result, like a frightened bird, he raised his hand and threw the basket at me, and then ran away.

Fortunately, his legs and feet were weak and he limped when he ran.

I didn't catch up, I just shouted from behind: "Uncle, did you have any relatives who died at the hands of Jiang Teng?"

The old man stopped suddenly, turned his head and glared at me fiercely, shouting in a hoarse voice: "You and that beast are the same!"

I hurried over, stared into his eyes and explained seriously.

"Uncle, I have nothing to do with Jiang Teng! I am the mage he invited to deal with supernatural incidents. But as I investigated further, I found that things were getting more and more wrong, so I came to you."

The old man looked at me suspiciously, and finally waved to me slowly: "Follow me."

After walking for a while, he stopped in front of a tombstone, touched the photo on the tombstone and choked up that his daughter was buried here.

I looked at the photo in the moonlight and found that it was an eighteen-year-old girl with a particularly sweet and youthful smile.

"My daughter committed suicide half a month ago."

Before I asked, the old man recalled it with tears. It seemed that he had been depressed for too long!

"My wife passed away early, and I have such a precious daughter like Tiantian. It has not been easy to raise her up over the years. This child is very sensible and never needs me to take care of her studies. She was admitted to a key university last year. I still vaguely remember, When she got the admission notice, she said, Dad, our family's hard days are finally coming to an end, and my daughter will support you from now on!"

However, no one expected that a girl who had just turned eighteen would encounter the most terrifying nightmare at the most brilliant moment of her life.

Some time ago, Tiantian was working as a part-time student in a hotel, but she was attracted by Jiang Guanguan who was eating.

Jiang Guanguan first used money to seduce Tiantian, but Tiantian didn't want to accept his trick and turned around and left.

Jiang Guanguan, who had lost face in front of his friends, suddenly became angry. He pulled Tiantian back and forced him to drink a glass of drugged wine...

When Tiantian woke up, she found herself lying on the hotel bed, with Jiang Guanguan sleeping naked next to her.

Tiantian knew what happened at the first glance and screamed in panic. After Jiang Guanguan was woken up by her, he fiercely warned her not to cause trouble, otherwise he would make her look good!

Tiantian told her father what had happened and immediately went to the police station to call the police. However, Jiang Teng and his son criticized Tiantian, saying that Tiantian climbed into Jiang Guanguan's bed because of money.

This incident caused a huge uproar, and thousands of netizens helped Tiantian denounce this unscrupulous rich second generation. However, Jiang Teng and his son were so clever that they bribed the police judge to give perjury and directly acquitted Jiang Guanguan.

No matter how Tiantian petitioned or begged the police, nothing worked.

An extremely heinous rape case, driven by money, became a social tragedy. In the end, Tiantian couldn't bear the humiliation and chose to commit suicide by cutting her pulse. She cut dozens of deep cuts on her wrist. It looked like she didn't intend to live at all...

After hearing all this, I suddenly felt very sick, and felt ashamed that I had been living under the same roof with Jiang Teng these days!

Damn, I shouldn't have saved him before and let him have his head smashed by the Dragon Mace!

I sat with the old man in the cemetery for a long time. He rambled on and said a lot of sweet things. I didn't feel impatient, but the more I listened, the more I felt sorry for this eighteen-year-old girl.

While we were chatting, I stopped talking in circles and asked directly: "Uncle, are you the mastermind behind this?"

When the old man heard what I said, his eyes widened instantly, and his eyes when he looked at me were full of wariness. I didn't care about his reaction, but continued to ask him what unscrupulous things the other two deceased people had done.

"One raped a young child, and another killed a family of three while driving a car. They were both acquitted and explained as intermittent mental illness."

The old man finally admitted it. This sentence was simple, but it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I didn’t know what to say for a while.

It took me a long time to feel better, so I asked the old man why he let me go at critical moments every time. The old man asked doubtfully: "Didn't you escape on your own?"

It seems that Di Renjie really let me off the hook.

I sighed with some emotion, then remembered that there was still something very important that I had not finished, so I asked the old man if he could do me a favor.

"Help?" He looked at me with some confusion.

I told the big boss what had threatened me.

After hearing this, the old man was silent for a moment and said with red eyes, "How about I help you kill him?"

I was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "I just need to let Kang Longmai cooperate with me to put on a show in front of the big boss, so that he thinks I have surrendered the Yin spirit."

"Of course, you will no longer be able to use the Dragon Mace in the future. In return, I will not expose your crimes, because those people deserve to die! It would not be a pity to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!" After saying that, I looked at him earnestly.

The old man touched Tiantian's tombstone and said with some relief that since Jiang Guanguan is dead and Jiang Teng has learned a lesson, I have avenged my daughter, so what!

Three days later, I called the big boss to come to Jiang Teng's villa, and then acted in a play with Kang Longmai.

After a lot of struggling, the senior leader finally handed me a piece of original information.

I opened it and saw that it was full of evidence of my crime. I quickly burned it with a lighter...

After the big boss left, I quietly went out and went to Tanghuai Park with Tiantian's father.

The Kanglong mace belongs to Di Renjie, so naturally it must be returned to its original owner. In the end, the two of us buried the Dragon Mace in a secret location in the ancestral hall.

Although I don't object to what Tiantian's father has done, the Kanglong Mace is a yin object after all, and sooner or later there will be a yin object merchant like me.

If I don't move it, I can't guarantee that others won't be jealous, so the best way is to let it sleep underground.

After burying Kanglong's mace, I said goodbye to Jiang Teng and gave him a hard knock!

On the way home, I looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the car window, but my heart became more and more depressed. It was hard for me to imagine how Jiang Guanguan would have lived if Tiantian's father had not been able to control the dragon's mace, and how many young girls there would have been. Will he be destroyed?

The days of officials protecting each other have not passed yet, the shady transactions of power and money are everywhere, and the power to cover up wrongdoings is everywhere. This is the "beautiful era" we live in.

On the other side of the peaceful singing and dancing, there are hundreds of millions of poor people crowded at the bottom, shouting and wandering, but they can't make a sound...

The powerful weapon buried underground, have you heard it?

Anyone who confuses right and wrong shall be killed!

Those who don’t have the king’s dharma will be killed!

Rape and plunder, kill!

Those who oppress the people shall be killed!

Wherever Kanglong's mace passes, kill him! kill! kill!

(Note: This story is adapted from real social cases, but please do not take it personally.)

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