Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 589: Bouldering into the river

Time flies so fast, and summer is here in a blink of an eye.

Ruxue took Xiaomeng and one-year-old Nianchu back to her parents' home. Li Mazi seized the opportunity and insisted on dragging me out for a spin!

I was afraid that he would go crazy if he continued to hold it in, so I had no choice but to go on a poor trip with him. Every day I was traveling in remote mountains and countryside. When I was sleepy, I would just find a place to spend the night. When I was hungry, I would just grab something to eat and sleep on.

Although the life was very hard, I really saw countless scenery. After more than a week, I felt that there was nothing to do, so I asked Li Mazi to go home.

He obviously wasn't wild enough yet and kept nagging about wanting to play for a few more days, so I had no choice but to let him go.

Since neither of us had any money, and we were really tired from living in the open for days, we deliberately moved closer to the nearest county seat. Prepare to find a hotel to have a good rest. Take some money out by the way, otherwise you really have to drink the northwest wind...

When passing a village, Li Mazi suddenly stopped, stuck out his tongue like a big wolf dog, and then said: "Brother Zhang, let's go into the village to ask for some water? My throat is fucking smoking. .”

According to Li Mazi's temper, he would definitely not continue on the road if he was not allowed to drink water. What's more, the weather is so hot now that even I can't bear it, so I nodded and agreed.

As a result, before entering the village, a green watermelon field appeared in front of him. Little stars popped up in Li Mazi's eyes. He ran over and opened a watermelon to gnaw on it.

A row of black lines appeared on my forehead, and I thought that this guy would not be caught by the villagers as a melon thief.

Fortunately, no one was watching in the field at the moment, so I found a place to sit in the shade of a tree to enjoy the coolness, and at the same time looked at the village.

I saw that the village was surrounded by green trees, and there was a small river to the east of us. Now I became interested and prepared to take a bath in the river.

"Brother Zhang, come and eat watermelon."

After Li Mazi quickly finished one watermelon, he didn't forget to grab two more and handed them to me as he spoke.

"I won't eat, you can eat! Let's take a shower after eating."

After saying that, I came to the river. Li Mazi was obviously also interested in bathing in the river. He took off his shirt first and was about to jump in.

I looked at the river habitually. Want to see how deep the water is? But he found that the river was unusually calm, with a fish in it, no ripples at all, just like a pool of stagnant water.

There was something wrong with this. I subconsciously grabbed Li Mazi, who was about to jump in. He asked me confusedly what I was doing.

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong with the river!"

As I said that, I rubbed my eyes, forced my Yin and Yang eyes to open and looked towards the river again.

I couldn't help but open my mouth when I saw it. Although the river was not very deep, it was covered with a hazy black mist.

Logically speaking, the river water should evaporate heat after being exposed to the sun, but now I am just standing on the shore, but I can already feel the chill coming from the depths of the river.

Seeing my solemn expression, Li Mazi quickly realized what was happening. He said with some uneasiness, "This river is quite evil."

"It seems we have something to do. Let's go to the village and ask!" After saying that, I was ready to go to the village to find something. There must be something in the river.

In fact, I can completely pretend that I don't know, but if I can save a few villagers, maybe I can accumulate merit.

So I can't ignore it!

Before I had taken a few steps, I suddenly heard a "pop" sound. I followed the sound and looked over. I was surprised to find a man wearing a red vest jumping into the river diagonally opposite, and he sank in the blink of an eye.

I am not very good at water, so I could only look at Li Mazi. Without saying a word, Li Mazi took off his shoes and was about to jump off. I quickly grabbed him and stuffed a handful of dirt into his mouth before letting him go into the river.

The river water is yin, and the soil is also yin. This allows Li Mazi to adapt to the water temperature to a certain extent, so that he will not be trapped in the water even if he cannot save the person.

"This water is so damn cold!" Li Mazi's face suddenly turned pale after he jumped in.

He cursed fiercely, then plunged into the water and swam towards the place where the man fell into the water. Standing on the shore, I couldn't help but sweat for him.

Fortunately, he quickly found the man in the red vest and used enough strength to lift him up. However, the strange thing was that every time the man in the red vest showed his head, he quickly sank again, as if something in the river was pulling him up. Just like sucking it down.

"what happened?"

I asked eagerly, fearing that there were water ghosts in the river.

Li Mazi waved his hand to me and said it was okay, and then continued to fiddle in the water. It took a long time to get the person ashore.

Li Mazi spat a few times before saying angrily: "Damn it, this kid probably doesn't want to live anymore! He actually jumped into the river with a stone in his arms. If I hadn't been strong enough to snatch the stone away, I might have sunk with him today."

After hearing this, I was stunned and looked at the man in the red vest who had fainted. I pressed hard on his chest several times before forcing the water out of his stomach.

Because he was rescued by us as soon as he jumped, his life was not in danger. After squeezing out the water, he woke up and turned around not long after.

After he woke up, he looked at the river with a disappointed face, then at us, and actually lowered his head and started to cry.

I can't even stand a woman crying, let alone facing a big man, so I turned my head to the side in disgust. Li Mazi, on the other hand, cursed angrily: "What can't you think of as a big man? You actually want to jump into the river, and now you still have the nerve to cry here. If I had known I wouldn't have saved you..."

"You think I want to die!"

The man in the red vest was a little angry after being scolded by Li Mazi, so he replied in a very angry tone.

I hear this. Keenly aware that there might be a hidden agenda behind this incident, he suddenly suffered from occupational disease and reflexively asked: "Did you encounter something dirty?"

After asking, I felt that I was being rude. I was just about to round my words out, but unexpectedly, the man in the red vest nodded suddenly, and then started to talk in tears.

His name is Zhang Henshui, and he is a villager in this village.

He said that he had been listless all day recently and couldn't get enough sleep for more than ten hours a day. At first, he thought he had done too much farm work recently and was exhausted, so he didn't care.

Unexpectedly, starting from this morning, another person's urging voice came from time to time in his head.

Zhang Henshui felt that he had lost his head while sleeping, so he walked out of the house with a shovel, ready to get some air and repair the rice fields.

But after arriving in the field, the voice in my head became even stronger, and it kept repeating: Hurry up, come to the river!

This voice made Zhang Henshui feel uneasy. He simply followed the instructions of the voice and came to the river to see what was going on.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached the river, a cold wind came from behind him, and then he lost consciousness.

After hearing this, I couldn't help but frown. This was obviously a dirty trick, and I immediately asked him if any other strange things had happened at home recently.

"Everything is normal at home, except that I feel more tired when I go to bed every day than when I work in the fields. Sometimes I feel like I have walked tens of thousands of meters while lying in bed. When I wake up, my whole body is sore. Can't get out of bed..." Zhang Henshui said without thinking. It seems that he has experienced this a lot recently.

It's just that this situation is a bit like sleepwalking, and it doesn't necessarily mean that something dirty is causing trouble. I would like to ask him if he has had familial sleepwalking in the past?

As a result, before I could speak, he suddenly remembered something else!

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