Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 591: Someone wants to harm you!

But at this moment, a big bubble burst out of the calm water, and then Li Mazi's head popped out. His face was red from suppressing it, but he still seemed to have some strength. He was splashing in the water with one hand, and holding Zhang Henshui tightly with the other hand, and slowly swam towards me.

"You scared me to death!"

I couldn't help but roar, then looked around, found a stick and stretched it towards Li Mazi.

Li Mazi swam forward for a few meters and grabbed the stick. I gritted my teeth and slowly pulled them back, finally pulling them ashore.

As soon as he landed on the shore, Li Mazi lay on the ground and spit a few big mouthfuls of water. Then he pointed angrily at Zhang Henshui and said, "Not only did he hold a big rock this time, but he also tied his legs! If I hadn't been good at water, I would I will definitely have to fall back."

After listening, I looked at Zhang Henshui's legs, and then I realized that his legs were tightly entangled with nylon ropes. No wonder Li Mazi didn't move for a long time after going down.

"It seems we have to speed up. Being on guard all the time is not an option!"

He could only be considered lucky to be able to rescue Zhang Henshui in time both times, but judging from his diving behavior this time, the Yin spirit couldn't wait to drown him!

Before finding Yin Ling, Zhang Henshui must not be allowed to go out alone again, otherwise no one can guarantee what will happen.

Then I untied the nylon rope on Zhang Henshui's legs, and used the method my grandfather gave me to seal the acupuncture points near his chest to prevent fluid accumulation in his chest, and then pressed on his chest rhythmically.

After five or six minutes, Zhang Henshui opened his eyes, spat out a few mouthfuls of water, then knelt on the ground and begged us to save him, and then told me about it with tears and snot in his nose.

In fact, I could guess it without him saying anything. He was just bewitched by that voice, and involuntarily tied himself up and jumped into the water. I no longer paid attention to these things, took him back home, and repeatedly asked him not to go out alone in the future.

On the way, Zhang Henshui begged me not to tell his wife about this, and to make up an excuse to fool her so that she wouldn't worry.

This makes me admire him even more, but how can I hide this kind of thing? His wife was a shrewd person at first sight and would definitely be able to tell something.

Sure enough, Zhang Henshui's wife hugged him and started crying as soon as we got home. After a while, after her mood stabilized, I asked her to hold her daughter back to the room to rest. Through these two diving incidents, I felt that the Yin spirit was only targeting Zhang Henshui, but for the sake of safety, I lent the peach soul flower to Zhang Henshui's wife for self-defense.

Then the three of us old men made do with a meal outside and then waited quietly.

Since the moon is high in the sky, it is still very bright outside until twelve o'clock, and the Yin spirit this time is different from the past. It appears by controlling Zhang Henshui, so just keep an eye on Zhang Henshui.

I thought about it and decided that waiting was not an option, so I took out my compass and started turning it quietly in the yard. Originally, the compass showed that everything was normal, but when I got close to the toilet, the needle suddenly sank!

The sinking of the pointer is called needle throwing, which indicates that there are Yin spirits involved here, and they are the Yin spirits of people who died tragically or in vain. Seeing this, I temporarily put away the compass and asked Zhang Henshui if he had done anything harmful to nature during this period. thing?

Because the Yin spirits who throw needles are generally very special, they themselves do not have too much evil energy, and they will not easily offend strangers. Even if they occasionally interfere with living people, it is a coincidence, hoping to help them fulfill their last wishes, and rarely cause direct harm. Human life, so I suspect that Zhang Henshui offended this Yin spirit.

If this is the case, I need to consider whether I should intervene in this matter! After all, everything depends on cause and effect, and merchants of evil things cannot break the rules at will.

Hearing my question, Zhang Henshui was briefly confused at first, and then firmly shook his head and said that he has basically never been jealous of anyone in his life, let alone done anything wrong.

After saying that, he asked me with a look of horror on his face if I had seen anything?

I kept looking into his eyes while he was talking and found that he was very candid and didn't look like he was lying. What's more, he saw the big man parked under the locust tree during the day and hurriedly woke him up. He looked like a kind and honest man no matter what.

Thinking of this, I chose to believe him and picked up the compass again to observe. Originally I thought the problem was in the latrines, because latrines have been places where filth has gathered since ancient times, and it is easy to attract unclean things.

I wandered around the toilet for a long time without seeing anything, but I found that the pointer kept shaking against the wall of the toilet!

It seemed that the problem was inside the wall. I frowned and asked Zhang Henshui to get two shovels. Then he and Li Mazi dug hard according to my instructions.

Li Mazi said with an ignorant look in his eyes as he dug: "Brother Zhang, you asked us to dig a hole here in the middle of the night. If word spreads, people will laugh out loud."

I ignored him and carefully observed the compass. I found that as they dug faster, the needle shook faster. After about ten minutes, Li Mazi suddenly shouted: "Dig it out!"

"What is it?"

I looked over reflexively, and at a glance I saw a black stone sandwiched between the bricks under the wall, which was continuously emitting black air.

It seems that the problem lies with this thing!

I took the shovel from Li Mazi's hand and dug hard, and finally dug out the entire black stone. This stone was the size of a basin and weighed at least thirty kilograms.

Zhang Henshui looked at the stone with his mouth wide open, and said in confusion: "When we built the toilet, we obviously used bricks, how come there is an extra strange stone?"

"Because someone wants to harm you." I said with a cold face.

I asked Zhang Henshui if he still remembered who built the toilet for his family?

At the same time, I was also very confused in my heart, who could be so insidious that he would do some evil tricks in other people's toilets.

"This toilet was newly built recently, and we hired three migrant workers to do the job together."

Zhang Henshui recalled for a moment and replied, and then he said very aggrievedly that he had always done his duty, how could he mess with such a person!

I didn't bother to comfort him, and I quickly calculated in my mind that although there were three migrant workers working together, there must only be one person who did the work.

Judging from the current situation, it may be too late to interrogate these three people one by one. I thought about it and decided to use the spirit-inducing technique!

The so-called spirit-guiding technique, to put it bluntly, is to regroup the yin energy scattered around the stone, and to find the source through these yin energy, which is the migrant worker who used his hands and feet.

Next, I bit my middle finger, dropped a few drops of essence and blood on the black stone, and then recited a secret spell, allowing the black stone to briefly communicate with me through the essence and blood. After I felt that my thoughts could be conveyed to the stone, I shouted with all my strength: "Open!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw the essence and blood on the black stone quickly spread out, showing the shape of a coordinate axis. I quickly walked around the stone, and gradually a small arrow appeared on the coordinate axis.

"follow me!"

I didn't expect the spirit-guiding technique to be so powerful. I was overjoyed and said hello to Li Mazi and Zhang Henshui, and then ran towards the direction pointed by the arrow with the Sirius whip in hand.

Because the spirit-guiding technique is entirely supported by the essence and blood on it, it will become ineffective when the essence and blood are used up, so even though I am holding the stone, I can walk very fast. When I finally ran to a park in the suburbs, the blood essence on the stone had begun to dry up, so I had to squeeze out a few drops of blood essence and drip it on it again.

But this time the essence and blood did not form an arrow like before, but condensed into a soybean-sized bead, suspended on the stone and shaking left and right, as if looking for something...

Before I could react, the blood droplets flew towards the depths of the park with a whoosh. I was stunned for a moment and then chased after him for about 200 to 300 meters when two figures suddenly appeared in front of me.

In order not to alert the enemy, I had no choice but to stop. As the two people got closer, I saw clearly that they were a man and a woman.

After seeing the appearance of the person coming clearly, Zhang Henshui's expression suddenly changed, and he stared and was about to rush out.

Li Mazi and I held him tightly. After the two of them walked away, Zhang Henshui cursed angrily: "That man is one of the three migrant workers. He really wants to harm me!"

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