Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 592 Miluo River God, Qu Yuan

"Don't worry, let's see what they want to do."

I comforted Zhang Henshui, and then hid in the dense forest, making sure that they would not be discovered, and then followed slowly.

Finally, a man and a woman stopped in front of a stone monument, and then they both knelt down and recited something piously in silence. The man also gritted his teeth and said something like revenge.

There is a repaired semicircular earth slope behind this stone monument, which looks like a tomb. I think their ancestors may be buried here.

After the two people left, I quickly ran up and looked at the stone tablet. I was stunned. It actually said: "The Tomb of Dr. Sanlu of Chu."

Isn't the Sanlu doctor of Chu State the famous Qu Yuan?

Could this be Qu Yuan’s tomb?

Qu Yuan was a famous poet of Chu State during the Warring States Period, and left behind his eternal masterpiece "Li Sao". It is said that Qu Yuan had great ambitions and gave countless suggestions to King Huai of Chu that would benefit the country and the people, but they were all rejected by the mediocre King Huai of Chu. Qu Yuan was also exiled to a foreign country. Qu Yuan eventually jumped into the Miluo River with hatred and died.

After Qu Yuan died, the people cried bitterly and rowed dragon boats desperately into the river to search for Qu Yuan's body. A large amount of rice wrapped in rice dumpling leaves was thrown into the Miluo River to pray that the fish and shrimps would not eat Qu Yuan's body. From then on, this day was designated as the Dragon Boat Festival. At this time, the Chinese people would eat rice dumplings and row dragon boats. , to commemorate Qu Yuan, the soul of the nation.

Thinking back to the allusion of Qu Yuan bouldering and throwing himself into the river, I can confirm that Zhang Henshui was haunted by Qu Yuan's ghost!

In the whole world, only Qu Yuan's family likes to play this way of death.

It's just that Qu Yuan has been a model of loyalty and patriotism since ancient times. How could such a great poet with integrity and ambition find trouble with Zhang Henshui?

Also, the man and woman just now were obviously descendants of Qu Yuan, and what purpose they had in murdering Zhang Henshui has become a mystery.

I thought about it and felt that I still had to find a breakthrough from Zhang Henshui.

After returning home, I carefully interrogated Zhang Henshui about his family background, and finally discovered something unusual!

All the men in his family died of abnormal deaths. Starting from his great-grandfather's generation, basically all the men in the family could not live past the age of fifty. Zhang Henshui's great-grandfather drowned in the basin while washing his face. Zhang Henshui's grandfather He was drowned during a flood, and Zhang Henshui's father also died by eating poisonous mushrooms by the river.

From then on, Zhang Henshui was the only male in their family. Later, he got married and gave birth to a daughter, but nothing strange happened...

After listening to this, I understood that Qu Yuan and Zhang Henshui's family were supposed to be feuding families, so Zhang Henshui was obviously kind and honest, but he was still being targeted.

Just relying on these alone, I still don't know why Qu Yuan wanted to harm him. Li Mazi held his cheek and thought for a long time, and then asked me if I could sit back and wait for him.

"You can try it."

I nodded. Instead of passively waiting, I would rather take the initiative to expose a flaw to them, so that I could have some initiative.

So Zhang Henshui called the three migrant workers the next morning, saying that the toilet wall in his home had collapsed and asked them to come over and repair it.

Three migrant workers came in the afternoon. The one who wanted to harm Zhang Henshui was very enthusiastic. Seeing his honest and honest appearance, I was shocked. If I hadn't discovered his secret last night, I would have been deceived by him. !

In order to give him a chance to do something, Zhang Henshui entered the house early, while I hid on the roof and observed carefully.

Unexpectedly, the migrant worker behaved well from beginning to end and did not behave strangely on his mission. It was not until he repaired the toilet that he gave Zhang Henshui a cold look before leaving.

This glance made me feel his confidence. My intuition told me that Zhang Henshui was in danger, but I couldn't see what the problem was?

After it got dark, I clearly felt that the air in the yard had become strange, and I felt even more uneasy. I took out the Qiankun Chain from my bag and put it on Zhang Henshui's wrist.

The Qiankun Chain is made up of a red rope and 7749 Five Emperors coins. Needless to say, the power of the Five Emperors' Money is natural. The red rope was taken from the incense rope in the temple, and then soaked in Zhiyang's black dog's blood for three days. The two objects combined became a weapon to ward off evil spirits.

The man left with confidence. Zhang Henshui must be extremely dangerous. Wearing the Qiankun Chain could at least save his life!

Because we didn’t know what trick the man had used, we could only go back to the room and wait. When it got completely dark, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped a lot, as if we were in a refrigerator.

Li Mazi and Zhang Henshui were shivering from the cold. I rubbed my palms vigorously, and then looked out through the crack in the door attentively. I found that the yard was white, as if there was a layer of frost!

I didn't expect the Yin Qi to be so strong, and I felt a little panicked for a while.

At this time, there was a sudden messy sound in the yard. If you listen carefully, it sounded like crying, but the crying was mixed with hysterical sneers. These sounds flicker in and out, far and near, making people feel like they want to go crazy.

It seems that the tricks the migrant worker did during the day are beginning to work, but I don’t understand where he started? After all, I was staring at him motionless from the rooftop.

Suddenly, I thought what the problem was!

Although the materials for building the toilet were all prepared by Zhang Henshui himself, the final paint was brought by migrant workers, who must have added something to the paint.

I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, but it was useless to be anxious at this point. Moreover, it is impossible for Qu Yuan's Yin spirit alone to cause such a big movement. I think the other party probably used illusions.

Fortunately, after my trip to Japan, I had a deep understanding of the power of illusion and took Patchouli Liquid with me.

Everyone knows that Patchouli perfume can relieve the heat and refresh people, and Patchouli liquid is made from the residue left after extracting Patchouli perfume, plus incense ash, children's urine and other multi-flavor ingredients, specially designed to deal with illusions!

I first put a drop on my forehead. As the liquid quickly penetrated the surface of my skin, my whole body began to radiate heat, and I didn't feel cold in my bones. I looked up and looked outside, and I saw that the white frost-like things had disappeared. Then I gave Li Mazi and Zhang Henshui a drop of patchouli liquid respectively, and folded a paper crane.

Although I temporarily broke the opponent's illusion, this can only be used as a temporary measure. In order to determine his location, I wrote Zhang Henshui's horoscope on the paper crane, then dropped a few drops of blood on it, and then read out With the incantation, the paper crane slowly spreads its wings and flies.

Originally, I thought that person should be outside, so that Qian Zhihe could feed back the news as soon as he went out. As a result, it flew out without making any movement for a long time. Li Mazi knew what I was doing, so he asked anxiously: "Brother Zhang, is it possible that that person didn't come at all?"

"Hard to say."

I shook my head and said that I didn't know, but at that moment, a shrill bird call suddenly came from my mind, which meant that the paper crane had been discovered by that person.

I didn't dare to delay. I held the Sirius Whip and rushed towards the direction of the bird singing. Finally, I saw the migrant worker under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village.

He was not surprised at all when he saw us. It seemed that he had known about the existence of Li Mazi and me for a long time. He looked at us with a sneer, and all the features on his face were twisted together.

I stepped forward and asked, "Why have you tried to kill Zhang Henshui so many times?"

"No one of Zhang Yi's descendants can be left alive, they will all die, hahaha..." The migrant worker smiled crazily, and then ran away.

I was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then searched for Zhang Yi in my mind!

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