Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 594: Loyal to the Emperor and Patriotic

boom! boom! boom!

Every time the door hits the door, my heart beats fast. Now the Sirius whip has failed, and there is no telling whether the yin-yang umbrella is useful against zombies. Even if it is useful, it can't protect the three of us, let alone the pair of dogs outside. Men and women are waiting for us.

At this time, the voice of Senior Rat suddenly came to my ears: "Grandson, are you in trouble again?"

"Fuck you, why are you kidding me now?"

I replied subconsciously, and then suddenly realized, Senior Rat is here, we are saved! Then I looked around excitedly, and finally found a big, gray rat in the mouse hole in the corner. It was the natal rat of Senior Rat.

It seems that this old thing is nearby.

"Brother Rat, go and tell the old man quickly, just say that I can't stand it anymore..."

In desperation, I ignored my morals and spoke incoherently. For the first time, I felt that this fat mouse was so cute and adorable.

Unexpectedly, after hearing it, it squeaked twice, and then crawled in from the mouse hole. Only then did I find a small silver bell tied to its tail.

Since the old man asked me to bring the bell to me, it means that the bell can help. I immediately took off the bell from the mouse's tail and observed it carefully.

No matter how powerful the baby is, if he doesn't know how to use it, he is still blind!

Fortunately, when I was a child, I learned to identify various femininity objects from my grandfather, so I quickly recognized this little bell as the Fantasy Bell.

The Fantasy Bell is something that can control the human mind. People with evil thoughts will have a splitting headache when they hear its sound. People with no distracting thoughts will feel extremely comfortable when they hear the sound of the bell, and it can also drive away evil spirits and bring good luck.

Thinking of this, I sat cross-legged on the ground and read the Tao Te Ching, letting my mind calm down first.

At this time, there was a loud bang in my ears. When I opened my eyes, I found that the door had been smashed by zombies. Li Mazi and Zhang Henshui were holding a stick and making their final resistance!

I knew I couldn't wait any longer, so I stood up and slowly rang the fantasy bell.

Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell!

The zombies stopped immediately after hearing the bell, with blank expressions on their faces, and then their arms hung limply, looking like paper figures again.

"Follow me. After we leave the yard, Li Mazi, take Brother Zhang and go first!" I shouted to Li Mazi in a low voice while running out.

Because the Huansi Bell is likely to be ineffective against that man, after all, he also relies on illusions to make a living.

Sure enough, after walking out of the door, I found that all the zombies outside had become more honest. The woman with the black mask also collapsed on the ground, holding the gauze tightly in her hand.

However, the male migrant workers are missing!

It seemed that Huansi Ling was really useless to him, so I had to leave him alone for the time being and let Li Mazi pick up the gauze on the ground.

"If Uncle Mazi hadn't been kind-hearted, I would have fucked you a hundred times today!"

Li Mazi said angrily to the woman on the ground, and then tried hard to tear the gauze to pieces. In the end, after spending a long time, nothing happened, and he was exhausted.

"It would be weird if it could be torn into pieces!"

I couldn't help but doubt Li Mazi's IQ, so I handed him the Fantasy Bell, and then took the gauze and checked it myself. I found that the gauze was quite old. Judging from the words engraved on the handle, it was probably from the state of Chu. bird seal script.

If it were really an item left over from the Chu Kingdom, even a broken gauze net would definitely be priceless. However, these zombies were all controlled by the gauze net. I could only grit my teeth and take out the lighter to burn the gauze net to ashes. !

While I was burning the gauze, the woman with the black mask began to struggle angrily, apparently trying to stop me. Unfortunately, Li Mazi rang the fantasy bell so loudly that he didn't give her a chance.

Sure enough, as the screen was burned down, the zombies all caught fire with a roar, making beep-bop-bop sounds while burning. I felt something was wrong, and when I walked closer, I realized that these zombies were actually made of paper figures. of.

It turns out that we were right at first. The zombies are paper men, and the paper men are zombies. I guess the ones attached to them are also the drowned water ghosts in the river, right?

The moment I burned the gauze, the woman with the black mask rolled her eyes and fainted. I quickly got a life-saving charm and attached it to her body, and then asked Zhang Henshui and Li Mazi to tie her up.

I have been terrified since I came out of the paper shop, fearing that the male migrant worker would cast an illusion on us again, but to my surprise he never showed up.

When I walked under the old locust tree, I was suddenly blindfolded. I was stunned for a moment and then became excited and said: "

Where have you been having fun lately, you old immortal? "

"The little bastard is getting more and more erratic, call me grandpa!" After Senior Shu let go of me, he kicked me hard on the butt.

I chuckled, rubbed my hands and said, thanks to you, senior, this time.

"That's a human saying!" Senior Rat stroked his mustache and explained that when he passed by this village, he felt something was wrong in the village, so he asked the natal rat to come over and beat the front station.

As a result, we just happened to see us trapped by paper figures, and there was a scene where the zodiac rat gave me the Fantasy Bell.

"It seems that we are really destined to be together!"

While flattering him, I quietly put the Fantasy Bell into my pocket. Anyway, this old guy has a lot of treasures, and every one of them can be taken care of.

Unexpectedly, I was discovered by him. He fought with me like a child. In the end, Senior Shu finally gave in under the joint attack of me and Mazi Li. He cursed and said that if he had known better, he would have ignored you and let those The guy got you into the river and drowned.

After listening to it, I realized that it was not that the male migrant worker had no intention of dealing with us. It was just that the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole was behind him. He was scared away by the rat senior who had been watching from the outside!

Seeing that I was not in danger, Senior Shu originally planned to leave, but when he heard that the evil spirit causing trouble this time was actually the famous Qu Yuan, he immediately decided to help this great patriot.

The woman with the black mask woke up the next day. When she woke up, her previous hatred was gone, but her eyes were full of worry. Senior Shu rarely taught in the tone of an elder: "Girl, tell the old man what you think, maybe I can help him."

The person that Senior Shu mentioned was of course Qu Yuan. The woman in the black mask was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then she started telling us about it.

It turned out that she had her own happy life, but once she and her husband, the male migrant worker, went to the park to play. After coming back, every night she would dream of a man in a robe with only half of his head left, and the other half of his head. Made of pure gold, it shines with dazzling light.

Every time in the dream, the other person would cry and complain about how wronged and unwilling she was. Only then did the black-masked woman realize that the person in her dream was Qu Yuan.

It turned out that after Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, the people spontaneously came to rescue him. In order to prevent him from being eaten by fish and shrimp, the people even threw rice into the river.

But his body was fished out three days later. At that time, his head had been eaten by fish and shrimps. So Qu Yuan's daughter spent her whole life making half a gold head for Qu Yuan. The common people lamented the filial piety of their daughter, saying, "Nine sons cannot bury their father, but one daughter can give him a golden head."

When King Chu Xiang heard about it, he became so angry that he wanted to dig up Qu Yuan's tomb. Qu Yuan's daughter was afraid that her father's tomb would be dug up, so she shook the sand washing net on a high mountain day and night. The dust she shook slowly raised several hills. mound.

Qu Nu also fell asleep due to overwork. In her sleep, she saw an old man emerging from the ground. The old man knocked on the ground with his cane for eleven times, and eleven small tombs similar to Qu Yuan's tomb rose up in the mountains and rivers. mound. Therefore, the people sent by King Xiang of Chu to dig graves could not tell which one was Qu Yuan's tomb...

"In other words, you didn't know that you were a descendant of Qu Yuan. It was Qu Yuan who entered your dream and forced you to avenge him?" I grabbed this key point and asked.

The black-masked woman shook her head firmly and said that Qu Yuan did not want her to take revenge, but just wanted his body to be buried in the Chu State Cemetery.

In order to relieve their ancestors' hatred, this young couple took it upon themselves to kill Zhang Henshui, Zhang Yi's descendant.

"When will the injustice be repaid? Why are you doing this?"

Senior Shu sighed, and I shook my head too, but I still didn’t understand what Qu Yuan meant by the Chu State Cemetery?

"Later, the grandson of King Huai of Chu built a tomb for Qu Yuan in order to vindicate him, which is located in a suburban park." The black-masked woman explained.

After hearing this, I already had a rough idea in my mind and asked her if Qu Yuan's body was under the big locust tree.

"That's right!" She nodded.

I can't help but sigh with emotion. Even though Qu Yuan was exiled by King Huai of Chu, he persisted in his duties as a minister until his death. It is really admirable.

In the end, Senior Shu and I invested five million to invite the best engineering team to dig out Qu Yuan's remains from under the big locust tree. They were buried in the Chu State Cemetery together with the big black stone that Qu Yuan held in his arms when he sank into the river. , and beautified the little-known little park.

I think that after this grave relocation ceremony, when Qu Yuan's ghost faces this big black stone again, he will no longer feel any sadness, anger and helplessness, right? But infinite pride and pride, because this big black stone has witnessed his immortal loyalty for thousands of years.

For a long time after this incident, Li Mazi and I did not take on any more business, but deliberately traveled all over the country to find a contemporary Qu Yuan.

This person must be unyielding, this person must be loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

This person must emerge from the mire without being stained, this person must wash away the pure ripples without being a monster.

It's a pity that I couldn't find it. I asked Senior Shu why he couldn't find it. He was silent for a long time and asked me a question: Do people nowadays still have the concept of country in their minds?

I burst into tears immediately.

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