Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 595: Yan in front of the hall

After I saved Qu Yuan's Yin spirit, I felt quite confused for a long time and couldn't see the direction. Later, when Senior Shu saw how depressed I was, he specifically asked me to walk with him!

It's true that I haven't dealt with vaginal objects with him for a long time, so I agreed, thinking that I would take the opportunity to have two more treasures with him...

Originally, Senior Shu had no intention of taking Li Mazi with him, but this kid was so smart. He knew that he could make a lot of money by following Senior Shu, but he insisted on accompanying him even though he was a beggar. Even the always wretched Senior Shu couldn't do anything to him.

According to the efficiency of Li Mazi and I, most of the time we take the initiative to look for business, we will come back in vain. I didn’t expect that within three days of following Senior Shu, business would come to our door!

The other party was from Suzhou, and Senior Shu said she was a woman. Li Mazi perked up as soon as he heard this, and asked coquettishly: "What does she look like? Do you have a husband?"

"It's none of your business, sir. If you yell again, I'll let my eldest niece Ruxue beat you up."

Senior Shu slapped Li Mazi on the head. Li Mazi weakly shrank his head and did not dare to speak anymore.

We made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop in Suzhou the next day. When we arrived, the other party was already waiting. When he saw us, he shook our hands enthusiastically.

"Okay, okay..."

Li Mazi drooled unpromisingly when he shook hands with her. If the situation were different, I would have kicked him twice, but his reaction also showed that this woman was good-looking.

This woman is about 27 or 28 years old. She looks similar to the movie star Zhao Liying. She is a sweet beauty, especially with a prominent career line on her chest. However, her brows are always knitted together, and she looks like she is worried. Heavy look.

After sitting down, the woman told us that her name was Li Qiushui and that she was a local in Suzhou. After graduation, she and her best friend sold cosmetics on WeChat and now have a considerable amount of savings.

After listening to this, I secretly enjoyed myself and thought to myself, Li Qiu Shui introduced himself too comprehensively, right? This is not a blind date conference.

"My best friend's name is Zhang Yan. We have been on good terms since college. We are the kind of best friends who eat together and sleep together without distinction between you and me. After graduation, we worked together even more. When we were poorest, we lived in the basement. I didn’t feel any pain at all. Later, life got better and our relationship didn’t change. However, for some reason, Zhang Yan..."

Li Qiushui's eyes immediately turned red when she said this. She realized that she was a little out of sorts, so she quickly wiped her eyes with a tissue, and then started talking again.

It turns out that her best friend Zhang Yan has suddenly become sarcastic and mean recently for some unknown reason. She is no longer as gentle and considerate as before. Instead, she wants to compare with Li Qiu Shui, and even wants to surpass her!

At first, Li Qiushui didn't care. After all, the two sisters had improved each other through competition over the years. However, once when negotiating a contract with a big client, when it came time to sign at the last moment, Li Qiu Shui habitually signed his name first, but Zhang Yan suddenly went crazy and tore up the contract, saying that she did not want to sign the contract. Behind Li Qiushui's name.

Li Qiushui felt aggrieved at that time, but she didn't say anything after so many years of relationship. As a result, Zhang Yan opposed her at every turn, and even maliciously slandered her...

Even so, Li Qiushui still couldn't let go of this sisterly love, so she called Zhang Yan's husband. After asking, I found out that Zhang Yan was not only like this to herself, but also to everyone. She even acted like the whole world was against her at home.

Li Qiushui chatted with Zhang Yan's husband. Both of them felt that Zhang Yan could not change so much for no reason in such a short period of time, so they speculated that she might be possessed!

Li Qiushui happened to have dinner with a client one time and heard about Senior Shu's reputation, so he wanted to spend a lot of money to entrust Senior Shu to come and have a look.

After hearing all this, I felt that Zhang Yan must have provoked something dirty, so I turned to look at Senior Mouse, who nodded lightly.

Seeing that he meant to let me handle this matter, while he was on hand to provide guidance, I stopped talking nonsense and asked Li Qiu Shui if he could take us to Zhang Yan's house.

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult..."

Li Qiushui told us with a look of embarrassment that Zhang Yan was now very wary, as if she was suffering from persecution delusion. But she could ask Zhang Yan's husband out, and maybe she could get some clues.

"Then do you think he has time now?"

I nodded and said, after all, Zhang Yan’s husband should know more about living together in the same bed.

Li Qiushui then called Zhang Yan's husband Feng Yuanzheng. Feng Yuanzheng was very excited when he heard that we were waiting for him and said he would be there soon. But he didn't show up for a long time after hanging up the phone, and Senior Shu's face couldn't help but darken...

I also think it's a bit too much, asking the four of us to sit here and wait for him. If it weren't for Li Qiushui's sincere attitude, we would have left long ago!

After waiting for nearly an hour, I saw a person stumble into the cafe. He was dirty and had some sporadic blood stains on his body, and he looked like a beggar. Li Mazi picked up a plate of snacks from the table and handed it over, saying with some disgust: "Take it to the side and eat it."

"Sister Qiushui, I am Feng Yuanzheng."

The other party didn't take the snack, but sat directly next to Li Qiu Shui. Only then did Li Qiu Shui recognize him and asked him incredulously what he was wearing.

"Um, this..."

Feng Yuanzheng hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "I was about to go out after hanging up the phone, but Xiaoyan checked my phone and said that we were having an affair, so she locked me in the room. Later I felt that she would not let go. I went out and had no choice but to jump off the second floor..."

"Pfft!" Li Mazi just took a sip of coffee and spat it out when he heard these words. I glared at Li Mazi hard, and then got straight to the point and asked Feng Yuanzheng to talk about his wife's abnormal situation!

Feng Yuanzheng may have thought about what he wanted to say on the way, and his words were very clear and coherent. However, what he said was similar to what Li Qiushui said, and it was all superficial. Senior Shu couldn't help but interrupt, and asked in a deep voice: "Have any other strange things happened to your home recently, or have you bought anything weird, or has the house been modified?

"Strange things? Everything happened around Xiaoyan, but..."

Feng Yuanzheng's eyes lit up when he said this, he patted his head and said, "I thought about it, Xiaoyan only became like this after she came back from her parents' home!"

When I heard this, I immediately became energetic and asked him to explain it to us in detail. Feng Yuanzheng nodded and recalled that in the autumn, Zhang Yan went back to her hometown to help her parents harvest rice. She was fine when she went there, but her personality changed after she came back.

Because Zhang Yan's change was not a good thing, Feng Yuanzheng did not notify Zhang Yan's parents. But at this point, it was obvious that he could no longer hide it, so I asked him to take me to Zhang Yan's hometown.

Senior Shu thought it would be troublesome to ride in the car, so he found a hotel to sleep in. The four of us young people drove all the way and arrived at Zhang Yan's hometown at noon.

Her parents were simple farmers and entertained us warmly. After dinner, Feng Yuanzheng organized a long conversation before telling his father-in-law and mother-in-law about Zhang Yan. After speaking, he carefully asked: "Dad, Mom, Xiaoyan Did you touch anything you shouldn’t have touched at home some time ago?”

" did my Xiaoyan recruit that thing!"

Zhang Yan's mother is a typical rural woman. After hearing this, her eyes turned red and she started crying. However, Zhang Yan's father smoked two cigarettes with a sullen face before he waved thoughtfully: "Follow me."

We followed him for five or six minutes and arrived at a dilapidated farmhouse. There was a fence gate outside the yard, the roof was covered with wormwood, and there were many cracks in the walls. It was obviously uninhabited.

Zhang's father explained as he led us inside that this was where Zhang Yan's grandparents lived before their death. Zhang Yan often played here with the two elderly people when she was a child.

Later, her two elders passed away and Zhang Yan settled down in the city. However, she never forgot her roots and would clean the house every time she returned to her hometown.

During the autumn harvest some time ago, Zhang Yan came back to help and came to this old house again. She found that there was an extra swallow's nest under the eaves of the old house.

Yan in front of the hall has always been regarded as a symbol of good luck. Zhang Yan happily told her parents about it. Her father was also very happy after hearing this. Like a child, he carried the bamboo ladder back to the old house with his daughter to see it. The swallow's nest, but found that there was a palm-sized iron swallow in the swallow's nest. I don't know where it came from?

The iron swallow was lifelike and exquisitely carved from the eyes to the feathers. Zhang Yan fell in love with it at that time, and since there was a word for swallow in her name, she kept the iron swallow.

"The origin of this iron swallow is unknown. There is obviously something fishy about it. Why did you just let her take it away so casually?" I sighed and said.

Seeing what I said, Father Zhang lowered his head with some remorse.

I thought about it and felt that Tie Yanzi would not appear in the swallow's nest by himself. Someone must have done something to it, so I asked the second elder if he had offended anyone recently or committed any taboos.

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