Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 596: The Charming Witch

Before Zhang's father could reply, Feng Yuanzheng shook his head firmly.

He affirmed that his father-in-law and mother-in-law were honest farmers and had never offended anyone for most of their lives. It was impossible for them to still have conflicts with others when they were old...

After he finished speaking, I fell silent. Through the brief contact, I also felt the simplicity of these old people, and they did not look like enemies.

Fortunately, the iron swallow is in Zhang Yan's hands. We can find a way to get the iron swallow from her and investigate further!

Since we only had this clue in our hometown, we said goodbye and went back. Before leaving, I repeatedly asked Father Zhang to observe the old house secretly. If someone was really responsible for this, then the other party would definitely show up again.

"Brother Yuanzheng, it's been so long since Sister Yan came back from home, haven't you seen Tie Yanzi once?" Li Qiushui asked doubtfully on the way back.

This is exactly what I want to ask. When Father Zhang mentioned Iron Swallow, Feng Yuanzheng looked confused. It was obviously the first time he heard this thing.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Feng Yuanzheng's face after hearing this. He blushed and said that in fact, since Zhang Yan came home this time, they had not slept together again, and Zhang Yan would not let him enter the bedroom at all, even when eating on weekdays. They all hid in the bedroom and couldn't come out.

I didn't expect Feng Yuanzheng to be so wronged at home, but this also shows that he loves Zhang Yan very much.

Then he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, brother! I will definitely make Zhang Yan get better."

It was already evening when I returned to the city. I called Senior Shu out to have dinner together, and at the same time asked Feng Yuanzheng to call out Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan didn't want to come at first, so Feng Yuanzheng had to lie to her that he saw a woman who was more beautiful than her. When Zhang Yan heard this, she immediately became furious and hung up the phone after asking for the address.

We were sitting in the restaurant eating and waiting. Twenty minutes later, Li Qiushui suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "Here we are."

We all looked towards the door, and saw a well-dressed woman walking towards us in a hurry. Before she arrived, she shouted angrily: "Feng Yuanzheng, where is the vixen you mentioned? I want you to Look what she looks like!”

Feng Yuanzheng responded quickly. He asked Zhang Yan to sit down and said that the woman had something to do and would be back later.

"Hmph!" Zhang Yan snorted coldly, completely ignoring us, and swaggeringly sat down and started eating vegetables, as if she hadn't eaten anything good for a long time.

Senior Shu had almost eaten before and was teasing the little girl on WeChat without raising his head. Li Mazi frowned and wanted to say something. I quickly stopped Li Mazi and raised my head to look at it carefully.

Although Zhang Yan is not as sweet as Li Qiushui, she has more temperament, especially her eyes are a bit like Hong Kong star Brigitte Lin, except that she has heavy dark circles and looks like she hasn't had a good rest recently.

The light in the restaurant was so bright that it was difficult for me to see anything with my naked eyes, so I quietly wiped two drops of cow tears on my eyes, and then I discovered a purple-black gas hovering above Zhang Yan’s head!

Black represents yin energy, purple represents fairy energy, and purple-black is the gas that is emitted by great evils. I didn't expect that the iron swallow was so powerful. I couldn't help but look at the senior rat.

Senior Shu was still playing with his phone on the surface, but he kicked me hard under the table.

Only then did I feel a deep hostility coming from around me!

Then I saw Zhang Yan staring at me with a pair of resentful eyes, but she returned to normal in just a moment, as if it was an illusion.

Zhang Yan probably had enough to eat and drink, so she looked at Feng Yuanzheng and asked coldly: "What do these people do?"

"Friend, friend!" Feng Yuanzheng explained in a low voice, then looked at me calmly, and I nodded towards him.

He suddenly said as if he had received an amnesty: "My dear wife, let's go home when we are full!"

Zhang Yan shook her head and said savagely that she would never leave until she saw the vixen. She also said that if the woman was not as beautiful as her, she would take off her clothes.

"Actually, there are no women at all..." Li Qiushui said weakly from the side: "Your husband just wants you to come out for a meal."

When Zhang Yan heard this, she immediately became furious and slapped Feng Yuanzheng on the face, telling him not to associate with unscrupulous people like us.

Zhang Yan left without looking back. Mazi Li and I cast sympathetic looks at Feng Yuanzheng. Feng Yuanzheng smiled bitterly and drank one cup after another. After Zhang Yan left completely, he nervously asked us if we had noticed?

"She has been completely obsessed with femininity now. She is definitely not going to be soft anymore. We can only steal the iron swallow when she is not at home!" Before I could say anything, Senior Shu said with a sullen face.

Feng Yuanzheng was a man after all. He immediately said that he would find a way to pay off his wife tomorrow, and the rest would be left to us!

I nodded and found a hotel nearby to stay.

Li Mazi, Senior Shu and I each had a room. After returning to the room, I took a shower and lay on the bed and fell asleep. The day's torment made me very tired.

While I was asleep, I suddenly smelled a fragrance unique to women. I subconsciously thought that I was missing Yin Xinyue, so I turned over and continued to sleep.

Unexpectedly, the fragrance not only did not disappear, but became even stronger. I could vaguely feel a graceful woman lingering around my body.

Her smooth skin squeezed my body from time to time, and I gradually became uncomfortable. I woke up from my sleep, and when I woke up, I found that there was no woman in front of me?

I thought I was dreaming just now and was about to go back to sleep. Unexpectedly, the feeling came one after another as soon as I closed my eyes.

After trying back and forth a few times, I gradually came to my senses and felt like something was coming in. Although I couldn't see or touch it, I could still feel the depressing feeling! I didn’t know what she was, so I had to recite the Tao Te Ching silently.

After going through the moral process several times, that feeling finally disappeared. I waited for a while and found that she didn't come back, and I felt a little relieved. At this time, there was a loud "boom" from Li Mazi's room next door.

I was stunned for a moment and then realized that something was wrong. I grabbed the Sirius Whip and the Fantasy Bell and rushed out. Anyway, the Fantasy Bell is very small and I usually wear it as jewelry around my wrist.

As soon as I went out, I clearly heard the creaking sound coming from Li Mazi's room. Fortunately, I opened the window a little before going to bed, otherwise I really couldn't hear the sound.

We live upstairs, and I'm afraid it's too late to run downstairs to find the staff. Fortunately, Senior Rat chose an ordinary hotel to save money, so the door is not very strong. I took a step back, took a deep breath, and kicked the door lock with all my strength. I heard a click and the room opened.

I pushed open the door with all my strength, rushed in and turned on the light, only to find Li Mazi lying naked on the bed, doing push-ups, kissing crazily on the pillow from time to time, as if he was making a little man. But I still couldn't see what was causing the trouble, so I had to bite the tip of my tongue and spray it on Li Mazi's head.

After the mixture of blood and saliva was sprayed on, Li Mazi's body instantly trembled like an electric shock, and at the same time, there was a hint of burning smell in the air!

Li Mazi trembled for a while and lay on the bed like a dead pig. Before I had time to ask what was going on, the window in the room opened automatically, and then a gust of wind flew past the bed, leaving only a woman's voice.

"damn it!"

I chased him to the window, punched the wall with my fist, and cursed angrily. That thing was right under my nose just now, but I couldn't feel it at all. This is the first time I've encountered this situation in so long since I debuted!

I rubbed my face, locked the window, and put a magic talisman on it. Then I returned to the bed and turned Li Mazi's body over, only to find that his face was as white as paper.

It seemed that he had been deceived by the female ghost and drained his essence. If I hadn't arrived in time, I would have drained it out. I immediately went back to my room to get the Gu Yuan Ointment.

Guyuan ointment is an ointment I concocted based on the notes left by my grandfather. It uses Chinese medicinal materials such as sea dog whip, deer antler, sheep kidney, etc. Its main function is to stabilize the essence in the body! Because many people become seriously ill after being possessed by ghosts. From a medical point of view, the ghost's upper body temporarily destroys the human immune system, so various potential diseases break out, causing people to be bedridden.

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