Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 597: Real and Fake Senior Rat

When I came to find Li Mazi with the ointment, I found that the senior rat was already there, and the natal rat was squatting in the corner, looking at us with his little eyes.

After seeing me, Senior Shu said angrily: "I was sleeping well, but I was woken up by your kicking on the door..."

After Senior Shu said this, he was about to heal Li Mazi's injuries. At this moment, the natal rat climbed onto the bed and snarled at Senior Shu. Senior Rat turned pale with fright, and then asked me in a panic to drive the rat away.


My face darkened, I nodded vigorously, and then whipped the Sirius whip on him!

This person is not Senior Mouse at all. Senior Mouse almost regards the natal Mouse as his own son, how could he be afraid.

After a whip, the thing pretending to be Senior Rat screamed, and instantly turned into a green shadow and slipped out through the door.

All this happened in a flash of lightning. By the time I reflected on it, the green shadow had already slipped away far away. I gritted my teeth and chased after him, but lost him at the entrance of the corridor.

I breathed heavily and had to go back to the room. But he was shocked to find that Senior Shu appeared in Li Mazi's room again. At this moment, he had helped Li Mazi up and was stuffing something into his mouth.

"Fuck you!"

The clay figurine still has a lot of blood, let alone a young man like me, who can no longer stand being teased by this thing one after another. With a roar, he rushed forward and aimed a whip at the back of Senior Rat's head.

Unexpectedly, before the whip fell, Senior Rat quickly grabbed the Sirius Whip and asked angrily: "What do you want to do, bastard?"

"Are you really Senior Rat?" I asked cautiously.

"You kid can't even recognize your godfather, you're so stupid!" Senior Shu scolded.

Only then did I realize that if it weren't for Senior Rat himself, he would definitely not dare to take the Heavenly Wolf Whip with his bare hands, not to mention that the natal rat has now returned to normal and is squatting quietly on Senior Rat's shoulders.

After confirming my identity, I was completely relieved and told Senior Shu exactly what happened before. After hearing this, Senior Shu nodded slightly and continued to give Li Mazi the medicine he prepared without saying anything. I also applied some Gu Yuan ointment on Li Mazi's Tianling Cap. After doing all this, I asked with some fear: "Senior Shu, do you think this thing has anything to do with Iron Swallow?"

Senior Shu frowned and thought for a while before nodding, and said in a deep voice: "The three of us are staying in this hotel, but that thing is only looking for you two, which shows that she is not my opponent! As for whether she is following Regarding Iron Swallow, I think there will be an answer soon."

"You mean, someone is behind this?" I asked.

"We'll find out tomorrow. I have to go back to bed quickly."

Senior Shu waved his hand and left the room. I thought about it for a while and decided that the thing wouldn't dare to come. After checking Li Mazi's room, I went back to sleep.

Li Mazi also woke up early the next morning. His face looked much better and he kept asking me what happened last night. Thinking of his dirty scene yesterday, I was too lazy to answer him. In the end, I couldn't bear it and had to tell him what happened.

After hearing this, Li Mazi took a breath and said in horror: "I dreamed about something like Ruxue yesterday. Could it be that I was confused by that thing?"

Since that ghost can pretend to be Senior Shu, it wouldn't be difficult to confuse Li Mazi by transforming into Ruxue.

After learning that he had not betrayed Ruxue, I wasn't that angry anymore. I went back to wake up Senior Shu, and after dinner, I drove to the area near Feng Yuanzheng's house.

This is a high-end residential complex. The security guard saw that we were not residents and there was no one to show us in. They refused to let us in. I had no choice but to call Feng Yuanzheng in advance and ask him what was going on at home.

"Don't mention it, Xiaoyan probably won't go out today..."

Feng Yuanzheng said helplessly: "She sneaked out in the middle of the night yesterday. When she came back, her face was ugly, her clothes were in tatters, and she looked like she had had a fight with someone. Now she is still sulking in the bedroom. !”

Speaking of this, Feng Yuanzheng asked me a little embarrassedly if he could come back another day. I didn't answer, but turned around and told Senior Rat that Zhang Yan had gone out last night.

"It's getting more and more interesting..."

After hearing this, Senior Shu's eyes lit up, he grabbed the phone and asked Feng Yuanzheng to keep an eye on Zhang Yan, and then took us back to the hotel to check the surveillance.

Last night, Senior Shu and I suspected that someone was causing trouble. Now after hearing Feng Yuanzheng's description, I felt that Zhang Yan was the mastermind behind yesterday!

Of course, all this can only be confirmed after seeing the surveillance.

As soon as I walked into the hotel, I noticed that the hotel owner was pointing at the surveillance video. I followed his line of sight and saw Zhang Yan standing outside the window with her hands on the balcony.

Her location happened to be on the balcony of Li Mazi's room, and the time coincided with last night, which confirmed Senior Shu's guess!

I stepped forward to take a closer look, but unexpectedly the boss said in a bad tone: "Young man, you kicked in the door last night and now you come to see the surveillance camera. Do you want to destroy the evidence?"


I hesitated for a moment, and then I remembered that in order to save Li Mazi last night, I kicked open the hotel door in desperation. When I left this morning, the hotel staff hadn’t gone upstairs yet, so I forgot about it. Got this.

I immediately paid the boss several thousand yuan in compensation for the damage, and then asked to watch the surveillance again. The boss's attitude was much better now. He politely changed the surveillance camera to the scene where Zhang Yan appeared last night. My heart suddenly tugged!

I saw Zhang Yan on the screen, first looking around, then crawling up along the drainage pipe, and stopped exactly on the floor where we were. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but open my mouth. I felt that describing her as light as a swallow is not enough to describe her speed. Zhang Yan's name is not in vain.

She looked at the three of us rooms one by one along the air-conditioning shelf, and finally jumped over Senior Rat and came directly to my window, muttering something softly in her mouth...

Then a green shadow emerged from her body, swayed in the air for a few times, then gradually became transparent, and then flew along the window to my bed.

A few minutes later, the green shadow flew out from inside. It seemed that it was injured by the Tao Te Ching I was reciting at that time.

Zhang Yan glared at my room unwillingly, then ran to Li Mazi's window and sent the shadow in like the same pattern.

This time, the shadow didn't come out after a long time, and Zhang Yan suddenly showed a perverted smile on his face. I knew that at this time Li Mazi was obsessed with making the little man, and looked at him with some contempt.

Li Mazi smiled bitterly, and I rolled my eyes at him. After figuring out that Zhang Yan was causing trouble, I was about to turn off the video. At this time, Senior Shu, who had been silent, suddenly stopped me and asked me to continue looking back.

I saw Zhang Yan smiling and smiling, her face suddenly turned pale, and then she sat down on the air conditioner shelf, breathing heavily, as if she had been beaten. It took a long time before she left with difficulty.

After reading this, a lot of questions popped up in my head. Why did Zhang Yan feel pain when I whipped the green figure with the Sirius whip in the room?

Could it be that she and that Yin spirit have become one?

I told Senior Shu about my thoughts, and Senior Mouse blew his mustache and said with a smile: "Do you still think that the Yin spirit is controlling her? I think it is Zhang Yan who is ordering the Yin spirit to kill us."

After hearing this, I opened my mouth in disbelief. Although I have already experienced Zhang Yan's acrimony, it would be too much to say that she wanted to kill us when she came up.

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