Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 598 Yin Bao

Senior Shu seemed to have read my thoughts and snorted: "If you don't believe me, I'll let you take a look!"

After that, he called Feng Yuanzheng and cursed: "Your wife almost killed Li Mazi last night. Now he insists on taking the surveillance video to the Public Security Bureau to report the crime! We can't stop him at all. Hurry up." Let your wife hide."

After hanging up the phone, Senior Shu asked Li Mazi to walk to the nearest public security bureau, while we hailed a taxi and followed quietly.

Because Zhang Yan's home was some time away from here, Li Mazi walked very slowly on purpose. If it was true as Senior Shu said, Zhang Yan would definitely rush to stop Li Mazi at all costs after hearing the news.

Gradually, the driver also noticed the tacit understanding between us and Li Mazi, and asked in confusion: "Brother, which song are you singing?"

"Sit back and wait!"

I smiled slightly and took out 500 yuan and slapped it on the car. I meant to tell the driver to drive well and he was not short of money.

More than twenty minutes passed like this. Although Li Mazi had slowed down as much as possible, he still arrived at the door of the Public Security Bureau. He carefully turned his head and looked towards us.

"Could we have guessed wrong?" I asked softly.

"Impossible, tell Li Mazi to continue walking in." Senior Shu said.

I had no choice but to send a text message to Li Mazi to let him in. Li Mazi was about to go into the Public Security Bureau after watching.

Just as he was about to enter the Public Security Bureau, even Senior Shu couldn't help but frown. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a car suddenly rushed out on the road and crashed into Li Mazi. Look at his posture. Ming Ming wanted to hit him to death!

"Quick, follow this car!"

I suddenly regained my energy and quickly said hello to the taxi driver. Since Li Mazi had left early to prepare, when I saw something was wrong, I slipped into the duty room of the Public Security Bureau.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, the car turned around and sped away along the road. When the policeman in the duty room saw this scene, he frowned and cursed, and then it was over...

I ignored Li Mazi and called the taxi driver to give chase. The car was incredibly fast and had excellent driving skills. It kept shuttling back and forth between the vehicles. Fortunately, our driver also has some experience. Although the distance is getting bigger and bigger, we barely lost him.

During this process, Senior Shu called Feng Yuanzheng, and after asking, he found out that Zhang Yan had indeed driven out.

Senior Shu made a prompt decision and asked him to open Zhang Yan's room at all costs to see if he could find Tie Yanzi? If you can find it, take Tie Yanzi and go to Li Qiushui's house to wait for us.

Gradually, the people in the car discovered our presence, and the speed became faster, but they were never able to get rid of us.

When driving to a rice field in the suburbs, the car in front suddenly stopped. I thought Zhang Yan was going to run away, but I didn’t expect that she didn’t get out of the car, as if she had parked there deliberately to wait for us.

When we caught up, we discovered that there was no one in the car!

"I'll go, what's going on here?"

The driver also got out of the car with us out of curiosity. When he saw this scene, his face instantly turned pale, and he stuttered and asked, "Brothers, what on earth do you do?"

"Ghost hunter!"

The driver was stunned for at least three seconds after hearing this, and then he climbed into the car and ran away.

I ignored him and asked Senior Rat what to do next.

Senior Shu rolled his eyes as if thinking about something, and after a while he suddenly realized and asked, "Has Li Mazi contacted you?"


I spoke doubtfully, but only halfway through I was suddenly startled. According to Li Mazi's character, he would keep calling me even if he didn't catch up, but since we followed this car until now, he hasn't contacted me once!

Since there was no one in the car, it was obvious that the driver just now was Yin Ling. So where did Zhang Yan go?

Thinking of this, Senior Shu and I looked at each other and shouted in unison: "We've fallen into a trap!"

Zhang Yan must have noticed our intentions, so he deliberately used a feint to lure us over, and then went to deal with Li Mazi.

We quickly stopped a car and drove back. We kept calling Li Mazi along the way. We could get through every time but no one answered. Senior Shu shook his head and said not to call, just wait for the call.

After that, he asked the driver to change the route to Li Qiushui's house. When he was about to arrive, Feng Yuanzheng called me and said that he kicked open the bedroom door and found an iron swallow inside, which is now at Li Qiushui's house. I was overjoyed after hearing this. With Iron Swallow in hand, Zhang Yan didn't dare to do anything to Li Mazi!

After arriving at Li Qiushui's house, Senior Shu picked up the Iron Swallow and squinted his eyes to examine it.

I thought about it and felt that Zhang Yan probably didn't know that Feng Yuanzheng had stolen the iron swallow. In order to ensure that I could still know her whereabouts in the future, I asked Feng Yuanzheng to go home. In order to complete the trick, I returned it with his consent. Punched him a few times.

After Feng Yuanzheng left, I took the Iron Swallow from Senior Mouse and found that this thing was really lifelike. The feathers on its body were extremely beautiful, and it looked like it was flying high. It’s hard to tell if it’s fake if you can’t see it with the naked eye and reach out to touch it.

This iron swallow was heavy in my hand and felt cool to the touch, but other than that, I couldn't see any clues. Even after wiping two drops of cow's tears, I didn't feel any yin energy.

This made me very puzzled. I played with the iron swallow and asked, "Isn't this thing a feminine thing?"

"No, this thing is a vagina!"

Senior Mouse insisted, and then said with some worry: "We can't tell, it is very likely that it has merged with the Yin spirit and become a unique Yin treasure."

I couldn't help but be shocked after hearing this. Most of the ghost objects are attached to them by a trace of the soul of the deceased who was alive. They are like parasites. As long as the soul is peeled off, the ghost objects will become normal antiques.

But once the soul and body are combined, it means that the Yin object will evolve into the legendary Yin treasure! Just like the blending of human body and soul, we can't see it at all, and if this kind of evil thing is manipulated, the consequences will be disastrous!

But this kind of yin object has a fatal weakness. As long as the yin object is destroyed, no matter how powerful the yin spirit is, it can only be wiped out.

And Zhang Yan's method from last night to now looks very much like the combination of soul and body. This explains why she feels pain when I beat the Yin spirit. So even though we got the iron swallow, we can't destroy it, otherwise it will be very dangerous. It may hurt Zhang Yan.

No matter how perverted she is, she is still bewitched by Yin spirits. I can still tell this clearly. What's more, this Iron Swallow looks like it has quite a lot of history, so it might be a treasure.

It didn't take long for Feng Yuanzheng to call me back. He said that he had arrived home. It seemed that Zhang Yan was not back yet. I was afraid that Li Mazi would be squeezed dry by her after a long delay, so I asked Feng Yuanzheng to call Zhang Yan and tell him that we had forced our way into the house and snatched Tie Yanzi away.

After hanging up the phone, I waited quietly. Senior Shu patted me and said angrily: "Have you considered Feng Yuanzheng? If Zhang Yan doesn't believe him, he will probably kill him!"

"No way?"

After listening to this, I felt a little baffled. According to Zhang Yan's current personality, if she wanted to kill Feng Yuanzheng, she would have killed her long ago and would not have waited until now. But since Senior Shu mentioned this, I sent a text message to Feng Yuanzheng, asking him to pay attention to his safety and get out of the way immediately if the situation went wrong.

Then we waited quietly. Not long after, Li Mazi called suddenly. I took a sharp breath and answered the call but didn't speak first.

"It seems like you can really keep your composure! Then this ugly guy with a pockmarked face is probably useless, so I'll send him on his way!"

Zhang Yan's gloomy voice came from the other end of the phone. As soon as she finished speaking, I heard Li Mazi let out a scream, and then shouted into the phone quite spinelessly: "Brother Zhang, please help me." I……"

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