Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 599: Thousands of birds attack, Huan Si Ling shows its power!

I could only frown and tell her not to touch Li Mazi.

Zhang Yan chuckled and said, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you! Either trade Iron Swallow for Li Mazi, or wait to collect his body."

After she said that, I looked at Senior Shu, who nodded slightly, and then I agreed. Zhang Yan gave out a smile of success and asked me to go to the zoo on the outskirts of the city alone to find her tonight.

"It seems that she is still afraid of you, so she asked me to go alone by naming her." I spread my hands and said helplessly to Senior Shu.

Senior Shu glared at me and said that this is clearly the Hongmen Banquet, but you are still laughing here.

After that, he grabbed my cell phone and called Feng Yuanzheng, asking him about the situation there. I couldn't help but feel speechless. This old guy obviously had Feng Yuanzheng's phone number, but he always used my phone just to save a few dollars on the phone bill.

"She really doubted me at first, and her look in her eyes seemed to kill me!"

Feng Yuanzheng said fearfully when he answered the phone. He said that if his mental quality was poor, he would have confessed just now.

Seeing that Feng Yuanzheng was fine, Senior Shu was relieved and lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. Li Qiu Shui greeted him warmly to go upstairs and rest. He waved his hand and said that he would sleep anywhere as a bad old man. I couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that the sun would be rising in the west today.

Then I chatted with Li Qiushui for a few more words, then found an empty room and fell asleep.

After getting up in the evening and having some food, I took the Heavenly Wolf Whip and the Fantasy Bell and set off. Considering that the Yin spirit was afraid of rats, I put Senior Rat's natal rat in my pocket.

This will not only deter the Yin spirits, but also make it easier for Senior Rat to find my location accurately!

The name of a suburban zoo didn't sound very good. When I asked the driver about it on the way, the driver curled his lips and said that it could also be called a zoo? It's more like calling it a bird cage.

It turns out that the so-called zoo is simply an empty park with a few birds in it, which is usually used by people in the suburbs for walking.

When I arrived at the place, I found that there were no street lights around. As the driver drove away, the entire park fell into darkness!

I stood there for a while, and then slowly walked in after getting used to the night. The park was very empty, and I didn't even see any seats. The place I could see was grass. I walked about 200 meters. I just found a short stone and sat on it.

The evening breeze blew on me, making me a little cold. I lit a cigarette and carefully looked around. Since Zhang Yan chose to come here, she must have come before me. She is probably hiding in a corner and staring at me. .

At this time, a bird flew in the distance and chirped in the air. I couldn't help but become interested. I thought to myself that this bird was quite unique. It was wandering around in the evening, so I started to stare at it. The bird seemed to be following me. As if he had a tacit understanding, he actually flew towards me.

As I was watching, there was a sudden tremor in my pocket, and then I heard the squeaking cry of the zodiac rat! It has been with Senior Mouse for so many years and has become spiritual. Its barking at this juncture must be a warning to me that I am in danger.

After a brief daze, I suddenly came back to my senses. At a glance, I saw the bird flying towards me at a very fast speed, with its gleaming claws stretched forward, clearly intending to attack me!

At this time, it was too late to fight back. I subconsciously turned my head. Almost at the same time, it flew past my ear, and its sharp claws instantly grabbed a layer of my hair.

"Fuck you!"

I groaned and cursed angrily. Fortunately, the zodiac rat reminded me that if I hadn't turned my head just now, the bird would have pecked my eyes out in one fell swoop.

After the bird scratched me, its flight speed slowed down significantly, and it only flew about ten meters. Finally, it landed weakly on the ground, flapped its wings twice and stopped moving.

I ran over and saw that the bird was completely dead. The body was so hard that it looked like it had been dead for a while. It seemed that the evil spirit was controlling the bird's body just now.

Somehow, I thought of the driver saying this was a bird cage, and I suddenly understood why Zhang Yan chose this place for negotiation! She probably wants to use these birds against me.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt scared, but it was not because of the ghosts, but because I felt a little weak in my calves when I thought of the birds in the sky attacking me.

I was really afraid of what was coming. Before I could figure out how to deal with it, there was a sudden noise behind me. When I turned my head, I saw all kinds of birds flying towards me overwhelmingly! They were all like rockets. They didn't flap their wings at all when they rushed over. They were obviously as dead as the bird just now.

I didn't expect Zhang Yan to kill so many birds in order to deal with me. I was scared and a little angry at the same time!

At the moment, I only have the Sirius Whip and the Fantasy Bell around me. The Sirius Whip is useless against smaller animals like birds. I hesitated and took out the Fantasy Bell and shook it vigorously.

Yin Ling definitely relies on his thoughts to control these birds, while Huan Si Ling specializes in dealing with illusions. There are certain similarities between the two. I think it can buy me some time.

Sure enough, as the bell rang, the birds in the front row struggled a few times, and then plopped to the ground.

I didn't expect the Fantasy Bell to be so effective, so I shook it desperately, and even actively approached the birds. Seeing more and more birds falling to the ground, I gradually relaxed.

But at this moment, my cell phone suddenly rang, and it was Li Mazi’s number. I shook the bell with one hand and answered the call with the other, shouting hysterically: “Zhang Yan, have you had enough of your fucking fun?”

"I seem to be afraid of the bell in your hand, so you have to throw it away!"

After Zhang Yan finished speaking, he smiled sweetly, and then Li Mazi spoke again. He cried and begged me to return the iron swallow to Zhang Yan. He also said that as long as he didn't interfere in this matter in the future, Zhang Yan would not cause trouble to us again.

After he finished speaking, Zhang Yan hung up the phone. I looked at the hung up phone and couldn't breathe out.

If I throw away the Huansi Bell, I really have no weapons to defend myself. If I don't throw it away, Li Mazi will definitely be tortured. His voice on the phone just now was extremely weak.

After weighing it again and again, I gritted my teeth and shouted: "Mazi, if you die, I will help you take care of your family!"

After saying that, I rang the bell again and ran towards the birds with all my strength.

Judging from Zhang Yan's current state, asking her to let us go is simply wishful thinking. Once I put down the fantasy bell, I'm afraid Li Mazi and I won't survive. The only way is to fight head-on.


At this time, Zhang Yan's angry voice came from behind. I looked over reflexively and saw her pushing Li Mazi out from behind a stone. Li Mazi's hands were tied together behind his back, and he looked at me with a strange look.

"Why, you can't stand seeing these birds anymore, can't you hold it in anymore?" I asked coldly.

When Zhang Yan heard my taunt, she got angry and pulled out a dagger and stabbed Li Mazi in the thigh. Li Mazi screamed "Ah".

"do not move!"

I knew there was only one way to deal with such an irrational person. I immediately took out Tie Yanzi from my arms, then bit off the tip of my tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on Tie Yanzi's head.

I couldn't do anything with her before because I couldn't see where she was. Now that her life is in my hands, why don't she just let me do whatever I want?

Sure enough, after a mouthful of blood, Zhang Yan's whole body trembled, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground with a thud.

But she quickly returned to normal, grabbed Li Mazi's throat with her hands, and slowly increased the force. Li Mazi subconsciously stared at the ground with her legs, and her eyes bulged outwards. It was obvious that she could not hold on for long.

Fortunately, I was prepared in advance. I took out the rat shit that Senior Rat gave me and smeared it on Tie Yanzi's body.

Rat droppings originally had no ability to ward off evil spirits, but this time the Yin spirits were particularly afraid of rats, so rat droppings naturally became a weapon.

"You... please wipe off that dirty thing! Otherwise, I will kill this damn pock... ugh!"

Zhang Yan's face suddenly changed, and the strength in her hands obviously relaxed. She spit out and yelled angrily.

I took the opportunity to move forward and snatched Li Mazi over unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, she saw my intention, grabbed Li Mazi's neck desperately, and yelled crazily: "Either we exchange, or we die!"

She was obviously scared, and that was what I was waiting for. Because we already know the general situation of Iron Swallow, and it is impossible to really destroy it, it doesn't matter whether we have Iron Swallow in hand. It is very cost-effective to exchange it for Li Mazi.

So I stopped talking nonsense and shouted to her from a few meters away: "Let him go first, and when he comes to the middle, I will throw the iron swallow to you!"


"Just because you are faster than me!" I said tit for tat.

At the same time, I secretly released the zodiac rat from my pocket, and it swished into the grass behind me.

Zhang Yan didn't refute what I said and let go of Li Mazi. Li Mazi walked towards me slowly with a dull expression. He was probably pinched by Zhang Yan.

After Li Mazi walked to the middle, I suddenly shouted: "Here you go!"

Zhang Yan raised her head and looked over. At the same time, I took out the iron swallow and threw it in the direction where the natal rat left.

When Zhang Yan saw this, she ran over desperately. I took the opportunity to pull Li Mazi and ran out.

After just a few seconds, Zhang Yan let out a scream, and then she roared heartbreakingly: "I'm going to kill you, you stinky rat!"

With a smile on my face, I pulled Li Mazi and ran out quickly. When we arrived at the park gate, Senior Shu had already arrived. He greeted me with his eyes, and then quickly headed towards Zhang Yan.

This was what we had discussed before we came here. I would first change Li Mazi back, and then take advantage of the Yin spirit's weakness of being afraid of rats and let the natal rat drag her down. Then Senior Rat would go up and subdue her completely!

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