Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 600: Flying Swallows in the Han Palace

After leaving the park gate, I was worried that Senior Shu could not deal with Zhang Yan alone, so I untied the rope from Li Mazi and asked him to find a way to take a taxi to find Feng Yuanzheng first.

After saying that, I turned around and was about to run inside, but I was grabbed by Li Mazi. He said in a deep voice: "Feng Yuanzheng is dead."

"What the hell?"

I was stunned on the spot when I heard it. Li Mazi nodded and said that Feng Yuanzheng betrayed Zhang Yan and she discovered it. Zhang Yan killed him in anger.

"So, Zhang Yan led us here as a trap?"

My heart skipped a beat, but I couldn't figure out what the problem was. At this time, a smile appeared on Li Mazi's face and said, "Don't you think it's too late to know now?"

"What's the meaning."

I looked at the abnormal Li Mazi, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose in my heart. It was already too late to retreat. Li Mazi took out a dagger from his pocket and inserted it straight into my stomach, saying coldly. :"go to hell!"

I only felt a burst of pressure in my abdomen, but no pain. When I looked down, I realized that Li Mazi's knife had stabbed the compass in my inner pocket.

When he saw that the assassination failed, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the dagger to commit suicide by wiping his neck. It was obvious that he was possessed. Yin Ling knew that she only had one chance, and she wanted to kill Li Mazi after I narrowly escaped.

"Fuck you!"

I suddenly grabbed Li Mazi's wrist, then put the index and middle fingers of my other hand together and stabbed Li Mazi hard between the eyebrows.

Li Mazi rolled his eyes and fainted at that time. I was afraid that the Yin spirit would play another trick, so I held the Sirius Whip and looked around cautiously.

After five or six minutes, Senior Shu came out panting and regretfully told her to run away.

"Normally, I have no intention of keeping her tonight!"

Senior Shu came back, and Li Mazi and I were safe. I breathed a sigh of relief and asked him if he had seen clearly what was causing the trouble.

"A green shadow can be vaguely seen as a woman wearing a green skirt. I don't know the rest. That girl is too fast..."

Senior Shu cursed and said, then he looked at the fallen Li Mazi and the dagger that fell on the ground, and said calmly: "You are destined to be lucky!"

I smiled awkwardly, dragged Li Mazi and took a taxi back to the hotel. In order to prevent Zhang Yan from causing trouble again in the middle of the night, Senior Shu and I specially arranged several formations in Li Mazi's room to ensure that we could rush there in time if there was any movement. arrive.

Logically speaking, after a day of hard work, I should just fall into bed and go to sleep, but after I lay down, I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. I always felt that I had forgotten something.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late yet. I tried sending a text message to Yin Xinyue and asked her if she was asleep. Unexpectedly, she called me back immediately and asked me why I wasn't asleep yet.

Her place was noisy, and she was obviously staying up late filming again. I didn't tell her what was going on here, so I just made a few casual remarks, asked her to rest early after filming, and then hung up the phone...

To be honest, although Xinyue and I are married, we are still busy with our own lives as before we were married. Although our relationship is very sweet, it is not a problem to be like this all the time. I just thought that after finishing this deal, I would take a good rest for a year and a half to spend time with her, go to the places she wanted to go, and see the blue sky and white clouds. , I couldn’t help but curl up the corners of my mouth as I thought about it.

At this time, the text message rang. I thought something was wrong with her, but when I opened it, I saw that it was from Feng Yuanzheng.

Feng Yuanzheng!

I finally understood why I was uneasy just now. Li Mazi said that Feng Yuanzheng had been killed, but now he sent me a text message. What on earth is going on?

Of course, it was possible that Zhang Yan was using his cell phone to trick me, so I simply called back. Unexpectedly, the person on the other end hung up on me, followed by another text message: Master Zhang, I can’t answer the phone now. I’m sending you a text message to tell you that I think I found out who that thing is!


When I heard this, I sat up from the bed.

But after a long time, the other party didn't reply to the text message. After thinking about it, I still can't be sure whether the person who sent the text message was Feng Yuanzheng himself?

If he was really killed, we would have fallen into a trap now. But if I didn't go, I wouldn't be willing to do it, so I finally had to knock on Senior Shu's door and ask him what to do.

Senior Shu rubbed his head and said, "Go, why not?"

I was stunned for a moment, but I quickly realized that it didn't matter whether it was a trap or not, as long as I could see the face of the Yin Spirit clearly. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but despise myself. I felt that my courage had obviously become weaker after getting married.

Then I called Li Qiushui to come over. With her watching over Li Mazi, I no longer had any worries. Immediately, he and Senior Shu rushed to Feng Yuanzheng's home.

When I arrived at the gate of the community and was about to call him, a weak voice came from behind: "Master Zhang, I'm here."

I turned around and saw that Feng Yuanzheng climbed out of the flower bed. His movements were very slow, as if he was injured. I strode over and helped him up, and found that his face was pale and covered with dew and mud. It seemed that he had been lying there for a long time.

There were obvious pinch marks on his neck, and blood could be faintly seen on the collar. I quickly asked him what happened.

"I had already kept it secret, but who knew that your brother suddenly opened his mouth and betrayed me..."

Feng Yuanzheng revealed his complaints about Li Mazi both inside and outside his words. I am embarrassed to say that it was because Li Mazi was obsessed with his mind. I hope he doesn't mind.

"So that's what happened!" Feng Yuanzheng told us that Zhang Yan strangled his neck directly. No matter how hard he resisted, it was useless because Zhang Yan was so strong.

Fortunately, Feng Yuanzheng was only knocked unconscious and left in the bathroom. After he woke up, he found that the TV in the living room was on, so he carefully climbed to the door and looked over. He found Zhang Yan sitting on the sofa watching TV, wiping tears while watching, with resentment and unwillingness on his face. My temperament changed when I got up, like a different person.

"What kind of TV is she watching?" I asked eagerly.

Feng Yuanzheng said without thinking: ""Flying Swallows in the Han Palace", this TV series is very old. I have never seen it before. Recently, I have watched it over and over again! I have never paid attention to this problem until so many things happened today. It was only then that I suddenly had the idea that the problem might lie here.”

After listening to it, I quickly searched the TV series "Feiyan in the Han Palace" on my mobile phone and learned that it is a story about Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty and his beloved concubines Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Hede sisters.

It is said that Zhao Feiyan was one of the famous beauties in ancient times. She was originally a maid in the palace of Princess Yang'a. Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty accidentally discovered Zhao Feiyan's existence during a private visit in disguise. In an instant, he was moved by Zhao Feiyan's seductive eyes and charming singing voice, and his mouth watered.

Moreover, Zhao Feiyan was petite and could dance all kinds of dances, and could even do the 'palm dance' in people's hands. This suddenly aroused the desire of Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty to conquer, and he could no longer do without her every night. .

Later, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty heard that Zhao Feiyan had a younger sister named Zhao Hede, who was very charming and could not even compare to Zhao Feiyan. So he summoned Zhao Hede into the harem to serve him together, but it turned out that Zhao Hede was a scheming bitch, constantly coaxing Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, suppressing his sister at every turn, and finally succeeded in ascending to the throne, while Zhao Feiyan was gradually left out...

After reading these materials, I contacted the Iron Swallow and Zhang Yan's recent acrimonious character. I felt that it was probably Zhao Feiyan's evil spirit that was causing trouble, so I asked Senior Rat what to do.

"Do you still have to ask me? Go up and beat her!"

After finishing speaking, Senior Shu walked into the community first, and the two of us quickly followed. After walking downstairs to their house, Senior Shu and I each posted a sunshade charm, and led by Feng Yuanzheng climbed into their bathroom along the drainage pipe. .

Then I heard a woman's sobbing coming from the living room. I leaned toward the crack in the door and looked outside. Sure enough, just as Feng Yuanzheng said, Zhang Yan was watching "Flying Swallows in the Han Palace" on TV with tears in her eyes.

And she clearly exuded a green gas, which lowered the temperature of the whole room a lot.

I haven't been able to see Yin Ling's true identity since I took over this business, but now she finally showed her true identity. I hastily dropped a few drops of cow's tears on my eyelids, and then looked over again! Suddenly, he discovered that there was a smaller woman wearing emerald green Hanfu inside Zhang Yan's body. Her eyes were looking straight at the TV with despair in her eyes.

After confirming that she was Zhao Feiyan, I stepped back and asked Senior Shu if he wanted to rush forward? Senior Shu asked me to stay in the bathroom, waiting for him to sneak to the other direction and kill Zhao Feiyan by surprise. After saying that, he climbed out of the window.

"We will fight later. No matter what happens, you continue to pretend to be dead. If she comes to you, use this to unexpectedly stab her in the back of the head!" I typed a message on my mobile phone and waited for Feng Yuanzheng to finish. From now on, he would put the peach soul flower into his hand.

Zhao Feiyan thought that Feng Yuanzheng was dead and would definitely not guard against him. The back of the head is a vital part of the human body. If Feng Yuanzheng could really hit Zhang Yan with the peach soul flower unexpectedly, then Zhao Feiyan's soul would definitely be expelled!

After Feng Yuanzheng understood what I meant, he lay down directly on the ground. I didn't talk to him anymore and picked up the umbrella to get ready.

After several battles, I found that using the Sirius Whip to deal with the extremely fast Zhao Feiyan was clearly out of reach!

Zhao Feiyan continued to cry, but Senior Shu had not made a move yet. Seeing that the sun protection charm was about to expire, I couldn't help but become nervous.

About ten minutes later, Zhao Feiyan suddenly looked towards the bathroom. My heart skipped a beat. When I lowered my head, I saw that the sun-shielding charm had expired, and all the yang energy in my body was revealed!

Just when I didn't know what to do, the bedroom door behind Zhao Feiyan opened with a bang, and Senior Shu jumped out and shouted: "Nie Zhan, today is the day you die!"

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