Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 601 Double Battle with Zhao Feiyan

After Senior Shu said that, he grabbed Zhao Feiyan.

After Zhao Feiyan was stunned for a moment, she quickly flew out of the sofa and avoided the attack. Immediately afterwards, two emerald-green skirts suddenly jumped out from behind, waving them and fighting with Senior Rat!

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but think of the Queen Zhou Ehuang of the Southern Tang Dynasty whom I had met before. I felt that the experiences of the two people were very similar. Both sisters served the king together, but ended up being left out in the cold. After death, they even used weapons. So similar.

Emperor Zhou E used water sleeves, and Zhao Feiyan's emerald green clothes must have a great origin. Thinking of this, I was ready to check Zhao Feiyan's detailed information, but Senior Shushu suddenly yelled: "You bastard, you're fucking standing still What?"

I suddenly raised my head and found that Senior Rat could no longer hold on anymore. He was forced back step by step by Zhao Feiyan's two skirts, and finally had to let the Rat out.

After Zhao Feiyan saw the natal rat, her movements suddenly froze, and she screamed and retreated towards the bathroom. She must have discovered me, maybe she thought I was easier to deal with than a mouse, so I immediately recited a spell and threw the umbrella in the air.

Taoism emphasizes the concept of inaction. Even the incantation to subdue demons and eliminate demons has a step-by-step process. Every time we recite the incantation, it actually goes from shallow to deep. But this time, in order to deal with Zhao Feiyan, I changed my normal behavior and used the power of the Yin-Pang Umbrella to its fullest! The umbrella body was instantly filled with light, illuminating the entire room and shrouding Zhao Feiyan below with lightning speed.

The moment she was covered, she didn't run away or show much panic. Instead, she looked at me with shock on her face. Then he smiled at me sinisterly, spun around, and waved an emerald green circular light circle with his two skirts.

I thought I had succeeded, but when I saw this scene I couldn't help but gasp!

Any Yin spirit will scream in pain under the umbrella, and even powerful Yin spirits will show fear and panic. Zhao Feiyan didn't react at all under my spell, which shows that her dancing speed has exceeded the rotation speed of the umbrella.

She is indeed the number one dancer in ancient and modern times!

Senior Shu stood at the edge and stared at Zhao Feiyan with a serious look on his face.

This old guy actually has a lot of treasures, but he didn't bring any of them out this time. He was probably afraid that I would snatch them away, which resulted in this embarrassing situation. I can only protect myself but cannot catch the Yin spirit. I can only place all my hopes on the Yin and Yang umbrella.

After a few more minutes, I couldn't keep up with my speaking speed, and the speed of the umbrella dropped directly, but Zhao Feiyan didn't know he was tired at all.

Gradually, I felt an invisible pressure coming towards my chest. Every time I recited a spell, my heart would twitch. In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore and spat out a mouthful of blood!

The most important thing in fighting is persistence. As I vomited blood, the umbrella fell directly to the ground, and the light on it disappeared.

I took a few forced breaths to suppress the injury, covered my chest and moved next to Senior Rat, staring at Zhao Feiyan warily.

"Grandson, it seems that if we don't act serious today, we won't be able to get out..."

Senior Rat patted me on the shoulder, showing a hint of care from the elders to the younger ones. Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and recited a string of incantations that I couldn't understand. As he spoke in a gibbering voice, a gray halo of light appeared around Zhao Feiyan.

Zhao Feiyan, who was about to attack us, turned pale when she saw the aperture. Then she squatted on the ground and retched. I rubbed my eyes and looked hard, only to realize that there were countless grinning rats in the aperture!

"I'll fight with you..."

Zhao Feiyan made a sharp whistling sound and waved her skirt again, and the speed was much faster than before, so that all my hair was blown back.

To be honest, I was worried at first, but after watching for a while, I realized that Zhao Feiyan was dying. Her speed was fast, but her movements were much messier than before, and she could no longer form an emerald barrier.


With a scream, Zhao Feiyan fell heavily to the ground, her eyes full of fear and anxiety. Senior Shu retracted his gray aura and said to me angrily: "Go up and collect her!"

I didn't understand why Senior Shu would let Zhao Feiyan go at the critical moment, but I didn't ask any more questions. He took off the Sirius Whip from his waist and slowly walked towards her.

Zhao Feiyan, who had lost her speed, looked useless. As I approached, she slowly retreated into the bathroom and retreated in front of Feng Yuanzheng.

"Why do you want to hurt people?"

I didn't pursue him any further, and stopped at the door of the bathroom and asked coldly: "As a sister, don't you feel ashamed that you are jealous of your sister?"

Zhao Feiyan's obsession lies in her sister's competition with her for favor. She could bear it while she was alive because there was still a trace of sisterly friendship left. But after her death, she no longer had any feelings, so those evil thoughts only became deeper and deeper, and finally became like this.

After hearing my words, Zhao Feiyan was slightly stunned, then sneered and shouted: "What a joke, she took away my husband, my happiness, and my three thousand favors. She is my enemy." ,I hate her!"

"Hede is my biological sister. Even my biological sister can do this to me, let alone others? I know, I know you all want to harm me. I must kill all the people who harm me."

Zhao Feiyan's voice was a little crazy, but I understood her at this moment. Once entering the palace gate, which is as deep as the sea, even the palace ladies will actively or passively change themselves in order to survive, not to mention Zhao Feiyan, who was once the mother of the world?

This kind of change would be unbearable for anyone!

I was a little distracted for a moment, but there was a fierce scream in my ears. I reflexively looked over, and it turned out that Feng Yuanzheng had moved. He followed my previous instructions and accurately hit Zhao Feiyan on the back of the head with the Peach Soul Flower.

Zhang Feiyan was seen twitching for a while, and then the Yin spirit flew out of Zhang Yan's limp body.

Seeing that she was being attacked, she became angry and grabbed Feng Yuanzheng's neck and lifted him up.

"Okay, even you want to harm me, so don't blame me for being rude!" Zhang Feiyan sneered with blood-red eyes.

Human life is at stake, how can I dare to sympathize with Zhao Feiyan? He yelled and waved the Sirius Whip, and the whip hit Zhao Feiyan. Zhao Feiyan was forced to let go of Feng Yuanzheng, and then flew out the window.

Just as I was about to catch up, I noticed a layer of golden light suddenly appeared on the window, and Zhao Feiyan was bounced back. Through the golden light, I could see clearly that the glass was covered with spiritual talismans. It was obviously the hands and feet of Senior Shu before.

Although this trick can prevent the Yin spirit from escaping, it may also make her and us fight to the death. I hurriedly took out the Huansi Bell and shook it desperately.

The Huansi Bell has an effect on people with distracting thoughts and Yin spirits. At this moment, Zhao Feiyan's soul was severely damaged, and she could no longer avoid the Huansi Bell. She fell to the ground in pain and struggled back and forth.

"Damn it, I finally stopped being suppressed and beaten..." I cursed in my heart.

But I am a bitch, especially when it comes to women, whether she is a human or a ghost. Just now I wanted to beat her to pieces, but as Zhao Feiyan screamed again and again, I couldn't help but feel soft, and the speed of shaking the fantasy bell slowed down.


Unexpectedly, Zhao Feiyan accurately seized this opportunity, let out a sudden roar, and then crashed towards the window desperately, breaking through the golden light emitted by the talisman, and then turned into a shadow and disappeared without a trace.

I looked at the broken glass on the ground and wanted to slap myself in the mouth. Feng Yuanzheng got up with a look of horror on his face and asked me what should I do now?

"Send your wife to the hospital, what the hell can you do?" I replied angrily, feeling angry.

At this time, there was a loud bang in the living room, and I quickly ran out to take a look. I was shocked to find that Senior Shu had fallen to the ground with a sallow complexion, and his mouth was bleeding uncontrollably.

"Senior Shu, what's wrong with you?" I was frightened. I had never seen him look like this.

Senior Shu said tremblingly: "Don't blame yourself, it's a good thing she ran away! If she had just seen that I was in trouble, we would all die today. Get out of here quickly..."

After saying that, Senior Shu rolled his eyes and fainted. Only then did I realize that Senior Shu stopped just now not to let Zhao Feiyan go, but because he was also seriously injured!

Feng Yuanzheng panicked and called an ambulance, and then Senior Shu and Zhang Yan were carried into the ambulance.

He was about to follow, but I grabbed him and said we would go later.

"Zhao Feiyan was caught off guard by us today, so that Iron Swallow must still be at your home. We must find it, otherwise Zhao Feiyan will come again!"

I explained patiently, and Feng Yuanzheng nodded repeatedly after hearing this. He led me to search all over the house, and finally found Tie Yanzi under the bed in Zhang Yan's bedroom.

"Zhao Feiyan has been knocked out of your wife's body, and now the Iron Swallow has been taken away by us. I think we are not far away from conquering it!" I said to Feng Yuanzheng with a smile.

The strange thing is that his expression didn't change much after hearing this, he still looked worried.

"Don't think too much about it."

It seemed that he was still worried. Zhao Feiyan could be dealt with within three days at the latest. I didn’t say much and pulled him straight to the hospital.

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