Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 602: Big Reversal

When I arrived at the hospital, I was surprised to find that Li Qiushui was also there. It turned out that Feng Yuanzheng had called her to take care of Zhang Yan. Although I was a little unhappy that she left Li Mazi alone, I didn't say anything.

Senior Shu was already awake, leaning on the pillow and drinking Dabu Decoction, but his expression was very poor. Our group of people is like this. Unless they are really at the point of death, they are rarely unconscious for a long time, and most of their injuries are internal injuries.

Although Zhang Yan hasn't woken up yet, I feel relieved that Feng Yuanzheng and Li Qiushui are here.

I was afraid that something might happen to Li Mazi again, so I sat on the bedside and stayed with Senior Shu for a while and then hurried back to the hotel.

Fortunately, I went back and saw that he was still sleeping well, and there were no signs of movement on the doors or windows, so I went back to my room and fell asleep.

When he got up the next day, Li Mazi also woke up. When he saw me, he scratched his head in embarrassment and said angrily: "Brother Zhang, that knife was not meant to stab you. It was out of control."

"Just wake up!"

I tapped him on the shoulder and asked him what happened.

"After you ran away after the car, I planned to call you, but as soon as I took out my phone, I was patted from behind! At first I thought it was the police asking me to question me, but when I turned around, there was no one behind me. no one……"

Li Mazi told me with lingering fear that as soon as he left the police station, something got on him and he involuntarily went to Zhang Yan's house. At that time, Zhang Yan was quarreling with Feng Yuanzheng. Feng Yuanzheng kept explaining the matter of Tie Yanzi, but Li Mazi made a strange mistake. betrayed Feng Yuanzheng.

Then Li Mazi felt that he was awake, and then Zhang Yan strangled Feng Yuanzheng to death like crazy and threw the body into the bathroom.

It seemed that Li Mazi also thought that Feng Yuanzheng was dead, so I told him what happened last night, and as I spoke, several question marks emerged in my mind.

First, Li Mazi was raped in front of the public security bureau, so who was the person who drove us all the time?

Second, when Li Mazi entered Zhang Yan's home, Zhang Yan and Feng Yuanzheng were quarreling, but Li Mazi's body was still controlled by the Yin spirit at that time, which meant that Zhang Yan was awake!

Then why did she continue to ask about Tie Yanzi's whereabouts?

"What's wrong?"

Seeing me in a daze, Li Mazi asked in confusion. I shook my head and said something was wrong, then I took him and took a taxi back to the hospital.

Senior Shu was still drinking soup, but Zhang Yan was no longer on the bed next to him, and Feng Yuanzheng and Li Qiushui were nowhere to be found.

"Where are they?" I put aside the lunch box I brought for Senior Shu and asked casually.

Unexpectedly, Senior Shu Shu secretly whispered to me. After listening to the whisper, I was stunned. It took me a long time to come back to my senses and asked in disbelief: "Are you sure?"

Senior Mouse nodded, then picked up the lunch box and started eating. I thought about it, left Iron Swallow to Senior Rat, and then took Li Mazi to the suburban zoo I had been to before.

Since there were not many people nearby, the dead birds on the ground had not been cleaned up yet, and some of them were already emitting a stench. I held my nose and walked in front without saying a word. Li Mazi kept asking me what I wanted to do along the way, as if he had a hundred thousand questions.

In the end, I was really annoyed by him, so I had to sigh and said: "Go rescue Zhang Yan, Feng Yuanzheng and Li Qiushui may want to kill her!"

That's right, what Senior Shu whispered to me in the hospital was that he discovered that the relationship between Li Qiushui and Feng Yuanzheng was unusual. Even before I went to the hospital, Li Qiushui wanted to secretly hold the oxygen tube and suffocate Zhang Yan to death, but he failed after a doctor came in.

At first he thought it was just Li Qiushui who had a problem, but later he discovered that Feng Yuanzheng's eyes were full of hatred when he looked at Zhang Yan, and he obviously had murderous intentions.

Then when Zhang Yan woke up this morning, she didn't have a good attitude towards Li Qiu Shui. The three of them looked at each other in a heated manner for a long time and then they were discharged directly from the hospital.

Feng Yuanzheng and Li Qiushui were the first to leave the ward. Before Zhang Yan left, he suddenly turned his head and said to Senior Shu, who was pretending to sleep: "I know you have discovered all this. If you want to know the reason, come to the zoo to watch the show in the afternoon!"

"Here, is it a love triangle?" Li Mazi asked with ignorant eyes, then spat and said that he thought Li Qiu Shui was a good sister, but he was also a scheming bitch!

I didn't say anything more, and pulled him to the center of the park, where I found Zhang Yan sitting on a rock, apparently waiting for someone.

She quickly spotted Li Mazi and me, turned around and glanced at us with a half-smile, and then continued to look towards the entrance of the park as if nothing was wrong.

"What kind of medicine is she selling in her gourd?" Li Mazi didn't understand again.

I thought about it and felt that she would not be able to deal with us. First of all, she took the initiative to invite us to watch the show. Secondly, even if she wanted to harm us, now that Tie Yanzi is in the hands of Senior Shu, she has no strength.

After waiting for about half an hour, Zhang Yan's face suddenly darkened. Following her gaze, she suddenly discovered that Feng Yuanzheng and Li Qiu were walking in arm in arm.

It seems that Li Mazi guessed it right this time, these two people are really having an affair.

"Zhang Yan is pretty good-looking. Why does her husband want to break his shoes?"

Li Mazi said angrily, and I dragged him behind the stone speechlessly. Zhang Yan has no ill intentions towards us, but it does not mean that Feng Yuanzheng wants us to know about this.

I can kill my wife who I share the same bed with, let alone us.

As they got closer and closer, Zhang Yan's eyes gradually turned red. She choked and said, "You finally dare to admit it. Are you tired of hiding it from me for so long?"


Li Qiushui smiled disdainfully, then his face turned cold and said: "Stop pretending to be a saint! Do you think I don't know? You deliberately used the iron swallow to harm me."

Although I had already guessed this possibility, I was still a little shocked at this moment. This is really a drama of family ethics.

"Harm?" Zhang Yan gritted her teeth and said, "Where have I harmed you? I just hate my own cowardice. I know that my husband is having an affair with his best sister, but I keep pretending to be stupid for the sake of the sister's friendship. I have pretended enough but I don't have the courage. To expose you, I can only use the power of Iron Swallow, it will make me stronger!"

"If it weren't for the fate of the expedition, I would have been strangled to death by you!"

Li Qiushui took a step forward and said with a sullen face. After saying this, before Zhang Yan could react, he slapped Zhang Yan on the face, and then kicked Zhang Yan several times.

During this process, Feng Yuanzheng witnessed all this but did not stop him at all. Li Mazi couldn't stand it anymore, gritted his teeth and was about to get up. I quickly held him down and said don't worry, this is the evidence!

After saying that, I took out my phone, adjusted the angle and started taking pictures.

After a while, Li Qiu Shui was tired from the beating. He stopped and glared at Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan straightened her clothes, touched her swollen cheeks, looked at Feng Yuanzheng and said with tears in her eyes: "I will kill you." What Zhao Feiyan means is that I can't stop her, so I can only do it myself, so that you have a chance to survive, I am saving you!"

After she finished speaking, she left slowly without even looking at Li Qiu Shui.

Feng Yuanzheng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and his face looked a little hesitant. But Li Qiushui grabbed him like a madman and shouted quickly: "Yuanzheng, we must kill her! Otherwise she will attract that ghost and torture us to death."

Li Qiushui's expression was extremely ferocious when she spoke, which made me feel sick. Thinking of her expressing her grievances when we first met, I really wanted to slap this bitch to death.

Feng Yuanzheng looked at Zhang Yan, then at Li Qiushui, and finally gritted his teeth and took out a hemp rope from his pocket, quickly ran behind Zhang Yan and strangled her neck!

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