Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 603 Death of the Rat

Li Mazi's eyes immediately turned red when he saw this scene. I pressed him down again to reassure him.

"If you don't go out, people will die!" Li Mazi shouted with his eyes wide open.

At this moment, Feng Yuanzheng heard other sounds in the park, and immediately let go of the hemp rope, trying to find where Li Mazi and I were hiding. At this moment, the whole park suddenly heard a loud noise, followed by a suicide attack by birds all over the sky.

"Did you see that Zhang Yan is not stupid? How could he die in vain?"

I was indeed a little worried at first, but my subconscious told me that Zhang Yan must have a back-up plan!

I patted Li Mazi's face, put the phone away, and continued to observe the scene in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, Li Qiushui and Feng Yuanzheng were caught by the birds, covered in blood, and their clothes were broken into countless pieces.

I didn't stop them at first because I wanted to teach them a lesson, but they were all real people no matter what, and I couldn't just ignore them.

Seeing that they were about to be tortured to death, I took out the fantasy bell and shook it quickly, and the birds fell to the ground one after another.

After being rescued, Feng Yuanzheng and Li Qiushui looked at me, then at Zhang Yan, who looked disappointed, and finally asked in horror: "You all know?"

“If you don’t want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself!”

After I finished speaking, I didn’t look at them anymore and called 110 on the spot. When the police arrived, I directly handed over the video of the two men trying to commit murder to the police. They were arrested on charges of attempted murder and legal sanctions awaited them.

"What will you do with Feiyan?"

After the police took the person away, Zhang Yan adjusted herself and asked almost pleadingly.

It was obvious that she was a good woman. Even though Feng Yuanzheng treated her like that, she still shed tears when Feng Yuanzheng was taken away by the police; and Zhao Feiyan is a ghost, so it stands to reason that after Feng Yuanzheng's matter is dealt with, she will have no use value. , but she was still worried about Zhao Feiyan's safety.

"If she doesn't provoke me anymore, I won't do anything to her! Everything has a cause and effect. The cause and effect between you and Zhao Feiyan has been broken, so her ending has nothing to do with you."

After listening to my words, Zhang Yan nodded, and then took the initiative to tell me the story of her and Zhao Feiyan.

Zhang Yan has been a smart and sensible girl since she was a child. After graduating from college, she married Feng Yuanzheng, started a business with Li Qiushui, and lived a happy life. Later, she accidentally discovered that her husband was having an affair with his best friend. Zhang Yan was grieved but did not want to destroy family harmony, so she swallowed the pain in her stomach. Only when she returned to her hometown would she go to Zhao Feiyan's cemetery to express her feelings.

Because there happened to be Zhang Feiyan's tomb outside Zhang Yan's village, others didn't take Zhao Feiyan's grave seriously at all. However, Zhang Yan often went to worship Zhao Feiyan because she had similar experiences with Zhao Feiyan. Spirits become friends! Zhang Yan asked Zhao Feiyan to help her.

It's just that Zhao Feiyan is a Yin spirit after all, and in the end he is no longer under Zhang Yan's control, and a series of tragedies occur.

"Then what will you do in the future?" I asked with some emotion after hearing this, feeling that she was quite pitiful.

Zhang Yan flipped up her hair, sighed and said what else could she do, just get divorced and start a new life.

"fair enough!"


She grinned, waved and left.

On the way back to the hospital, I didn't say a word to Li Mazi. I kept thinking about what made Li Qiushui like this.

According to her financial conditions and appearance, she has no worries about finding a good husband. Why would she compete with the best sister for a husband?

Li Mazi seemed to see what I was thinking, and said to himself: "Actually, this is not surprising. The best friends nowadays seem to have a good relationship, but who is not competing with each other behind their backs?"

"You buy a piece of clothing, and I have to buy a pair of good shoes tomorrow; you buy a brand-name bag today, and I'll buy a set of cosmetics tomorrow... It's not surprising that if you compare like this, you'll steal your husband."

After Li Mazi finished speaking, he sighed, and I sighed too. Li Mazi sometimes sees things more clearly than I do, but he just sees things through.

But I kept asking myself over and over again, what caused this bestie phenomenon? If it cannot be solved, Zhang Yan's tragedy will continue to happen.

When I returned to the hospital, I told Senior Shu about what had happened. He was also very emotional. But when I asked him how to solve this phenomenon, Senior Shu took a heavy puff of smoke and said, "You bastard, stop worrying about it. This is human nature!”

I felt sour after hearing this, but I didn't refute it.

Senior Shu was discharged from the hospital that night. I asked him if he wanted to go back. Senior Shu thought for a while and said that Zhao Feiyan probably wouldn't give up. It would be better to wait until she was completely dealt with before leaving.

I agreed with Senior Shu's point of view and continued to stay for a few days. Since there was no trouble for the time being, the three of us started to play around in Suzhou and lived a comfortable life.

Zhang Yan didn't contact us again. It seems that Zhao Feiyan didn't go to her anymore. After staying for about a week, Senior Shu and I discussed it and prepared to leave Suzhou early the next morning. Unexpectedly, something happened to Li Mazi that night!

Because Senior Shu and I can more or less compete with Zhao Feiyan, the focus of defense these days has been on Li Mazi. In addition to sticking talismans on the doors and windows, Senior Shu also deliberately placed the natal rat in Li Mazi's room.

We went to bed early that night, and I even dreamed of Yin Xinyue. When I was deeply affectionate with her, I suddenly heard a scream from Senior Shu. I sat up subconsciously, put on my clothes and rushed to Senior Shu's room.

Unexpectedly, he was not injured at all. He squinted his eyes and asked me what happened? I was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran to Li Mazi's room. I was shocked to find Li Mazi lying naked on the bed, all skinny and skinny.

Beside him, the zodiac rat was twitching continuously. But seeing that the head and body of the zodiac rat were separated, blood was spilled on the floor, and the whole room was filled with a strong smell of blood.


When Senior Shu saw this scene, his expression changed suddenly and he spat out a mouthful of blood. I quickly went up to help him, but Senior Shu pushed me away and shouted hysterically: "Jiulin, avenge my natal rat!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the window. When I looked up, I noticed that the window was open, and the talisman on it had long lost its luster.

It seems that Zhao Feiyan invited help, otherwise the natal rat would never have died so miserably. I gritted my teeth and jumped down the window, smelling a filthy smell in the air.

"What a bastard!"

After careful identification, I realized that the sour and rotten smell was that of a cat. I didn't expect that Zhao Feiyan could find a psychic cat. I couldn't help but curse, and immediately recited the spirit-inviting spell, asking the nearby Yin spirits to take me to chase the cat.

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