Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 604: Fei Yanjue dances in the palm of your hand

This time I invited a kid with missing arms and legs. Its facial features were severely deformed. It was probably dead in a car accident. I felt sorry for it and deliberately fed it a few more drops of blood. The kid knew that he was repaying his kindness, and he ran faster and faster, and finally stopped after nearly an hour.

It was the first time that Yin Spirit had brought me this far. I burned a few more pieces of paper money for it, and then I looked around, only to find that I was in front of a very familiar small mountain village.

It took a long time to realize that this is Zhang Yan’s hometown!

I didn't expect that cat to come here, so I couldn't help but become nervous. I held the Sirius Whip and walked forward following the increasingly clear cat smell.

The further I walked, the more I felt something was wrong. When I first entered the village, everything around me was still very clear, and the moon in the sky was relatively bright. But as I entered the village, a milky white mist appeared around me.

Looking around, the whole village was shrouded in white fog, and the fog became thicker as I walked in. In the end, I couldn't even see the environment in front of me clearly. I could only move forward through intuition, but this way I couldn't Feel the cat's scent with full concentration.

After walking for about half an hour, I felt that the fog had become smaller, and then I re-examined the surrounding environment. I found that I had left the village and came to a remote hillside. The ground was covered with grass and surrounded by bushes. After walking there for a while, my body was wet.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to identify the smell of cats again, but all I could smell was the coolness of dew.

Since there was fog in the village for no reason, it was obvious that the cat had discovered me, and I could not find it. I suddenly felt very bad. My free hand quietly reached into my pocket to grab the magic talisman, and I felt more at ease.

At this time, there was a sudden meow from a hundred meters ahead. I subconsciously chased after it. When I got to that position, I saw that there was no shadow of the cat at all. When I was wondering, a strong chill suddenly came from the back of my head. I squatted down subconsciously, and then quickly rolled on the slope of the ground.

When I got up again, I found a fat white cat standing next to me. It stood in the shape of a human and looked about the same size as a calf. Its eyes were shining with green light and it was staring at me eagerly!

I swallowed, subconsciously stepped back, then raised the Sirius Whip and rushed forward with gritted teeth. The big white cat licked its tongue, showing a trace of disdain. When I was almost close to it, it jumped up and flew over my head in an instant.

I quickly adjusted the position of the whip and finally hit it on the tail.

"Meow!" It let out a shrill scream.

This made me a little confused. I didn't expect that it looked like a tough guy, but it turned out to be a useless guy. I seized the opportunity and jumped up and swung the whip again, hitting it directly on the back. This time The cat demon was completely frightened and ran towards the mountains screaming.

I retracted my whip, ran after it, and finally found it in front of a dilapidated stone monument.

At this moment, it no longer had the fear it had before, and instead looked a little righteous, standing in front of the stone monument like a guard.

I looked at the stone monument and found that there was a tomb behind the stone monument, but the tomb was deserted, covered with weeds, and many places had been dug up. It seemed that tomb thieves had visited it countless times.

Zhang Yan told me that Zhao Feiyan’s graveyard is in their village, and with the current appearance of the cat demon, I felt that this was Zhao Feiyan’s graveyard, so I shouted towards the grave: “Zhao Feiyan, come out!”

As soon as I finished speaking, a gust of wind blew violently around the tomb, and then Zhao Feiyan, dressed in an emerald green dress, floated out from inside and stared at me fiercely.

The body of the cat demon suddenly became very small, and finally jumped into Zhao Feiyan's arms. Zhao Feiyan stroked the hair on its body lovingly, and the kitten also licked Zhao Feiyan's arm with its tongue docilely.

It seems that this cat was Zhao Feiyan's pet during her lifetime and stayed here with her for a thousand years. I couldn't help but be moved. After thinking about it for a while, I spoke first: "Zhao Feiyan, stop it, otherwise you will kill it!"

I'm not trying to scare her, but now her hiding place has been discovered by me, and the Iron Swallow that she relies on for survival is also in the hands of Senior Rat. It only takes a matter of minutes to deal with her.

If she insists on having her own way, then the pet cat that has followed her for thousands of years will naturally be beaten to pieces!

After Zhao Feiyan heard this, her sharp eyes froze, and she looked at the kitten in her arms in confusion. She undoubtedly listened to what I said. I struck while the iron was hot and sincerely advised: "Stop harming others. I promise to find a good home for it."


Zhao Feiyan's eyes lit up when she heard these words.

I nodded and said somewhat against my will: "We never intended to hurt you from the beginning, otherwise we wouldn't be merciful to you."

Zhao Feiyan said no more, looked at the big white cat in her hand with red eyes, and then gritted her teeth and threw it over.

I caught the cat and put the magic talisman directly on its forehead. This could temporarily seal the anger in its body and prevent it from plotting against me. Then I asked Zhao Feiyan what his plans were. He couldn't hide on this desolate hillside forever.

"After dancing in the palm of my hand, the sound of the flute is endless, and the autumn night in the thirty-sixth palace is long!"

Zhao Feiyan recited these two eternal lines of praise for her with some sadness, then took a deep look at the big white cat, turned around and quickly danced up her skirt.

I have found out the origin of this skirt in the past few days. It is a fairy skirt made for her by skilled craftsmen ordered by Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty. The skirt is made of jade liquid. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is as light as a cicada's wing. The most amazing dress.

The previous few times she danced her skirt was to deal with me, but now she danced without any distractions. I watched carefully and was deeply impressed by her dancing.

But she didn't expect her body to suddenly burst into flames as she jumped.

Through the firelight, I felt a hint of white phosphorus. She burned herself using the white phosphorus and yin energy in the tomb. At this moment, I understood Zhao Feiyan, her mood was so peaceful!

Because of the tragic conflict between sisters, I have been resentful for thousands of years, but I have given up resentment because of the white cat I care about. Who said that Feiyan is a troublemaker? Doesn't the king have no responsibility?

I took a step back and bowed to her sincerely, hoping that she would be reincarnated as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, the white cat jumped out of my hand, rushed into the fire like a bolt of lightning, and threw itself into Zhao Feiyan's arms.

Gradually, its figure gradually faded and gradually trembled, but it did not let out another scream.

I witnessed all this, with a sore nose. After the firelight disappeared, I stepped forward to help her repair the grave, but I was surprised to find that among the pile of ashes, the flawless fairy skirt was shining brightly.

I put away the Liuxian skirt and walked back to the city. On the way, I recalled the words of Senior Shu and couldn't help but sigh.

There are many best friends in the world, and as time goes by, the feelings become deeper and deeper. They served as each other's bridesmaids when they got married, and often traveled together when they were older, reminiscing together about the happy times of their youth.

There are also some best friends in the world who, faced with conflicts of interest and trivial matters, constantly plot against each other and eventually turn against each other.

But no matter what, I hope they will not forget that there was a good sister passing by in their youth!

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