Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 605 Immortal Grass

After returning to the hotel, I found that Senior Shu was holding the natal rat and crying loudly. In fact, let alone him, even I regarded the natal rat as a relative who fought side by side!

I told Senior Shu the ending of Zhao Feiyan and White Cat, and then handed him the fairy skirt. Although I like this dress very much, Senior Shu lost his little brother because of this business, so I can only bear to part with it.

Unexpectedly, Senior Shu, who was always greedy for money, did not answer the question. Instead, he took the ointment he prepared and applied it on Li Mazi's body.

I was in a hurry to chase the white cat, so I didn't take a closer look at Li Mazi. Now I realized that he had lost a lot of weight, and there was no trace of blood in his body. His skin had even ulcerated in many places, and important parts of his body were swollen. At first glance, It looked like a mummy dug out of the soil.

"How could this happen?" I asked in horror.

Senior Mouse snorted coldly and said that this kid couldn't change his habit of eating shit. He must have fallen into the white cat's beauty trap. If Mouse hadn't desperately saved him, he would definitely have no bones left.

Although my teeth were itching with anger after hearing this, I still worriedly asked Senior Rat what to do.

"If you can't die, use my ointment to block the ulcerated parts of your body to prevent the wounds from continuing to fester. Then eat more tonic and you will be able to recover slowly."

After saying this, Senior Shu stopped talking and smeared Li Mazi all over his body. Li Mazi woke up the next afternoon, but his voice was older than before, at least twenty years old. At first glance, Li Mazi woke up. I thought he was a vicissitudes of life old man.

Then Senior Shu wrote a list for me and asked me to take the medicinal materials on it and apply them to Li Mazi every day. Then he packed up his things and seemed to be leaving. I asked him where he was going, and he said with red eyes that he was looking for the Immortal Grass.

"Immortal grass?"

This was the first time I heard this name, and I asked curiously what it was. Senior Shu said that the Immortal Grass is a fungus that grows on the thousand-year-old cold coffin and has the ability to bring the dead back to life.

Of course, this kind of resurrection is only effective for lives that have been wasted, but it cannot save people who have died. Senior Mouse said that the natal rat had already gone beyond the scope of normal life and death because it had changed fates with him, and that it would definitely be able to save its life with the Immortal Grass.

"Then I'll go with you!" I thought about it and said seriously.

After all, Senior Shu has always taken good care of Li Mazi because of my face. Now if something happens, he can't let him bear it himself.

After experiencing this incident, Senior Rat seemed to treat me better. He was not as clinging to his old age as before, but instead behaved very kindly to me. He said that he could handle it all by himself and asked me to take Li Mazi back to Wuhan as soon as possible. However, the more he said this, the more worried I became. In the end, he let Li Mazi go back by himself, and then followed Senior Shu in vain.

Senior Shu couldn't defeat me, so he had no choice but to agree, but he returned the Iron Swallow to me and said that it would be my reward for accompanying him in searching for the Immortal Grass.

Recently, we also found out the origin of the iron swallow. This is the iron swallow sculpture on the roof of Weiyang Palace in Chang'an City during the period of Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty. It was specially made by Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty for Zhao Feiyan. Later, after Zhao Feiyan fell out of favor, Tie Yanzi was also dismantled by craftsmen, and was eventually buried with Zhao Feiyan...

Therefore, the Iron Swallow is a top-quality product both in terms of workmanship and historical value. It is conservatively estimated to sell for three million. I plan to find an opportunity to sell it.

Not to mention the Liuxian skirt, which simply represents the pinnacle of ancient handicrafts and manufacturing. Coupled with the poignant love between Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty and Zhao Feiyan, the Liuxian skirt has become a marketable and priceless treasure!

So I don't plan to sell it. I will give it to Yin Xinyue after the yin energy on it dissipates for a while, and ask her to do a hand dance for me if she has nothing to do.

In short, after Zhao Feiyan's incident, Senior Rat didn't make any money, and he lost his life rat in vain. Senior Rat obviously intended to cultivate me, but this is not like his behavior.

I felt a little uneasy and asked him if something was going to happen. He shook his head and said nothing. In the end, I had to give up questioning and instead asked him where the Immortal Grass was.

"Immortal grass can only be found in the mountains of Yunnan, because the ancestors there were good at bewitching. In order to prevent their bodies from being bitten by snakes and insects after their death, they would put mysterious herbs in their coffins. These herbs have been nourished by Yin Qi for many years. Mold will grow on the coffin, gradually forming immortal grass!"

Senior Shu kept rolling his eyes as he spoke, and seemed to know little about the Immortal Grass. I asked him if he had seen the Immortal Grass before. He shook his head and said that he had only heard of rumors about the Immortal Grass, so I can only try my luck this time.

After listening to this, I couldn't help but think of how long ago we tried so hard to find Ye Long Gao to save Chu Chu's life. In the end, Ye Long Gao was found, but Chu Chu was already dead.

With this comparison, I can better understand how deep the feelings of Senior Rat are for his natal rat, and I secretly determined to help him find the Immortal Grass no matter what.

Senior Shu specially bought a map of Yunnan for this purpose and marked a location on the map based on his general impression. I picked it up and took a look and found that the area he circled happened to be the western Yunnan region.

What impressed me most about Western Yunnan was the famous Anti-Japanese War in Western Yunnan. Every time I see these two words, the image of Chinese soldiers and civilians fighting to the death with the Japanese in the Nu River comes to mind.

Western Yunnan has mountains and rivers, and the natural environment is very harsh. There are dangers in the deep mountains and old forests. For safety reasons, Senior Shu took me back to his house first and picked up a handicraft similar to a cane.

He said that this thing is called the Holy Mother's Staff, and it is a feminine object that he conquered. It is the weapon of the Holy Mother of White Lotus, the leader of the White Lotus Church in the Qing Dynasty. She used her religious beliefs to guide the people to resist the brutal rule of the Qing Dynasty. Unfortunately, she was defeated and killed in the end.

Then he took out a shining Emei thorn and handed it to me, saying that my whip could only hit seven times at a time and I needed something extra for self-defense.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

I bared my teeth and asked, Senior Shu waved his hand and said, don’t take it for granted, kid. I’m just lending you this Emei thorn for your use first, and you’ll have to return it to me later!

I nodded repeatedly, Liu Xianqun and Tie Yanzi were given to me, I was really embarrassed to cheat him again. Senior Shu then told me that this Emei thorn was a magical weapon once used by the leader of the Emei sect, Taoist Baimei.

"Can you stop pretending and talk about the Emei Clan? Why don't you talk about the Wudang Clan?" I said with my lips curled up.

Senior Shu slapped me on the neck and said angrily that there are a lot of things you don’t know. Take ordinary people as an example. Will they believe in our business as a trader of femininity?

As soon as I heard that it made sense, I didn't say anything more. After collecting my things, I took a plane to Kunming.

After arriving in Kunming, we changed the route to Tengchong County, Baoshan City, where three major rivers gather together and retain the most original style under the protection of hundreds of thousands of mountains.

Tengchong borders Myanmar. Almost every time the Central Plains region changes dynasties, it will be baptized in blood! After the reform and opening up, with the rise of tourism, the local economic level improved.

Senior Shu and I arrived in Tengchong in the evening and looked around but couldn't find a suitable hotel. Fortunately, the weather was nice, so we took advantage of the moonlight and walked out from the county seat.

Senior Mouse said that the older the mountain, the more likely it is that Immortal Grass will appear, so our goal is also very clear, and we are heading directly towards the highest mountain that we can see.

It was a little cold in the second half of the night and we were a little tired, so we set up a simple tent halfway up the mountain to rest.

When daybreak was about to break, I woke up due to peeing. I crawled out of the tent to take a quick break. When I turned around and went back, I suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the deep mountains.

It sounded like a fox barking, but upon closer inspection it sounded like a woman crying. I couldn't tell what it was because it was too far away! After standing there and observing for a while, I saw that there was nothing strange around the tent, and then I boldly went back and fell asleep.

It was already noon when I woke up. Because the weather was not very good, there was not a single pedestrian on the path at the foot of the mountain. The two of us grabbed a few cans and continued on our way with our bags on our backs.

I remembered the sound I heard in the early morning, so I mentioned it to Senior Shu. After hearing this, he nodded and said that there must be a lot of weird things in this place and told me not to pay attention. He also said that as long as it doesn't affect us, just treat it as nothing. have no idea.

After walking for a whole day, we entered the Ma'anshan area. Volcanoes are common near Tengchong, but the most famous one is Ma'anshan, so named because the top of the mountain resembles a saddle.

Although it is a volcano, there are three freshwater lakes on the mountain, and there is vegetation on the surface. Especially at the foot of the mountain, there are lush aquatic plants, which has become a cemetery for local residents.

There are many tombs at the foot of the mountain, and there are fewer tombs as you go up. But I can tell that it takes longer as you go up the tombs, because some of the tombs have been dug up and coffin boards are scattered all over the ground. They are undoubtedly visited by tomb robbers...

Along the way, I occasionally saw signboards left by relevant departments, which showed that Ma'anshan has also been developed. I couldn't help but asked with some frustration: Senior Rat, this has become a tourist attraction, will there still be immortal grass? "

"Silly boy, scenic spots like this will circle places that you can't go to. Haven't you watched the news? Many tourists die in scenic spots every day. In fact, they are seeking death."

Senior Shu lit up a cigarette and said angrily: "They must have broken into the restricted area to satisfy their curiosity!"

After hearing this, I was convinced and said nothing more. Sure enough, we encountered a roadblock at noon. A layer of barbed wire fence was built near the top of the mountain, which together with the thorn bushes next to it, blocked the way up the mountain.

The sign said it was construction on the top of the mountain, but the paint on it was peeling off and was in disarray, so it was obviously just a cover. I couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Senior Shu, and he smiled slyly and took out two pairs of hiking boots from his bag.

After changing my shoes, I broke off two branches as thick as a baby's arms and walked carefully through the thorn bushes.

This thorn bush is very large, nearly two miles long. The surface is covered with needle-pricked shrubs and weeds, and the underground is swamp and silt. We will sink in if we are not careful, so we walk very carefully, and we have enough space. It took two hours to get out.

At this time, I looked around and saw that the trees around the development were much denser than before, and purple-black gas was emitting from many places.

"This should be miasma, we have to wait until night before going in!" Senior Rat looked at the miasma and licked his lips and said cautiously.

After hearing this, my heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but take a second look.

Miasma is a poisonous gas formed in tropical climates. It is caused by the dead bodies of animals and plants in high temperature and closed environments. The most famous allusion is that Zhuge Liang encountered miasma when he was pacifying the Southern Barbarians. Many Shu troops were poisoned to death at that time. Right now, Senior Rat and I don't have gas masks on at all. If we go in hastily, we may not be able to come out.

Fortunately, miasma does not exist around the clock. It is very similar to dew, except that dew evaporates as the sun rises, while miasma dissipates as darkness falls.

However, places with miasma actually increase the possibility of the presence of immortal grass, so Senior Rat and I rested where we were. Anyway, it's not far from the top of the mountain, so we set up the tent and prepared to use this as our temporary base!

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