Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 606: Black and white evil spirits

I ate something and fell asleep. Halfway through my sleep, I heard the weird sound from last night again, and this time the sound was very clear. I curiously walked out of the tent and followed the sound, and found that the source of the sound was not far from us. in the woods. By this time the miasma had almost dissipated, and I was ready to go up and see what was calling.

"Have you forgotten what I said?"

At this time, Senior Shu's voice sounded. He dragged me back to the tent with a sullen face, and cursed vehemently: "You have donkey hair in your ears, but you still think you have lived enough. The affairs of this place are beyond our control!"

I was too scared to speak, but I was very confused in my heart, why is Senior Shu so afraid of things here?

After a while, after his anger subsided, I laughed and asked him if anything had happened here.

"Want to know?"

Senior Shu snorted and said calmly: "In 1942, the Kuomintang troops marched along the Burma Highway to fight the Japanese. When one of the regiments passed by, they all disappeared overnight..."


After hearing this, I took a breath of air-conditioning, and then felt a little disapproval. After all, the war was in chaos at that time, and the entire army might have been annihilated by a sneak attack by the Japanese army.

"The next day when the army learned about the incident, they sent people to investigate. As a result, the investigators also disappeared."

When Senior Shu said this, his eyes were full of fear. He said in a panic: "There are thousands of people in a regiment. Even if the whole army is wiped out, how can it be possible without leaving a trace!"

"What happened next? Didn't anyone check?" After hearing this, I felt confused and a little curious.

Senior Shu waved his hand and said that after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist Government sent people into the mountains to search, but found nothing. In the end, they had to seal the place because there were too many wild animals in the mountains.

He also said that there were some Taoist disciples among the people who came here to investigate, but in the end those people just ended up with neither alive nor dead.

"Then shall we go in?"

I was beating a small drum in my heart. Seeing that I was scared, Senior Rat smiled and said that there is no need to be so nervous. There are too many unexplainable secrets in the mountains for thousands of years. We don’t need to expect to understand everything. As long as we Just stay calm and everything will be fine.

After Senior Rat finished speaking, he picked up the Holy Mother's Staff and walked out of the tent first. I held the umbrella in my left hand, the wolf-eye flashlight in my right hand, and the Sirius Whip and the Emei Thorn hanging on my left and right waist respectively. I followed him in as if I was fleeing. forest.

I originally thought it would be stuffy inside, but I didn't expect that as the miasma dissipated, the woods were actually a little cooler. As the breeze blows, it feels vaguely comfortable!

It's just that this feeling didn't last long and was replaced by coldness. It felt like falling into an ice hole, or like standing in front of a high-power refrigeration air conditioner in winter. I kept blowing hot air into my hands. But even so, his body was still trembling a little.

"Don't panic. The place where the immortal grass grows will definitely be colder than it is now. Just get used to it."

As Senior Rat said, he took out a palm-sized paper talisman from his pocket and patted it on my chest. Then I felt a warm current emerge from my chest and then spread to my whole body. It became much more natural to walk again.

Gradually I adapted to the surrounding temperature, and after walking a few miles further I finally saw a stone monument, which was the center of the cold.

There is an arched tomb behind the stone tablet. It seems that the owner of the tomb is from the north. After all, the locals are used to the hanging coffin burial method. Senior Mouse accelerated his pace excitedly. He said that coffins buried in the ground have a better chance of growing immortal grass!

But when we walked closer, Senior Rat couldn't help but feel discouraged. This tomb had been robbed. From our point of view, the tomb was well preserved. From the other side, we could see that the tomb had been dug up and the coffin boards had been discarded at will. on the ground.

"We arrived late and were beaten first."

Senior Rat first sniffed, then put his hand on the coffin and stroked it back and forth a few times, and finally said in annoyance.

I followed up and took a flashlight to shine. Judging from the color of the coffin board and the dryness and humidity of the soil, I could tell that the grave had just been dug. It might even have been dug in the past two days, so I asked with some trepidation: "Senior Shu, do you think it's someone from Longquan Villa who is secretly causing trouble?"

"Impossible. Even if they want to deal with us, there is no need to risk coming here to take the Immortal Grass."

Senior Shu shook his head firmly, and then told me not to worry too much. He said that there were many people who wanted the Immortal Grass, and if it happened to be snatched away, it only meant that we should just remember it and look for it elsewhere.

The words were spoken lightly, but there was a trace of disappointment on his face. I didn't say anything more, gritted my teeth and walked inside.

At this time, there was a thumping sound behind me, like the sound of a cane hitting the ground. I initially thought it was Senior Rat knocking, so I took a few steps forward and Senior Rat was already in front of me, but there was still a sound behind me. There was a knocking sound.

Just as I was about to turn around, I heard Senior Shu cough lightly, and I suddenly realized: Don't worry about what you shouldn't!

After walking a few hundred meters, I relaxed and asked Senior Shu what the sound was about just now.

Senior Mouse thought for a while and said calmly: "The corpse is exposed in the tomb, and the moonlight shines in, naturally forming a zombie."

"Zombie... zombie..."

My mouth opened wide in shock, and the plot of Lin Zhengying's movie suddenly appeared in my mind, and then I realized that the sound just now was not the sound of a cane at all, but the sound of zombies beating on the ground.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but wonder why Senior Rat didn't conquer the zombie? Although the zombie did not cause any harm to us, what if it jumped out of the mountain and ran into the village to harm people?

"That's God's will. We can solve it when the time comes, but we can't do it now."

After Senior Rat finished speaking, he let out a long sigh. It took me a long time to understand what he meant, and I couldn't help but shake my head.

After this little episode, I felt that the Immortal Grass was not as hard to find as I thought. Who knows, we wandered around in the mountains for the next time. Although we found countless cold tombs, we could not find any trace of the Immortal Grass. .

Even Senior Mouse was a little frustrated. He sighed and said that the immortal grass on this mountain has either been taken over by others, or it hasn't grown yet. I'm afraid we can only go to other places.

"How about we go to the top of the mountain and take a look?"

I asked reluctantly, before we just wandered around halfway up the mountain, but never reached the top, because Senior Rat thought there would be a big guy on the top of the mountain.

"This is the only way, but you can only wait for me outside, and you are not allowed to follow me in."

Senior Shu gave me a vaccination in advance. He was afraid that I would not agree and added: "This is good for both of us, otherwise I would have to take care of you."

He wasn't showing off. Normally I could give him a leg up, but if I really encountered a particularly powerful guy, I might just cause trouble for him, so I nodded to him.

Seeing that I agreed, Senior Shu showed a smile, turned around and climbed towards the top of the mountain with the staff of the Holy Mother.

I quickly followed, and when I was about to reach the top, the air around me suddenly dropped. Even though I was holding on to the amulet given to me by Senior Rat, my body could not help but tremble.

But I didn’t panic at all. Instead, I excitedly said to Senior Rat: “Senior Rat, what do you think?”

"It's almost there, there should be something available!"

Senior Mouse also rubbed his palms excitedly and quickened his pace as he spoke. Unexpectedly, before we reached the top, two weirdos suddenly appeared on the mountain road.

I couldn't tell whether they were humans or ghosts, but I could feel the strong chill on them from a long distance away. Moreover, one of them was wearing black clothes and the other was white. At first glance, they looked like black and white.

My calves immediately became weak. I swallowed my saliva and asked in a low voice, Senior Shu, what should I do?

Before Senior Shu could say anything, the two weirdos said at the same time: "Go back where you came from, or I will kill you!"

Their voices themselves are very hoarse, and when overlapped they are a bit like the voices of robots, echoing in our ears over and over again under the influence of the surrounding environment.

Senior Shu was silent for a while, then dragged me down the mountain without looking back.

After walking far away, I couldn't help but look back and found that the two weirdos, one black and one white, hadn't caught up with me. Then I breathed a sigh of relief and asked without fear: "Are those two guys humans or ghosts? What do you do again?”

"I can't tell either."

Senior Mouse's brows knitted into knots, he rubbed his temples and said, "If they are humans, how come they have such heavy Yin Qi on their bodies? If they are not humans, how can they have shadows."

After hearing this, I admired Senior Shu even more. I was so frightened that I had completely forgotten about this, but Senior Shu noticed their shadows.

"Since they are human beings, there is nothing to be afraid of. Let's rush forward and give them a try!" I said.

Unknown things are the most terrifying thing. If the opponent is a human, no matter how powerful it is, it will not make me weak in the legs, so I want to fight back, try their methods, and wait for an opportunity to seize the immortal grass.

"Have you ever thought that the chill is not coming from the Immortal Grass at all, but from the two of them!"

Senior Shu paused as he spoke, then continued: "You didn't feel the Yin Qi on their bodies just now, did you?"

After hearing this, I shook my head a little irritably. Senior Rat was right. The chill on the two of them was particularly strong, so I couldn't be sure whether there was immortal grass on the top of the mountain, so there was no point in fighting them desperately.

Then we rushed towards the tent. When we were almost there, Senior Shu stopped suddenly, sniffed around, and his expression became very strange: "There is Yang Qi around, and someone has been here before!"

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