Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 607 Achang people

"Who?" I reflexively looked around.

Senior Shu looked away and said that judging from the yang energy in the air, the other party was not a particularly powerful character. He probably had no ill intentions, or was just a tourist who ran in accidentally.

After saying that, he swaggered towards the tent, but missed his step, and then disappeared completely. Because it was too dark, I didn't know what happened, so I hurried forward to check.

As a result, his feet slipped and he fell down with Senior Shu!

It took a few seconds to land. I quickly turned on the flashlight and took a look. I found that it was a trap dug manually. The bottom was about one or two square meters, and Senior Rat landed next to me.

"Fortunately they didn't put knives in the trap, otherwise we would have become hedgehogs..."

Senior Shu wiped the cold sweat from his face, then took the flashlight from my hand and shined it on the top of his head. I looked up and saw that the pit was four or five meters deep, but we didn't find any traps when we set up the tent before.

I cursed with some fear: "Who the hell is this person? He can dig such a deep hole in a short time without leaving a trace."

It would be okay to dig a hole in a plain area, but this is on a mountain, and everything below the surface is basalt!

"It should be the original residents living in the local area who are not satisfied with us rashly breaking into the forbidden area. But I think they don't have any ill intentions, otherwise we would have been doomed long ago."

After finishing speaking, Senior Rat fell asleep. After all, the surroundings were bare and there was no possibility of climbing up.

I was not as calm as he was, so I stared at the entrance of the cave with fear. As he fell asleep, I felt a cold wind blowing constantly from the entrance of the cave, and my scalp couldn't help but feel numb.

I don’t know how long it took, but my eyelids couldn’t help but fight, and I felt faintly tired. At this time, a sound like a fox's cry suddenly sounded above my head. This time I heard it really clearly. The sound was right at the entrance of the cave. I turned my head to the side to see what it was? But it never appeared in my sight.

After calling for about half an hour, the sound disappeared. I looked at my phone and found that it was already four o'clock in the morning. I thought there shouldn't be any dirty things around. I relaxed and fell asleep immediately.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a dense sound of footsteps overhead. I had not slept well at first, but when I heard the noise, I sat up and found that Senior Shu had woken up and was meditating next to me.

When he saw me waking up, he pointed to the top of his head with a smile and said that the real master is here!

Sure enough, after the footsteps stopped, there were noisy shouts and curses from above, which were also mixed with ethnic minority languages ​​​​that I could not understand. After a while, a rope was dropped from the top. Just as I was about to go up, Senior Rat stretched out his hand to stop me.

"Just stay still, I'll go up first to see what's going on."

After saying that, he grabbed the rope and climbed up slowly. Not long after he climbed up, he threw the rope down, indicating that I could come up.

Soon I grabbed the rope and climbed up, and then I saw clearly who was coming. These people held guns or bows and arrows in their hands, and wore colorful clothes. Some of them had animal feathers on their heads. They looked like hunters from nearby ethnic minorities.

They all looked at us angrily, as if there was a grudge between us. I couldn't stand this inexplicable hostility, so I took the initiative to ask: "Why are you digging a trap against us?"

"You two came to rob the tomb, so I'd be very kind if I didn't kill you directly!" a hunter said in broken Mandarin.

What kind of tomb robbery? We didn’t rob the tomb!

Just when I was about to explain, Senior Rat pushed me away, then walked up to the hunter and said seriously that we were here just yesterday, in search of the legendary Immortal Grass, and there was no grave robbing at all.

After speaking, Senior Shu opened the tent in front of them, pointed at our self-defense weapons and said slowly: "Brothers, have you made a mistake? Among us guys, which one is used for tomb robberies?"

The leader of the hunters hesitated for a while after listening. At this time, another person said something in their dialect. After hearing this, his face became even more ugly, and he said coldly: "Recently, the tombs of our ancestors have been frequently stolen, and every time the tombs are robbed, Thieves will make sounds similar to those of foxes! Dazhu was squatting nearby yesterday, and he clearly heard the sounds of foxes coming from here, what else do you have to say."

"Wait a minute, are you talking about a sound similar to a fox's cry and a bit like a woman crying?"

When I heard this, I suddenly remembered that since I entered the mountain, I had heard that sound one after another. Even last night, the sound was still ringing at the entrance of the cave for a long time.

I didn’t know what was going on at the time, but now I understand that it wanted me and Senior Shu to take the blame!

I told all the things I encountered after entering the mountain to the leader Orion. After hearing this, he quietly communicated with the others and finally nodded and said: "I can believe you for the time being, but you have to prove that it is not you." made."

Then the hunter waved his hand and ordered the others to throw the senior rat into the trap, and then said with a evil smile: "Before the tomb robber is found, one must be left as a hostage."


I nodded helplessly, thinking that Senior Shu and I were lucky enough to meet relatively gentle Yunnan compatriots. If this happened in a Tibetan area, the tough Tibetans would surely be shot as rabbits.

"My name is Buggy. I am a hunter from nearby. These people are my brothers."

After they agreed that I would help them find the real culprit, Baji showed the hospitable side of the ethnic minorities. He entertained me with the wild boar he had just brought. I gnawed on the fragrant wild boar legs and listened to them tell what happened recently. Strange things.

It turns out that the hunters headed by him are the nearby Achang tribe. They have lived here for generations and made a living by hunting. After the death of the elders of the tribe, they were buried on Ma'an Mountain.

It is said that in this way, the ancestors can protect the future generations from worries about food and clothing.

A few days ago, when Baji led the hunters into the mountains for hunting, they accidentally discovered that the tomb of an old man in the clan had been stolen. Although they were very angry that day, they just regarded it as an accident and repaired the tomb and ignored it.

Who would have known that from then on, the cemetery on the mountain would be stolen every now and then. This group of hot-blooded young men vowed to seek justice for their ancestors! So we took turns watching the mountains day and night, and gradually discovered that as long as the sound of foxes was heard, graves would be stolen, so they misunderstood us.

"Have you stared at it for so long and found nothing at all?" After hearing what Baji said, I asked in confusion.

Ba Ji hesitated and said: "We once saw two tomb robbers digging a grave with our own eyes, so we took advantage of the crowd and rushed forward. Unexpectedly, they were very fast and invulnerable like robots. In the end, they were defeated. They ran away..."

Speaking of this, Buggy's face turned red. It seemed that for them, letting their enemies escape was a very shameful thing.

I just wanted to comfort Buggy, but suddenly I recalled the two weirdos who forced us back from the top of the mountain last night, and subconsciously asked: "Are those two tomb robbers one wearing black clothes and the other wearing white clothes? "

"How do you know?" As soon as I asked, everyone including Buggy stood up.

Seeing their strong reaction, I knew I had guessed it right. Without saying a word, I picked up Buggy and ran to the top of the mountain.

He hesitated for a moment before waving his hand, leaving a few men with guns to stay by the trap to guard Senior Rat.

After about half an hour, I took them to the place where they met the two weirdos last night. The strange thing was that there was a deep pit under where the two weirdos were standing yesterday.

"Asshole, I must kill those two people!" Buggy froze in place when he saw this scene, and then roared in pain.

I followed him forward and discovered that there was a tomb under the pit. However, the coffin had been pried open, and the body inside was already unrecognizable.

Then others repaired the tomb, and Badi looked at me with red eyes and said, "This is my grandmother's cemetery! She was afraid that her tomb would be robbed, so she deliberately left no tombstone. Unexpectedly, she was still..."

Before I could reply, he fell to his knees on the ground and begged me to help them. I was a little confused for a moment, thinking that I haven't been cleared of suspicion yet, so why did I suddenly become a living god?

Then Badji said that he could judge based on the soil around his grandmother's grave that the grave was dug in the early morning. By that time, Senior Rat and I had already fallen into the trap, so we were naturally freed from suspicion.

And he begged me because he saw that Senior Shu and I were not ordinary people, so he wanted us to help him!

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