Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 608: Help, help!

"No problem, I'll definitely help!" Thinking of the arrogance of those two weirdos last night, I felt itching with hatred.

What's more, although this group of hunters is extremely brave, they are not in our profession after all. If they don't help, they will definitely suffer. The most important thing is that they are local indigenous people. Having a good relationship with them will definitely help us find the immortal grass.

Seeing that I agreed, Baji seemed very happy and chatted with his compatriots for a while. Then I felt that everyone's attitude towards me had changed, so I asked Baji to tell everyone not to be so reserved.

After we returned to the camp, we immediately pulled Senior Shu up. I told him my thoughts. After hearing this, Senior Shu immediately expressed his support and even cursed angrily: "If you find those two people, you must take care of them. Damn it." Why don’t you have to dig up people’s ancestral graves!”

After saying that, he took a vicious bite of the meat from the pork leg, turned to Buggy and asked: "Brother, did you bring the garlic? Get me a clove of garlic..."

That night, Senior Shu and I hid in the tent and waited. The two weirdos, one black and one white, looked extremely difficult to deal with. Buggy and the others couldn't help much, so I asked them to go home and wait for the letter in peace. .

"Senior Shu, are we breaking the rules of the mountain?"

As the air around me dropped, I kept thinking about the incident of the Kuomintang troops disappearing that I had heard about before, and felt a little nervous in my heart.

Senior Shu shook his head and told me not to worry, and then said with a smile: "We are helping the locals, and their ancestors will definitely not deal with us."

When I thought about the same truth, I breathed a sigh of relief and listened with my ears. Unexpectedly, it was quiet outside all night long, and the fox's sound disappeared.

"Did the two tomb robbers escape?" I muttered somewhat depressedly.

Baji said that these two people did not rob tombs every day, but just did a business and then disappeared for a while, and then suddenly started another job. If they disappear after doing what they did yesterday, Senior Rat and I will have to wait.

After hearing this, Senior Mouse thought about it and asked me to take him to the grave of Grandma Baji to have a look. Then Senior Mouse lay on the ground, pinched a handful of dirt, smelled it, and said with a smile: "They will still do it. "

"How did you know?" I asked doubtfully.

Senior Shu pointed at the tomb and said that the Feng Shui here was average, and there was not much vitality in the soil, indicating that there were not many burial objects in the tomb. Tomb robbers do this business just for money, and they will definitely not be content if they don't get the treasure.

"Exuberant?" This was the first time I heard this word.

Senior Shu smiled and said that strong qi is also called good qi, which is a kind of gas produced by burial objects. It is based on strong qi that those tomb robbers judge whether there are treasures underground? The archaeologists also relied on this to identify the catacombs. Once the strong energy is formed, it will exist for a period of time, so it will not disappear immediately because the tomb is stolen.

"Those two guys look very professional, why do they have their eyes fixed?" I asked.

Even a layman like Senior Shu knows about prosperous qi, so there’s no reason why they, as tomb robbers, don’t know it!

Senior Rat frowned and said, "I don't understand what they are doing either. Just wait patiently."

After saying that, Senior Shu took me back to dismantle the tent and pretended to leave. After arriving in Tengchong County, I called Baji and told him what happened last night.

Buggy immediately became anxious and said that you can't just let it go.

"Don't worry, we left just for those two people to watch. You should keep an eye on them as before and pretend to be catching thieves. But don't really catch them. Do you understand?" I said word by word. explained.

Through what happened last night, I felt that the two weirdos were mainly guarding against me and Senior Rat, and those hunters had been keeping tabs on us before and were not harmed. This shows that the tomb robbers did not want to harm them.

Just use Orion to attract their attention!

Anyway, the distance from the county seat to Ma'anshan is not far. In case of emergency, we can reach there in a few minutes by using the magic spell. The two of us were not too nervous and found a hotel to stay.

I didn't receive a call from Ba Ji for the next few days, so I took the initiative to call him. He said it was very peaceful on the mountain these days.

After hanging up the phone, I couldn't help complaining about Senior Rat. He said with a nonchalant look on his face: "Don't you believe it? When did you miss what I said?"

When he said this, I felt unsure, so I was prepared to stick with it for a long time, and called my home again. Yin Xinyue told me that the business in the store had been average recently, so she simply closed the antique store temporarily. Li Mazi followed After taking the medicine prescribed by Senior Shu, his health improved a lot.

When I learned that Li Mazi was fine, a stone fell from my heart, and I started talking to Yin Xinyue. She asked me if I could take the time to accompany her to her house after I finished this. Only then did I realize that I had never met the mysterious father-in-law and mother-in-law. I felt very guilty and agreed directly.

Since Ma'anshan was peaceful for several days, I was no longer so cautious. I lay in bed and fell asleep as soon as it got dark. I was suddenly awakened by a quick phone call in the middle of the night.

I glanced at it in confusion and saw that it was Ba Ji. I suddenly became energetic. I sat up from the bed and asked excitedly: "Those two weirdos showed up again?"

"Help... help us quickly..."

Buggy's voice was very weak, and although he didn't speak fast, he still seemed very panicked. Just as I was about to ask him what happened, the call was hung up.

I didn't dare to delay, so I got dressed and picked up my equipment and was about to knock on the door of Senior Shu's room. Unexpectedly, he was already ready. He looked at me sideways and asked scornfully: "What's going on, grandson? I'm right." wrong?"

"What time has it been? You are still in the mood to show off? If you go too late, Buggy and the others will be finished!"

I didn't care about chatting with Senior Shu, so I pulled him and ran downstairs in a hurry, recited the invitation mantra and rushed towards Ma'anshan as fast as possible.

Originally, I wanted to rush up directly, but I didn't expect that Senior Shu sent the kid who helped us away halfway up the mountain. I was about to ask a question, but he pointed forward with a sullen face.

I looked up and was shocked to find that the top of the mountain was surrounded by a layer of red mist. I could vaguely hear someone screaming from above. It was probably Baji and the others. After all, no one else would go up the mountain.

"This is evil spirit, be careful!"

Senior Shu gave me a vaccination in advance and used a sun-shielding charm to block the Yang energy on our bodies, and then rushed forward with the Holy Mother's staff.

Judging from his nervous look, I must have seen something. I didn't dare to be careless and rushed forward.

As we approached the top of the mountain, the screams of Badji and the others became clearer and clearer, and the sound seemed to be right where we had pitched our tent before. I was afraid of being discovered, so I had to slow down and push forward slowly. When I got closer, I finally saw the traces of those two weirdos!

They stood on both sides of the trap that Baji had dug before, while Baji and his gang lined up to jump into the trap one after another. Every time a person jumped in, they would let out a scream...

After everyone jumped in, the white weirdo suddenly looked up at the bright moon, then opened his mouth and roared, and I once again heard a voice similar to that of a fox.

It turned out that the sound was made by him. I clenched my fists and continued to observe. After the white weirdo screamed, he looked at the black weirdo. Then each of them picked up a shovel and slowly filled the trap with soil!

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