Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 609: The corpse comes out of the cage

Seeing that they were about to bury Ba Ji and others alive, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I jumped out and threw the Emei Ci out of the air, hitting the white weirdo accurately!

According to my arm strength, I can definitely pierce it in this time. Unexpectedly, the Emei thorn made a muffled sound like hitting a steel plate, and then was deeply inserted into the ground.

I was stunned when I saw this scene, but they turned to look at me and shouted coldly: "Seeking death!"

"Fuck you uncle!"

After jogging for a while, Senior Rat suddenly jumped up, twisted his waist in mid-air, and kicked the black weirdo diagonally in the neck.

This kick was so powerful that I felt scared just looking at it. Unexpectedly, the black weirdo didn't even try to dodge. He caught Senior Mouse's kick forcefully, then suddenly reached out and grabbed his leg, throwing Senior Mouse several meters away like a sandbag.


Senior Rat rolled on the ground, yelled and retreated to my side. Then his face became serious, and he frowned and said, "These two are not human beings at all, but corpses."

"What, drop the corpse!"

After hearing this, I subconsciously took a few steps back. The descending corpse is a kind of monster created by the descending masters in Vietnam, Myanmar and other places using corpses! The zombies are similar to zombies. They both have hard bodies. In addition, the zombies also have simple intelligence and can imitate the basic movements of living people. The most powerful zombies can even hide among living people so that no one can tell them apart. .

The practice of lowering corpses originated in the Han Dynasty. At first, people from the Southern Barbarian tribes used them to resist the Central Plains Dynasty. However, with the progress of society, more and more head-lowering masters began to use lowering heads to harm people, and corpse-lowering became evil. synonym.

I had only heard my grandfather talk about this before, but I didn’t expect to encounter it here. Before I had time to think too much, the two fallen corpses had already pounced on me and Senior Rat respectively.

Since the Emei thorns were ineffective against them, I had no choice but to whip out my Sirius whip and hit the white corpses that were attacking me!

When the whip went up, it made a loud clanging sound like it was being struck on an iron barrel. A black smoke suddenly appeared from its body, and it twitched and jumped a few times. But then it pounced on me again, its two arms clawing at my chest like pliers.

It was moving so fast that I had no time to use the whip, so I could only grab its arm with my hands. Unfortunately, my hand strength couldn't compare with it. It opened it in a blink of an eye, and then grabbed me again. I took a deep breath, concentrated all my strength on my right hand, and slammed the life gate of its head. go.

Unexpectedly, before I could hit it, I felt a sharp pain in my hand. I took my hand back reflexively and found that there were several deep cuts on it that showed the bone! Blood flowed all over the palm in the blink of an eye.

It turned out that its fingers grew sharp nails in an instant, scratching me like a sharp knife.

I was never its opponent, and now that my right hand was injured, I couldn't even fight it head-on. I gritted my teeth and moved my body to the side before it rushed over, and with my other hand, I swung the Sirius Whip towards it. Hit him in the back!

These two descending corpses were obviously not the most powerful among the descending corpses. Their movements were relatively stiff, so they were unable to escape and were trembling after being whipped by Sirius. I was waiting for this opportunity, and while it was trembling, I whipped it six or seven times on the back of its head, directly using up the magic power of the Sirius Whip.

Generally speaking, the back of the head is the key point for the corpse to descend. The reason why the head descending masters can control the corpse to descend is because they have gathered a corpse gas in the back of the corpse's head. As long as the back of the head is broken and the gas is released, the corpse will descend. Immediately loses combat effectiveness, and then turns into an ordinary corpse.

Under my continuous lashings, the back of the white corpse's head had been smashed to pieces, and the white corpse aura in the back of its head could be vaguely seen!

After the last whipping, I ignored the excruciating pain in my right hand and made a finger gesture with two fingers together, then stabbed it straight into the back of its head using the finger as a sword.


As soon as I inserted my finger, the white air made a fierce sound, like putting a hot iron into cold water. Immediately afterwards, I felt severe pain in my finger, and I subconsciously pulled it back. I looked down and saw that there were many blisters on the two fingers that were inserted.

At this time, the white corpse slowly turned its head, stared at me with blood-red eyes, opened its mouth wide and roared upwards.

"You're still a fucking fox, aren't you?" I cursed loudly, and then ran in the direction of Emei Ci.

The white corpse caught up immediately, but its corpse energy was destroyed by me, and its movement slowed down obviously.

When I ran to the side of Emei Ci, I deliberately pretended to fall to the ground. As expected, Bai Zhi fell into the trap. His body leaned straight down, and his two arms were like two gleaming bayonets going straight towards my chest. Chest.

Just when it was about to succeed, I rolled violently. After rolling a few meters, the carp straightened up. Then it jumped up on the spot with a loud shout. After reaching the highest point, it dived down and stabbed the Emei thorn in one fell swoop. On top of that mass of corpse energy.

"His, hiss, hiss..."

The movement of the white corpse stagnated, and then it fell to the ground. I was afraid that it would come back to life again, so I used my Emei thorn to stir it inside vigorously. I only breathed a sigh of relief after the corpse energy completely dissipated in the air.

At this time, the situation suddenly changed. The body of the white corpse changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a fox with white fur all over. I was slightly startled, and then I realized that this was a fox demon that had been transformed into a human form. After death, it was turned into a corpse, so it always made a half-human, half-fox sound.

Then I stopped looking at the fox demon and turned to look at Senior Rat. He was entangled with the black corpse using the staff of the Holy Mother, and neither party could take advantage. It's just that Senior Mouse has had the opportunity to insert the Holy Mother's Rod into the back of its head many times, but he never did it...

I hesitated for a moment, then rushed forward holding the Emei thorn. Although I couldn't cause much damage to it, I could attract its attention to some extent.

Gradually, the black corpse was at a disadvantage under the attack of the two of us. It turned around and ran towards a forest, but in this way, the back of its head was exposed. I raised the Emei Thorn and was about to throw it, but Senior Rat grabbed it. I said softly: "Follow me."


I looked at Senior Shu's eyes and quickly realized that even if we kill these two descending corpses today, the problem won't be solved. The real troublemaker is the descending master hiding in the dark.

That person must know our existence now, so we must find him as soon as possible.

The descending master is usually a person who is determined to take revenge. We ruined his good deeds and killed the descending corpses he raised. The two sides have already formed a deadly feud!

The black corpse ran very slowly at first, but once it entered the depths of the woods, its speed suddenly picked up. Fortunately, Senior Rat and I had a little bit of footwork to prevent us from losing track.

The direction it ran happened to be on the other side of Ma'anshan, opposite to the way we went up the mountain. Unknowingly, we had chased out of Ma'anshan and arrived at an unknown mountainside.

At this time, the speed of the black corpse slowed down, and he would look back every time he walked. It seemed that he knew that we were following. Senior Rat thought about it and simply chased after him boldly.

The strange thing is that it didn't run again, but as we got closer, a sinister sneer appeared on its face, and its sharp teeth looked even more scary under the sneer. I don’t know why, but when I saw it like this, I suddenly felt an unknown premonition in my heart. I reached out and took Senior Mouse’s hand, and said worriedly: “Something is wrong.”


Senior Mouse was stunned for a moment, and then continued to move forward as if he didn't know anything. However, he didn't let go of my hand and started to sniff quickly.

After walking about a dozen steps, Senior Shu's arm shook violently. I looked at him reflexively and was shocked to find a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Don't panic. I'll count to three and we'll jump back together. Do you understand?"

Senior Rat stared at the black corpse motionlessly, but he quickly said to me, I don't know what he found, but he just nodded to show that he understood.

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