Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 610 Human Bomb



Senior Rat spoke slowly. At this moment, Black Corpse seemed to have discovered our intention, and actually ran towards us with a sneer. Senior Rat's face was horrified, and he yelled: "Three!"

As soon as we finished speaking, we both turned around and rolled down the hillside behind us. At the same time, there was a loud bang in front of us. My ears suddenly shook, followed by a long period of tinnitus.

I rolled back dozens of meters before stopping. After I regained my composure, I looked doubtfully in the direction of the black corpse, and was shocked to find that there was already a sea of ​​fire.

"Thank you for pulling me back, the head-dropping master actually planted explosives on the black corpse!"

Senior Shu pointed at the mountain col where we were and said with some fear: "If there hadn't been a slope behind us, we would have fallen down today."

I was completely stunned after hearing this, but soon realized that the matter was not that simple. Since the head-dropping master hiding in the dark chose to detonate the black corpse here, it means that he must be hiding nearby, but he just doesn't want to be found by us.

"He must be nearby, but we can't chase him!"

Senior Shu saw what I was thinking, and he also looked regretful, saying that this was already the border between China and Myanmar, and he might be in big trouble if we pursued further.

There are many soldiers in Myanmar, most of whom are hidden in the mountains near the border between the two countries. Senior Rat’s concern is necessary, but I am unwilling to give in. On the way back, I felt particularly depressed, as if the cooked duck flew away. a feeling of.

Senior Shu told me not to be depressed. He couldn’t tell that the three-day head-dropping master would definitely come to my door.

"You are his father, and he comes when you ask him to?" I asked angrily.

After listening to this, Senior Shu was amused, slapped me on the neck, and said with bared teeth: We are blocking his way of making money by staying here, so he should be more anxious than the two of us!

I have to say that Senior Rat sees the problem more thoroughly than me. After what he said, I felt a lot more relaxed. When I returned to the trap, I heard the screams inside. Senior Rat and I looked at each other before I remembered that Buggy and others People are still trapped inside.

We came here specifically to rescue them, but our attention was diverted by the falling corpses, and we forgot about it for a moment. Fortunately, the zombies just threw them inside, so except for the slight fractures of the first few people who went in, Buggy and the others had no major problems.

"How's it going?" Buggy asked eagerly when he came up. It seemed that he had realized that he had been confused before.

I didn't want to talk nonsense. I pointed to the white fox corpse beside me and said a few words briefly, then talked about the black corpse, and finally told them that they didn't need to go up the mountain to keep vigil.

Anyway, the head-dropping master will definitely target Senior Shu and me as the first targets of revenge. The tombs on the mountain will probably not be stolen until the outcome of our fight with him is reached.

After hearing this, Buggy did not leave, but asked sincerely: "Is there anything we can do to help?"

Others around me also started chattering. I couldn’t understand the content, but looking at their excited expressions, it was easy to tell that they wanted to fight alongside us.

"Baji, if you do well, you are the greatest help to us."

I was a little touched by the sincerity of the Achang compatriots, so I said straight to the point: "It's like a mountain apart. You are not from our profession, so you really can't help me much."

Baji was a little disappointed after hearing this, but he accepted the fact. Under his leadership, everyone reluctantly went down the mountain.

After seeing off Badi and the others, I asked Senior Rat what to do next. Senior Rat’s face straightened up and he calmly said one word: “Wait!”

"Is not this nonsensical?"

I replied a little speechlessly, of course I'll wait, but the question is how to wait, no matter what I say, I have to be prepared, right? Senior Shu shook his head and said that there was no way to prepare for this, because even if the head-dropping master came, he would hide in the dark and observe first, and choose the most favorable time to take action. Instead of racking his brains to prepare, it is better to rest and prepare for the next step. Great war.

Regarding this matter, I still didn't miss what Senior Shu said. I tried my best to calm down, and then the two of us returned to the hotel. Although Senior Shu said verbally that there was no need to prepare, he still posted a few talismans on the doors and windows of our room. When he applied the talisman, he said sourly: "If the zodiac rat was still alive, we wouldn't be so passive..."

My heart was touched, so I had to comfort him and said that after this matter was over, I would definitely be able to find the Immortal Grass and save the natal rat!

We didn't make any arrangements other than the magic talismans. We just kept the life-saving things around us so that they could be easily touched.

My Sirius Whip was damaged when I was dealing with the White Corpse, and it was difficult to recover in a short period of time. I simply put it in my bag, then placed the Emei Ci on the bedside table and the Yin and Yang Umbrella on the other side of the bed. , and also put a few magic talismans inside the close-fitting clothes.

After doing all this, I lay down and fell asleep. Nothing unusual happened that night. Even when I got up, Senior Rat was still sleeping soundly. After waking him up, we simply ate something and walked around nearby, going to Heshun Ancient Town, the most famous scenic spot in Tengchong.

Heshun Ancient Town was built in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the imperial court stationed troops here, and those soldiers from the Central Plains settled here. After nearly a thousand years of development and accumulation, Heshun Ancient Town has become a nationally famous ancient town. Not only are there many quiet ancient temples, but the most noteworthy thing is that in this province where many ethnic groups coexist, Heshun Ancient Town is actually composed of purely Han buildings. Many buildings They all reflect the characteristics of ancient Chinese architecture and are well-deserved cultural holy places.

Being in it, I can feel the surging pride and nostalgia of the men from the Central Plains who left their hometowns to defend the borders of the motherland. Every brick and tile and even the stone paths under my feet have strong national sentiments.

Senior Rat even said that if he could live to be old, he would buy a small house here and live there. I curled my lips and said, aren't you living well? There is nothing to say about whether he will die or not.

"You will understand in the future that some things can be avoided and some things cannot be avoided."

Senior Rat patted my shoulder and smiled kindly.

I felt very uncomfortable when I saw him like this. As the saying goes, you know your destiny at fifty. He is already over fifty now, and now he keeps telling me that he does not have these things. Could it be that he has calculated something?

But when I asked him, he didn't say anything, so I had to give up.

In the afternoon we went to the National Memorial Cemetery, which mainly commemorates the Kuomintang soldiers who died in the Anti-Japanese War. Tengchong was the first city recovered during the Anti-Japanese War.

With the cooperation of local people, the Kuomintang soldiers fought bloody battles with the Japanese army for nearly four months, and finally annihilated the Japanese army and won the victory!

Tengchong is the gateway to southwest China, and recovering Tengchong is of great significance. Looking at the historical photos one after another, I deeply felt the military spirit of the martyrs to defend their land and resist the enemy from the barren bodies of the martyrs. Thinking about the slander against soldiers in some news a few days ago, I felt quite uncomfortable.

In fact, it is more difficult for soldiers in peacetime than during war. People nowadays think that the world is peaceful and the army has become a burden to the country. It is really nonsense!

For three days in a row, Senior Shu and I walked around Tengchong. After visiting all the famous scenic spots nearby, we still didn’t come to the head-down master. Gradually, I became a little impetuous again and asked Senior Shu if he could think of it. How to take the initiative to lure him out?

"Just wait a minute, I feel like he'll make all the moves tonight."

Senior Shu stroked his mustache and said, if he hadn't frowned, I would have thought he was joking.

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