Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 612: Exorcise the Five Poisons

I'm covered in injuries now, and I can't find the strength to get up, so I can only close my eyes and wait for the last moment to come.

Unexpectedly, a golden light suddenly flashed before his eyes, and then there was a clanking sound in his ears, like the sound of weapons clashing. I opened my eyes and was pleasantly surprised to find that Senior Rat had appeared next to me at some point. He used the Holy Mother's staff to deflect the Nepali saber of the head-officer.

Facing my gaze, Senior Shu smiled, took the Emei thorn from his waist and threw it over.

My desire to survive was awakened by him, so I grabbed the Emei Thorn, then used it to prop myself up on the ground and tried to stand up!

"You're so old and you're dealing with a doll, do you want to lose face?"

Senior Rat's opening remarks were always shocking. After he finished speaking, he placed the staff of the Holy Mother across his chest and hooked his hand towards the head-dropper.

The head-lowering master rolled his eyes, obviously feeling weak. Most head-dropping masters and ghost-raising masters have such a fatal weakness: poor melee strength!

People like them are good at harming people behind their backs. The reason why he went out in person today was probably because I didn't have any weapons on me. He was confident of killing me in one fell swoop. However, the sudden arrival of Senior Rat disrupted his plan.

"You alone are worthy of taking action against me?" Master Jiangtou said coldly, then he grabbed a handful of things from his pocket and threw them over.

I knew this was the smoke bomb he had set off, so I rushed into the thick fog desperately, and then yelled: "Senior Rat, chase him quickly!"

Unexpectedly, Senior Shu Shu didn’t chase me at all, but looked at me with a changed expression and said in a panic: “Oops…”

"What's wrong? I'm fine." I thought the thick fog was poisonous, but I found that I was fine.

"If I'm not wrong, you should have been hit by the Subjugation Technique!"

Senior Shu said with a sullen face, then gritted his teeth and picked me up on his back, and hurried out with the Madonna's Staff in his hand.

When I walked to the school gate, I noticed that the Holy Mother's staff was faintly emitting golden gas, forming something like an arrow. Senior Mouse rushed forward according to the arrow, regardless of whether it was a wall or a cliff in front of him.

Everywhere we walked turned into an ordinary mountain road. After walking for half an hour, the airflow on the Holy Mother's staff disappeared. Senior Rat breathed a sigh of relief, stopped and put me on the ground.

"Senior Rat, how did you find this place?"

"After watching the surveillance, I know you were deceived by that guy. As for how I found you, hehe..."

Speaking of this, Senior Shu smiled obscenely and asked me if I had done anything bad in the hotel during the day. After listening to this, I looked at the Emei thorn in my hand and realized that he had entered my room.

I couldn't help but blush when I thought about the toilet paper I didn't have time to put away. Senior Shu patted me and said that it is normal for young people to be playful. If it weren't for the essence on the tissue, I still wouldn't be able to find you.

On the way back to the hotel, I felt a little itchy on my back, and I stretched out my hand to scratch it from time to time. After seeing this, Senior Rat's face darkened and he speeded up.

When I got back to the room, I felt like there were thousands of ants crawling on my back, and I wanted to cut the skin off my back with a knife. Only then did I realize that the head-lowering technique had worked.

Senior Rat asked me to lie down on the bed. He took a knife and roasted it with a lighter, then made a cut on my back, collected some blood with a small wine cup, and then asked me how I felt.


I replied somewhat contentedly.

But before I finished speaking, a heartbreaking pain came from the wound, as if my body was being roasted on a fire. I tried not to cry out, but the flesh near the wound twitched unconsciously.

"Fortunately, it's just an ordinary five-poison attack."

My side was hurting like crazy, but Senior Rat breathed a sigh of relief and handed over the wine cup. He saw that the blood in it had turned black, and there were countless soybean-sized bugs floating in the blood. Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be baby scorpions. !

"He must have collected your blood samples when he fought with you. Fortunately, it was only a five-poison attack. If it was another powerful head-drop, I might not be able to save you." Senior Shu said sternly.

I also realized that I had acted recklessly by jumping into the smoke. I gritted my teeth and motioned for him to help me get out quickly.

Senior Shu nodded and said that the process would be a little painful, and asked me to bear with it. After saying that, he took out something similar to a wallet from his bag, opened it and saw that it was densely packed with silver needles.

Then he stuck all these needles into my back, pulled them out, and poured salt water on my back.


I couldn't help but scream, feeling that my back was no longer my own. At this time, Senior Shu helped me up, clenched his fists and punched my chest one after another.

Because Senior Rat was very measured, I didn't feel much pain, but my chest became more and more stuffy, and my body couldn't help but arch together.

Senior Shu went around to the back and poured a bowl of salt water on my back. Now I couldn't bear it anymore, so I lay on the edge of the bed and vomited!

It took a full five minutes for my body to feel comfortable, and then I realized that what I vomited out was actually a floor full of scorpion eggs.

"Okay, you can go to my room and sleep!"

Senior Shu waved his hand at me. It seemed that the five poisons had been resolved. I was not polite and went back to sleep.

When I woke up the next day, although there was still some pain in my back, I felt very light overall, and I felt like I had been reborn. Senior Rat said that Wu Du Jiang unintentionally opened up the acupuncture points in my body and accelerated blood circulation, so I It will feel like this.

After listening to this, I thought to myself that it would be great if the head-downing master could use these skills to help people heal their illnesses. They could also gain both fame and fortune, so why do they have to take an evil path?

Seeing that I was no longer seriously injured, Senior Shu said with a sullen face that he would completely deal with the Master of the Fallen Touhou tonight. Enough time had been wasted on him, and he would not be able to save the Rat if he wasted any more time.

"how should I do it?"

I very much agree with Senior Shu's view of a quick victory, but I don't know how to lure the head-down master out.

Senior Shu smiled coldly and said that since he likes to play tricks of disguise, let's play with him!

"If I'm not wrong, he has been secretly watching. When I dress up as you and go alone, he will definitely play tricks. Then we will use his tricks!"

After Senior Shu said what he meant, I understood what he meant. He wanted to take advantage of the head-dropping master's contempt for me and capture him by surprise.

"what can I do?"

There is no other way at the moment. I can only reluctantly accept his idea, but subconsciously I feel that the other person is not so easy to deceive.

Senior Shu asked me to hide upstairs and observe. Whenever something unexpected happened, he asked me to follow him. If he missed and allowed the head-lowering master to escape, I would just jump out and hit him.

The sun outside was very strong at noon. Senior Shu and I were eating watermelon and chatting in the room. Suddenly someone called me downstairs. When I got up and went over, I saw that it was the owner of the hotel. He was carrying two large cardboard boxes. , it seems very laborious.

Seeing me showing my head, the boss was obviously relieved and said with some embarrassment: "Brother, come down and help me move my things."


I immediately agreed. There were too many hotels nearby. Almost every house had been converted into a hotel, but the occupancy rate was pitifully low. Maybe the hotel we stayed in only had me as a young tenant.

When I went downstairs, I saw the boss who was going upstairs. He casually said that I would go down to help right away and you should come up in person.

"What do you mean?" the boss asked with a confused face.

I was stunned for a moment, then quickly ran back to the room, walked to the window, and looked down quietly. At a glance, I saw another fake who was exactly like the boss waiting outside the hotel. I quickly turned around and said to Senior Shu: "The boss outside has a problem."


Senior Shu had already begun to disguise himself. Hearing this, he grinned and said, "I want to see who of us disguises better!" After that, he quickly fiddled with it a few times and applied some strange potions, and his whole face turned into mine.

"Take it, you can use it in conjunction with Beidou Sirius Jue at critical moments."

Senior Shu handed me the Holy Mother's Staff, picked up the Emei Thorn and pinned it on his belt, then turned and went downstairs.

A minute later, I saw Senior Shu and the Head-Down Master carrying the box and walking towards the distance. Slowly, Senior Rat's movements began to stiffen, obviously being 'controlled' by the Head-Down Master.

I was afraid that I might not find anyone if I waited any longer, so I quickly followed him! On the way, Senior Shu pretended to suddenly realize something was wrong, turned around and ran back, and then was caught by the head-lowering master. He picked up Senior Shu and quickly fled away, and then suddenly disappeared while running away...

His tricks were exactly the same as before. I think the final location should also be that school, but the school was transformed by him. I couldn't enter at all, so I could only wait at the place where they disappeared!

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