Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 613: A drop of kindness is repaid by a spring.

I thought I would hear movement soon, but I didn’t expect that they didn’t come out until dark. I couldn’t help but feel irritated!

Frankly speaking, I'm not worried about Senior Shu's safety. No one can stop him if he wants to come out. Besides, even if he is killed by the Subduing Master, the Subduing Master should also come out.

When I was anxious, a scream suddenly came from the front. I looked over reflexively, only to find that it was still the same barren mountains and mountains as before, and there was no change at all. I knew they were fighting in the illusion, so I quickly pricked up my ears and listened.

Sure enough, there was a jingling sound coming from inside, as well as the shouts of Senior Rat and Master Jiangtou one after another.

It sounds like Senior Mouse is even more powerful. It seems that he has succeeded in sneak attack. I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, hold the staff of the Holy Mother tightly and wait...

After another ten minutes, the sound of fighting became clearer and clearer, and two shadows appeared vaguely in the open space in front of me. I knew they were coming out, so I hurriedly hid behind a big rock. It didn't take long for the two of them to appear. Senior Shu was holding a bleeding Emei thorn in one hand and covering his chest. It looked like he was injured.

The head-lowering master looked worse than Senior Rat. The clothes on his upper body were almost torn and his body was covered with wounds. He might have lost too much blood, and his body was shaking a little while standing on the ground.

And I was right behind him. After roughly estimating the distance, I was ready to rush up and fuck him from behind!

Unexpectedly, before I could take action, the head-dropping master suddenly smiled, pointed at Senior Rat and said: "Old man, I admit that I am not your opponent, but haven't you ever thought about why I have to wait until night to talk to you? Fight?"

After listening to this, I realized that he had a back-up plan. I immediately lay down behind the stone and prepared to observe again. At this time, whining sounds came from all directions!

This is the sound of the white fox I killed. Is it not dead? Thinking of this, I followed the sound in horror, and saw seven or eight white corpses rushing up from all directions. In an instant, they surrounded Senior Rat, and then rushed forward at the same time.

Senior Shu only had a handful of Emei thorns in his hand, which could not withstand their attacks. I gritted my teeth and was about to rush forward, but found that the staff of the Holy Mother suddenly trembled.

I suddenly remembered what Senior Shu had said, and with red eyes, I moved closer to the head-lowering master little by little. All his energy was focused on Senior Shu. He never expected that I would be behind him.

When the distance was close enough, I quickly recited the Beidou Tianlang Jue, then jumped up suddenly, and stabbed the Holy Mother's Staff towards his chest with all my strength.

At this time, he seemed to feel murderous intent, and turned around in surprise. When he saw the golden staff of the Holy Mother, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he took a step back to escape.

I took advantage of the situation and threw the staff of the Holy Mother. Seeing that the swordsman couldn't dodge, he quickly pulled out the Nepalese saber. Unexpectedly, the Holy Mother's staff emitted infinite brilliance, turned into a bolt of lightning, broke the Nepalese saber, and then pierced the body of the head-dropping master.

When the staff of the Holy Mother fell to the ground, a bowl-sized scar appeared on the chest of the master, and blood spurted out on my face. He lowered his head in disbelief to see his wounds, but he knelt heavily on the ground.

I didn't expect the Holy Mother's Staff to be so powerful. Seeing that Senior Rat was dying, I grabbed the Holy Mother's Staff and rushed towards the white corpses. Unexpectedly, they all fell to the ground before I could rush over.

"Boy, it's okay!" Senior Shu gave me a thumbs up.

I curled my lips and said, "Why didn't you use such a powerful baby earlier?" After hearing this, he blew his beard and said angrily: "You kid, don't be ungrateful! The energy on the Holy Mother's Staff needs to be activated, and it will recognize its owner. I let you use it for the first time for your own good."

"Forget it, how is your injury?"

The meaning of Senior Rat's words was obviously that he wanted to give me the Holy Mother's Staff. If it had been done before, I would have happily accepted it. But during the past few days in Tengchong, I always felt that he was trying to explain the funeral arrangements, so I made a haha ​​and moved the topic away.

"There were a few cuts, but they're not in the way."

Senior Mouse waved his hand, and then asked me to call Buggy. After the call was connected, I said happily: "Baji, we have solved the tomb robbers, and your ancestral graves will be safe from now on."

"Oh, thank you!"

Unexpectedly, Buggy was not as happy as expected, and there was even a hint of sadness in his voice.

I was a little displeased, thinking that we almost lost our lives because of you, but you guys were so ruthless in playing the game.

Unexpectedly, when I was about to hang up the phone, Buggy said that he had a gift for us and asked us to meet at the trap tomorrow morning.

I didn't care about their gifts, but I was still a little curious, so I dragged Senior Shu along with me early the next morning. He didn't want to go at first, so I said we had to continue looking for the Immortal Grass anyway, so we might as well just go east along Ma'anshan after seeing them.

Senior Mouse finally agreed and said nonchalantly, what kind of gifts could Baji and the other kids give him? Might as well give me a big pig leg...

It seems that he is addicted to eating wild boar legs!

The two of us walked to the edge of the trap laughing and joking, but we were shocked to find that Buggy and the others were all wearing white clothes, with a black coffin in front of them.

I looked carefully and found that the second-in-command of their gang, the pillar, was missing. In addition, several people, including Buggy, were injured.

"The pillar is dead?" I asked in disbelief.

After getting a positive answer, I hurriedly asked Buggy: "How could this happen?"

He didn't say anything, but slowly picked up a box from the ground and handed it to Senior Mouse. Senior Mouse opened it casually, and then said with trembling eyes: "Immortal grass, is this immortal grass?"

I was standing next to him. When I heard this, I looked over. I was surprised to find that the small box contained a grass plant that shone with blue light, and even had dirt on it.

It turns out that the Immortal Grass looks like this!

Then Badji told us with tears in his eyes that in the past few days when we were dealing with the tomb robbers, a group of them had been searching for the Immortal Grass in the mountains day and night.

They are locals and know that people outside often come looking for this plant. Although they do not know the purpose of the immortal grass, they understand that the older it is, the greater its effectiveness.

A group of people went to the most dangerous mountain in the area, and finally found the immortal grass growing in the cold coffin, but disturbed the zombies inside.

In the end, the immortal grass was brought back at the cost of Zhuzi's death and injuries to the others.

Senior Shu was stunned for a long time after hearing this, and then he knelt down in front of the coffin on the pillar with a plop. I also knelt down with red eyes!

This incident left a deep impression on me, so that many times later, Senior Shu would ask me why I knelt at that time. I said you are my father, how can I not kneel if you already knelt?

Then we all looked at each other and smiled, because we all understood that what we were kneeling on was the grateful character and simple feelings of the Achang compatriots.

The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid with a spring of water.

This is the most proud virtue of the Chinese nation, but now it can only be hidden deep in the mountains and can hardly be seen outside...

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