Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 614 Ichthyosis

After I came back from Tengchong, I deliberately wanted to spend more time with Senior Shu, so I did a few more businesses with him, but they were all relatively easy to deal with.

More than half a month later, Li Mazi insisted on coming to me after being resurrected with full health. When Senior Shu found out, he immediately kicked me out, saying that with Li Mazi here, he would not be able to do anything safely.

After hearing this, I felt embarrassed and was afraid that Li Mazi would really chase me. Seeing that Senior Shu was indeed in no danger, I said goodbye to him and returned to my antique shop. An angry Li Mazi shouted that I was not interesting enough.

Our two families had a big meal outside that day. In the evening, Li Mazi and Ruxue went home holding little Nianchu in their arms. I also held Yin Xinyue's hand and hurried back slowly.

While eating, I noticed that she was a little abnormal. Although she looked happy on the surface, there was sadness between her eyebrows. So as soon as I returned to the store, I asked her if she had anything on her mind.

She shook her head and said she was fine, but after being together for so long, I already knew her temper, so how could I believe her?

Under my questioning, Xinyue finally couldn't help it anymore. She hugged me and cried for a long time before she said in a sob voice, "Husband, my parents are sick. I even called in the American medical team but they couldn't find the cause. Their health is getting worse day by day, what should I do?"

I was stunned after hearing what she said. Her parents had been sick for more than a day or two, but she didn't tell me until now because she definitely didn't want to distract me.

After being married for so long, I have never spent much time with her, and I have never even met her father-in-law and mother-in-law...

A strong feeling of guilt surged from the bottom of my heart. I held her in my arms and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, daughter-in-law, I will definitely help you cure your father-in-law and mother-in-law's illness!"

After coaxing her for a long time, her mood stabilized, and she told me about the situation of the two elders with red eyes.

A few days ago, Xinyue had nothing to do, and I was busy handling business outside, so she went home and took a look, only to find that each of her parents looked uglier than the other.

At first she thought her parents blamed her for not bringing her son-in-law home after being married for so long. But at night she found her father carefully carrying a basin of boiling water into the bedroom. Soon her mother's painful moans came from inside.

Yin Xinyue was so smart. She immediately realized that her parents were hiding something from her, so she secretly observed along the crack in the door. When she saw this, she couldn't help but scream: her mother's thighs, belly and even back were covered with blue stains. The barking scales, my father is holding scissors to help my mother cut them down.

Every time the knife goes down, a stream of blood will flow out. Even though Xinyue had seen too many strange things with me, she still collapsed after seeing something like this happen to her closest relatives. She cried and asked her parents what happened?

Seeing that they could no longer hide it, Xinyue's parents sighed and told the truth.

It turns out that the two elders have been itching for no apparent reason since last month. They didn't pay attention at first and just scratched each other and ignored each other. Who knew that the next few days would make their bodies more and more itchy, and no matter how hard they scratched, it didn't work. It feels like something is burrowing out from under the skin.

The old couple couldn't help but feel worried, so they looked around for medical advice. As a result, no matter whether it was a large hospital or a small clinic or even a barefoot doctor in the countryside, they couldn't find any problem. They tried using some antiseptics to no avail.

They are real farmers, and they are somewhat reluctant to spend money on medical treatment. In addition, they gave up treatment because they could not find the reason at all. After returning home, I followed home remedies and used a needle to prick the most itchy part, hoping to expel the poisonous gas inside.

Unexpectedly, when they woke up, both of them had blue scales growing on their bodies, which looked like dragon scales.

Only then did the two old people realize that things were not that simple. However, they had traditional ideas and were a little embarrassed to go to the hospital for treatment. They were afraid of being regarded as monsters, so they reluctantly cut off all the scales.

Unexpectedly, the scales grew out again the next day, and it looked like there were more scales than the first time. They were completely dumbfounded, knowing that this thing could never be cut off, but who in the right mind would want to have these things growing on their bodies? So they cut off the scales every day. As time goes by, the scales become harder and harder, and the two elders' health becomes worse and worse...

Yin Xinyue broke down again when she said this, looked at me with sobs and said: "Husband, please save my parents, they must be entangled in dirty things. I didn't want you to be distracted when you were outside before, but now You’re back, please!”

She was so excited that she was a little incoherent. After hearing this, I felt even more guilty. I hugged her and said, wife, don’t worry! Even if I work hard, I will cure my parents' illness.

Yin Xinyue said no more, she nodded firmly, and then plunged into my arms. After she stabilized, I didn't waste a moment. I took the Emei Thorn, the Holy Staff and some other useful things and set off.

Senior Mouse finally forced me to keep the Holy Mother's Staff. The Holy Mother's Staff has the same functions as the Sirius Whip and the Yin-Pang Umbrella, so I decided not to use the Sirius Whip as long as I can. It always loses its power after just a few uses. , can kill people at critical moments.

This incident happened to a relative of mine. Considering Yin Xinyue's feelings, I didn't tell Li Mazi. Instead, I made an excuse to go see my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Yin Xinyue’s ancestral home is Dai, but her parents went to the north when they were young and finally settled in a small town in Rizhao City, Shandong Province. I drove the car leisurely all night and entered the hotel at dawn. village.

This is what Yin Xinyue specially told me, because northerners are generous and casual. If they know that their son-in-law is coming back, the villagers will definitely come to the house to join in the fun, so that her parents' illness cannot be hidden.

I parked the car at the entrance of the village and looked around the entire village. It was a typical northern rural area with gravel roads on the ground. Because it had just snowed, the ground was full of ice and slag, and it would be painful to step on it. Makes a crisp sound. As soon as the wind blows through my heart, there will occasionally be snow falling from the trees, and the new moon and I will grow old together.

Her home is an ordinary farmhouse. Because we had already called on the phone on the way, the second elder got up early and waited for us. When Yin Xinyue saw her mother, she threw herself into her arms, and the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried.

Her father, with red eyes, held my hand for a long time and kept repeating: "Okay, okay, just go home..."

The two old men were both simple and unpretentious farmers, and the pressure in my heart suddenly eased a lot. I went into the house and ate a bowl of coriander beef noodles. I felt that I was no longer so cold, so I looked at Yin Xinyue's father and said, "Father-in-law, here you go." Let me see your wounds!"

As soon as I met them, I felt that their faces were unusually pale. At first, I thought it was because of the cold weather, but after being warmed in the coal fire house for a long time, their faces still looked like that, and I couldn't help but worry.

My father-in-law nodded, unbuttoned his cotton-padded jacket, and took off his upper body completely in the blink of an eye. I just took one look and couldn't help but gasp!

His situation was even worse than what Yin Xinyue said. There was no piece of meat below the collarbone and above the belly button, but dense scales. If you didn't look at other parts, this was completely the dragon's belly.

Because he was cutting the scales every day, thick blood scabs formed on the surface of the skin, which looked extremely disgusting.

After reading it, I frowned and looked at my mother-in-law. She nodded with a grimace and said that she was in the same situation.

"Has anything strange happened at home recently?" I asked.

The scales on their bodies were obviously caused by something dirty. If they looked like this, if they didn't solve it, the scales would soon grow all over their bodies. When the gods came, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I knew I had to find out the cause as quickly as possible. .

But after thinking for a long time, they still shook their heads in the affirmative, saying that apart from the scales on their bodies, there was really nothing weird about it.

I nodded, and then asked Yin Xinyue to bring me a small bowl of vinegar. I drank it, then stood next to my father-in-law, closed my eyes and smelled it.

Some powerful dirty things can hide their own Yin Qi, and vinegar can effectively improve the sense of smell, which can usually break the cover of dirty things. However, I didn't expect that I still didn't feel the presence of Yin Qi after drinking the vinegar.

As a result, I had no idea what to do, so I had to temporarily use the method given to me by Senior Rat to prepare some medicine to detoxify and apply it on their bodies. Not long after I applied it, I noticed that my father-in-law began to twist his body. At first, he may have taken care of his image in front of me, so his movements were very small, but as he went back, his movements became larger and larger, and in the end he was leaning against the wall. , and at the same time, he picked up the scissors and started cutting on his body.

"Honey, is there no other way besides cutting off these scales?"

Her mother-in-law asked Yin Xinyue to cut it for her. Yin Xinyue held the scissors and asked with tears in her eyes. After all, the scales grew on her parents' bodies. Cutting them off was no different from cutting off the flesh on their bodies.

But until the cause is found, the scales must be cut off every day, otherwise when the scales grow all over the body, someone may die.

After cutting off the scales, the two elders went back to their room to rest. I picked up a piece of scale from the ground and put it to the tip of my nose and smelled it. I found that there was a strong fishy smell on it, like dead fish dried in the river. I frowned and walked outside, took a basin of water in the water tank and washed the scales carefully, but the smell on them did not dissipate at all.

When Yin Xinyue saw this scene, she asked helplessly if there was anything I could do?

I can only hold her and let her wait and see. Maybe my medicine can cure my father-in-law and mother-in-law, although this is unlikely.

They woke up in the evening. My father-in-law said excitedly that he was cured. After that, he showed me the wounds on his body. I found that many of the scabs left on them had fallen off, revealing the pink and tender skin. Meat.

My mother-in-law looked at me and said with a smile: "Usually at this time, new scales will appear! Today there are none. I feel very comfortable."

As she said this, she spun around twice and looked at me happily. She obviously responded to the saying that a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at her, the happier she becomes.

Yin Xinyue didn't expect things to go so smoothly. After being stunned for a long time, tears flowed down and she said with a choked voice: "Thank you, thank you husband..."

"Silly girl, why are you crying?"

I wiped away her tears, and in order to eradicate the strange disease in the two elders' bodies, I prepared some medicine and applied it to them.

Then Xinyue simply cooked some food, and after eating, the father-in-law and mother-in-law went to bed early. I lay in bed tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep. I was afraid that when I woke up the next day, everything would be back to the same point, so I just sat down in the yard with the Madonna's staff and became alert.

Since this thing is very good at concealing Yin Qi, I deliberately applied a sufficient amount of cow tears on my eyelids, and then bit off my finger and applied some essence and blood on the Tiangong area.

The Heavenly Palace refers to the position between the two eyes. People with advanced skills can even use spells to force open the Heavenly Eye. Although I am not up to that level, it is more than enough to use the Heavenly Palace to sense Yin Qi!

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