Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 615: Help T-shirt Man

Because of my high concentration, I didn't close my eyes for the whole night. It wasn't until I heard the sound of a rooster crowing from the village that I realized that daybreak was about to come. I subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and my whole body softened instantly.

But I still didn’t dare to go back to sleep, so I forced myself to brace myself!

When it was completely light and I saw my father-in-law walking out of the house, I quickly stood up and asked, "Father-in-law, did you sleep well yesterday? How are your illnesses?"

"Son, have you stayed here all night?" My father-in-law looked at me for a moment, and said movedly.

Then, without waiting for me to answer, he lifted up his clothes, and I found that more tender meat had grown out on his belly. Although scars could be seen at first glance, I never imagined that scales had grown on his belly. It seemed like rats. The senior's secret recipe for treating poison really works.

Then I didn’t even eat, I went back to my room and fell asleep.

It was already afternoon after I woke up. Yin Xinyue and I went to the wheat field together. Because the snow in the ground had almost melted, the whole field looked white and green, blending perfectly with the distant skyline, giving it a little more color. Hazy beauty.

Like children, we sprinkled a handful of corn kernels on the ground, and then used wooden sticks to support baskets to catch birds. By evening, I caught seven or eight birds in total. After they had eaten all the corn kernels, I opened the basket and released them again.

Because the weather was very good during the day, and fire clouds appeared in the sky in the evening, I didn't mind the dirt on the ground, so I pulled her to lie on the ground and start playing around.

Yin Xinyue kept laughing. I had never seen her so happy before, and my heart felt sweet.

Someone has said that happy time is always short-lived. In fact, I think this is a kind of greed.

Because of greed, it feels temporary. The world is in motion all the time, so how can we expect eternity?

I stayed outside the house of my father-in-law and mother-in-law for the next two days. As a result, nothing strange happened in the past two days. The second elder also recovered quickly. He was basically free of the pain caused by the scales and his complexion became much better.

However, I was a little weak due to staying up late for several days with great intensity. On the fourth night, my whole family tried to persuade me to stop keeping vigil. Seeing that nothing happened to them, I went back to the house and fell asleep. Unexpectedly, something happened during this sleep.

When I was sleeping until midnight, I suddenly heard a scream, and then I heard my father-in-law yelling: "Get away, or I will chop you alive!"

When my honest and honest father-in-law swore like this, I immediately realized that something dirty might have entered the house. I stood up quickly, picked up the staff of the Holy Mother, and rushed out. When I arrived at the door of my second wife, I found that there was no sound inside.

I tried shouting a few words in a low voice, but got no response. I even vaguely heard their breathing.

I couldn't help but wonder, thinking, could it be that I was dreaming? At this time, Yin Xinyue came out wearing a coat and asked in confusion: "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"Didn't you hear anything just now?" I asked in surprise.

Yin Xinyue shook her head seriously and said she didn't hear any noise. Her reaction speed was always very fast. Since she didn't hear anything, I thought I must have been dreaming. I shook my head and went back to the room to continue sleeping.

After waking up the next day, Yin Xinyue looked at me with a smile. When she was about to get up, her eyes suddenly opened wide and she asked in a panic: "Husband, something happened at home yesterday?"

Following her gaze, I saw the Holy Mother's Staff. Then I remembered that I was too nervous last night, so I kept holding the Holy Mother's Staff in my hand.

Just when I was about to explain it to her, I suddenly realized that she had clearly seen me taking the Madonna's staff to bed last night. How could she have such a strong reaction?

Sure enough, after I asked, Yin Xinyue's face turned pale. She shook her head in panic and said that she didn't wake up at all last night.

I just felt my brain buzzing. I got up and ran to my father-in-law and mother-in-law's room. I gritted my teeth and kicked the door open. I suddenly smelled a strong fishy smell. Immediately afterwards I saw the two old men lying staggering on the ground, their bodies covered with black blood. What scared me the most was that their bodies were covered with scales again!

Moreover, the scales this time were much thicker and darker than before, and some of them had even pierced their autumn clothes and trousers and were exposed. Yin Xinyue screamed loudly when she saw this scene, and then fainted and fell to the ground.

She was so furious that I couldn't care less about her. I rushed to my father-in-law's side and put my finger on the tip of his nose tremblingly...

It has been six or seven hours since I heard the sound last night. The two old people have been lying on the ground for so long and have bled so much. I am really afraid that they have passed away, and I will never forgive myself for that.

Fortunately, my father-in-law and mother-in-law were still breathing weakly, so I quickly sealed their acupuncture points with magic talismans to prevent further blood loss. Then he used the remaining ointment from yesterday to apply it on their bodies, and finally gritted his teeth and used scissors to cut off all the scales on their bodies.

After doing all this, although their breathing was still very weak, it finally stabilized. It seemed that the two elders were like this only because of excessive blood loss. I quickly made a pot of red dates, peppers, spinach and other blood-enhancing and gas-boosting foods, and then gave them each a bowl.

Seeing that their breathing began to return to normal, I breathed a sigh of relief and used Patchouli liquid to wake Yin Xinyue up.

The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to look at her parents. She saw her second elder lying on the bed and was out of danger. Then she fell limply. I rushed up and hugged her.

"Husband, I'm so scared. I almost lost my parents. I'm so scared..."

Yin Xinyue repeated this sentence in a state of collapse. Instead of comforting her, I took a few photos of the scales and sent them to the man in the T-shirt, asking him if he knew what they were.

Originally I just wanted to find some clues from him, but he actually called me back directly and asked in a solemn voice: "Jiulin, where did these scales come from?"

The phone was on speakerphone, and when he asked, Yin Xinyue suddenly reacted, crying and begging the man in the T-shirt to come over and help.

Originally I wanted to hold on for a while longer, but now that she had spoken, I told her what had happened and asked the man in the T-shirt if he had time to come over and help me.

"Send me the address and mobile phone number. You must suppress their condition before I arrive!"

After the T-shirt man heard that my parents-in-law had an accident, he asked me for my address without saying a word. After hanging up the phone, I obviously felt that Yin Xinyue felt more at ease, and said firmly: "Daughter-in-law, with the help of the junior high school principal, the matter will be solved! Now we just need to ensure that our parents are not harmed at night, don't be afraid .”

"Husband, I'm sorry, I'm really afraid of losing my parents..."

Xinyue nodded and apologized to me with tears. After all, she just asked the man in the T-shirt directly, so she didn't believe me.

"Silly, I am your husband, don't say that again."

I kissed her tear-stained face, then gathered all the scales and burned them all with fire.

In the evening, the two elders hadn't woken up yet. Yin Xinyue asked me worriedly what was going on? I thought about it and told her not to worry. After all, they were old and suffered such serious injuries. It was normal to be in a coma for a period of time, and the coma period was more conducive to physical recovery.

Then the two of us had a simple meal. Yin Xinyue held a bowl of porridge and asked me if I could feed my parents? I nodded, she smiled and entered the room, and then I heard her scream "Ah", followed by the crisp sound of the bowl falling to the floor.

"What's wrong?"

I rushed in and immediately saw a big word "death" in the open space next to the bed.

The word "death" was at least one square meter in size. It was scarlet in color and looked like it was written in blood.

There was absolutely no such word in the room before, so something must have broken in while we were cooking. I quickly looked at my parents-in-law and found that they were still breathing steadily, and I was relieved.

But when I thought that that thing was right under our noses, but I didn’t know where it was, I felt inexplicably panicked. The man in the t-shirt asked me to hold on until he comes, can I withstand it?

"Husband, don't do this."

Xinyue quickly adjusted her state after knowing that her parents were fine. When she saw my appearance, she slowly cheered me up: "Do you think that thing is afraid of us? Or maybe it is afraid of you."


After listening, I calmed down and thought about it carefully, and found that it was really the case. We all thought it had been solved a few days ago, but now it seems that it has just been dormant for a while.

And I was keeping vigil during those few days, and I ran out after hearing some noise in the middle of the night last night. The room of my parents-in-law instantly became quiet. At that time, I just thought I was hallucinating. Looking back, it was obvious that the thing was afraid of being attacked. I find.

"This is interesting..."

Over the years, I have come into contact with countless Yin spirits, including kings and powerful generals from all over the world, both ancient and modern, as well as ordinary people. Regardless of their strength, they really are not afraid of me to this extent.

What makes me even more confused is that since that thing is so timid, why does it keep pestering Yin Xinyue's parents?

I decided to give it a try. Although my plan could ensure the safety of Yin Xinyue's parents, I still discussed it with her.

After hearing this, Yin Xinyue asked very cautiously: "Are your parents really going to be okay?"

"If I don't die, nothing will happen to them." I said seriously.

Yin Xinyue bit her lip and nodded, saying she believed me.

In fact, the reason why I insisted so much was not because I wanted to show off in front of her. After all, the man in the T-shirt came all the way to help. If I couldn't even do the trick, it would be unreasonable.

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