Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 617: Eight Hundred Li Jiao

But as the Holy Mother's Staff was thrown, the Thousand Faced Array suddenly dispersed, and the room became dark again in an instant.

Only then did I realize that something was wrong: the formation was maintained by my thoughts. I just used all my thoughts to throw the staff of the Holy Mother, and the Thousand-faced Formation failed on its own!

What was even more frightening was that I heard a muffled sound immediately afterwards, which was the sound of the Virgin's staff falling to the ground, but there was no scream of the monster.

It was so dark in the room that I couldn't see my fingers, so I had to fumble to turn on the light. When I looked back, I found that the staff of the Holy Mother was alone on the ground, and the monster had long disappeared.

I reflexively looked toward the chimney, and suddenly I saw a shadow floating there for a few times before disappearing.

"Oh shit!"

I pulled out the staff of the Holy Mother and rushed to the roof, ready to follow its scent, but I was shocked to find that the ice on the roof had disappeared in just a moment!

See clearly, it didn't melt but disappeared, as if it was evaporated in an instant.

I vaguely guessed something, and quickly smelled it at the chimney. Sure enough, there was no trace of yin.

It seemed that it was completely afraid of me, so it swept away the ice because it had its smell on it!

When I returned to the room, my mother-in-law and Yin Xinyue had already gotten up. Yin Xinyue saw me and asked eagerly: "How was it?"

"Sorry, let it run away..." I said frustratedly, feeling very guilty.

Yin Xinyue froze in place after hearing this. Although she comforted me immediately and said that there would be opportunities in the future, she could not hide the disappointment in her eyes. I also understand that if I don't catch it this time, it will be difficult to get a chance in the future, especially since this monster is as timid as a mouse and very vigilant.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law seemed very calm and kept comforting me. I checked carefully and found that they were not injured. Then I breathed a sigh of relief and squatted on the ground to rest.

Not long after, a fish-belly white color appeared in the east. I made some ointment and asked Yin Xinyue to put it on the two elders, and then I went back to the room to catch up on my sleep.

I spent the next two days sleeping during the day and keeping vigil at night. As expected, the monster never appeared again.

Although I was a little disappointed, I was also a little thankful that I had temporarily ensured the safety of my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

The T-shirt man arrived on the evening of the third day, which made Xinyue and I extremely happy. No matter what difficulties we encountered, I would feel at ease as long as he was around.

The man in the T-shirt didn't bother to rest. He only drank a cup of jasmine tea and started working. After seeing the tender flesh that had just grown on his father-in-law's body, his serious expression finally softened. This made me feel hope and asked him eagerly. Did you see something?

"We still need to observe it further."

The man in the T-shirt waved to me and asked calmly: "Do you still have the cut scales?"

"Yes." I nodded, turned around, went back to the room and opened the drawer.

Ever since I called the T-shirt man, I knew he would definitely look at the scales when he came, so I selected a few and kept them.

Unexpectedly, when I opened the drawer, I saw that the scales that were originally the size of my palm were all reduced to the size of a fingernail, but there were a lot of rough cow hairs on the sides.

I didn't know what was going on, so I had to call the man in the T-shirt into the room and let him see it face to face. When he saw the cow hair and small scales, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he said coldly: "Oh my god, why are you still here now?" Is there such a thing?"

After saying that, his face straightened up and he asked me if I knew about the Eight Hundred Mile Jiao.

"I know! The eight-hundred-mile dragon is a legendary cow. It also appears in Xin Qiji's poems. The eight-hundred-mile dragon is under the command of moxibustion, the fifty-stringed string is turned over the wall, and the soldiers are ordered in autumn on the battlefield."

I spoke in confusion, but only halfway through my words I suddenly came back to my senses. I looked at the man in the T-shirt in disbelief and said, "Could this thing be the Eight Hundred Li Jiao?"

The man in the T-shirt nodded. He said that although he had never seen it with his own eyes, he had heard it described by some seniors in the circle. This kind of thing really existed in history, but the number was very small, and not many people saw it, so many people think that the so-called Eight Hundred Mile Jiao is just a legend.

When he saw the photos I sent, he thought of this possibility, but he was not sure yet.

Now it seems that the Eight Hundred Mile Dragon has really appeared in the human world again!

The Eight Hundred Mile Jiao was originally a very fast cow. Later, in order to increase its speed, its owner, King Jin, adopted the trick of a charlatan and forcibly administered countless pills to it.

Sure enough, after taking the medicine, the Eight Hundred Mile Jiao gave birth to many calves to assist in running, and armor for self-defense also grew on its body. Even its hooves had faint changes, and the prototype of a dragon's claw appeared, and its running speed increased significantly. promote.

The King of Jin was overjoyed and immediately rewarded the sorcerers. The sorcerers got the money and left. Unexpectedly, a few days after they left, the seal on the Eight Hundred Li Jiao became invalid. It no longer listened to King Jin's words and was afraid of being hurt by humans. , and finally fell into the mud.

In the end, due to a coincidence, not only did it survive, but it also gained some kind of spiritual power and turned into an amphibious creature. However, it still couldn't change its timid habit and was afraid of strangers when it saw it, so it was basically Live underground.

Therefore, the Eight Hundred Mile Jiao is just a pitiful livestock.

At this point, the man in the T-shirt felt a little sad on his face. He told me not to worry, saying that the Eight Hundred Mile Jiao would not harm anyone on its own initiative, nor was it a grudge-bearing thing. It might be just a very small thing that entangled my father-in-law and mother-in-law. accidental.

"Then why did it keep causing trouble for my parents and leave the word "death" in the room?" Yin Xinyue asked after hearing the question.

The man in the T-shirt thought for a while and said: "The Eight Hundred Miles Dragon entangled your parents. Maybe he didn't know that he had hurt them, but it was a kind of dependence on your parents."

"Ah?" I looked up at the man in the T-shirt and felt that this reason was very far-fetched.

But it is still a saying, so how should we explain the word "death"?

Before I could ask a question, the man in the T-shirt sighed and said that this death was not necessarily directed at the two elders, but that it was probably describing his own situation. Or maybe it keeps pestering the two elders because it will die if it doesn't.


Yin Xinyue and I both opened our mouths, feeling that this was too bizarre, but judging from the fact that the Eight Hundred Miles Dragon had never actively harmed us, what the man in the T-shirt said was not unreasonable.

Even if it is afraid of me, it can still find an opportunity to sneak attack me!

What's more, even if it can't defeat me, it can still pick Yin Xinyue to attack, but it doesn't.

Especially on the day I fought with it, it could clearly have taken advantage of the darkness to rush over to deal with me, but it just chose to run for its life very conservatively.

Thinking of this, I gradually felt relieved. Even aside from the fact that the victims were my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I could still imagine an injured calf hiding in a dark corner and licking its wounds alone.

"What a poor little thing."

Yin Xinyue's face was a little sad, but she focused on her parents for just a moment, and then asked the man in the T-shirt how to deal with the eight hundred miles dragon?

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