Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 618 Mermaid’s Tears

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and smiled, saying that the Eight Hundred Miles Dragon should not appear again.

"The Eight Hundred Miles Dragon just stumbled here by mistake, thinking it had found a place to stay. Since Jiu Lin almost captured it with the Thousand Faces Formation, it must be too scared to come back again."

As soon as the man in the T-shirt finished speaking, I suddenly remembered the ice on the roof, so I told him what had happened.

After hearing this, the man in the T-shirt nodded and said that's right. The Eight Hundred Mile Dragon must have been injured, so he used ice to cover his body. Since the ice has been removed, it means that it will not come again.

As he spoke, he saw smiles on Yin Xinyue and I's faces, frowned and said, "Although the Eight Hundred Mile Jiao is gone, the matter is far from over..."


Seeing his expression, I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart.

Then the man in the T-shirt explained to me that once a living person is infected by the Eight Hundred Mile Dragon and grows scales, even if it leaves later, the scales will continue to grow until death.

And as the scales are cut more often, the surface of the patient's body will become harder and harder, eventually turning into a human or animal!

Perhaps because he was afraid that Di Yin Xinyue wouldn't be able to bear it, the man in the T-shirt spoke very quickly. After speaking, he changed the subject and slowly said: "The only way to get rid of the toxin of the Eight Hundred Mile Jiao is to take shark fin." Human tears.”

"What are the Mermaid Tears?" Yin Xinyue asked eagerly after waiting for so long and finally found a successful method.

Although I am also very happy, I am much more disappointed than Yin Xinyue. Because I know that the Mermaid Tears are definitely much harder to find than the Immortal Grass.

I'm not afraid of difficulties, I'm just worried that the two elders won't be able to hold on until the day we find the Mermaid Tears!

"The tears of the mermaid are the tears of the mermaid."

As soon as the man in the T-shirt opened his mouth, Yin Xinyue was stunned, and my face darkened.

Also a mermaid, why not talk about Ultraman...

He didn't pay attention to our expressions and kept talking to himself.

It is said that at the moment when the eight-hundred-mile dragon jumped into the mud pond and was about to lose its life, a beautiful mermaid swam next to it.

The mermaid wanted to save it, but she didn't have enough strength, so she could only worry on the side. Finally, when the eight hundred miles dragon completely sank in, the mermaid shed tears.

The Eight Hundred Miles Dragon saw this scene, and the resentment and unwillingness in its heart were completely resolved at this moment. All it had was gratitude and vague love for the mermaid.

Even though it luckily survived, the mermaid's tears were still not forgotten in its heart.

"First grade, have you ever seen a mermaid?"

The story was very poignant, but I had no time to think about it, so I asked with a sullen face. After all, mermaids are too imaginary, at least I have never seen one before.

The man in the T-shirt shook his head. For the first time, he was no longer so sure, but said a little unconfidently: "There should be, I have only heard legends..."

After saying that, he drank the jasmine tea on the table in one gulp, looked at us and said firmly that he would definitely solve this problem and let us not worry.

I nodded. When things got to this point, I had no choice but to obey the arrangement of the man in the T-shirt. So I asked him if he had any ideas?

"If you find the eight-hundred-mile dragon, you can find the mermaid."

The man in the T-shirt said affirmatively, and I thought the same thing. The Eight Hundred Miles Dragon must want to find the mermaid earlier than we do.

Then he turned around and walked outside, asking his father-in-law and mother-in-law if they had drank water that they didn't usually drink, eaten beef that they didn't usually eat, or had been to rivers, wells and other places before they fell ill.

I stood by and said nothing, but I was very curious in my heart where exactly the two elders accidentally encountered the Eight Hundred Mile Jiao? This probability is almost the same as that of an asteroid hitting the earth. Why did they let them catch up...

The father-in-law thought for a long time, and finally shook his head innocently, while the mother-in-law's eyes flickered, as if she had thought of something.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, the mother-in-law hesitated for a long time before looking at her father-in-law and said hesitantly: "Old man, does it have anything to do with the wild vegetables we dug?"

"Wild vegetables? How is this possible?"

My father-in-law was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but I felt that this might be the problem, so I quickly asked what was going on with the wild vegetables.

"At the beginning of autumn, there was a lot of wild vegetables growing in a field in the river east of the village. Your mother and I came back from the field and saw them. We thought they were edible, so we cut some and brought them home..." said my father-in-law.

At this moment, the man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other and immediately understood that the problem was with the wild vegetables.

First of all, how could green wild vegetables suddenly grow in this dry and yellow land in Shandong in autumn?

Then there's the question of why everyone else is fine but only the father-in-law and mother-in-law have problems. Is it because no one else went to pick wild vegetables? Or are they the only ones who can see wild vegetables?

The answer is obvious. Too many rural people have survived the poor years, so even if they live a subsistence life now, they will still miss the delicious food of the past. And there will always be poor people in the village, so there is no reason why they are the only two people in the village picking!

"Yeah, that's really what happened."

When my father-in-law saw that the two of us looked strange, he also fell into deep thought. After a while, he suddenly patted his thigh and suddenly realized: "No wonder the wild vegetables were all gone the next day. Your mother and I thought they were cut off overnight. Woolen cloth."

"Mom and Dad, why are you so confused? Is our family short of money? How can we eat food of unknown origin?"

Before I could speak, Yin Xinyue couldn't help but burst out. She yelled and her voice suddenly dropped, and she said with tears: "I have worked hard outside these years and sent money home every month. I don't want you to Are you doing better? Why do you just..."

As she said this, she covered her mouth and ran back to the bedroom. I caught up with her and comforted her a few words. Then, led by my father-in-law, we headed to the river with the man in the T-shirt.

There was no one on the street at night, which saved us a lot of worry. While walking, my father-in-law told us that the small river in their village is a branch of the Yellow River tributary. It used to be filled with water once a year. In recent years, the Yellow River has become more and more serious, and the small river has completely lost its water. Some villagers are too narrow-minded. Crops were planted in the river.

Sure enough, when I reached the bridge, I took a flashlight and looked down, and saw the green wheat, but there was a bare area the size of a basketball court, exposing the soil underneath.

This piece of land happened to be in the middle of the river, and there was no reason for the villagers to leave it empty. So before my father-in-law could say anything, we knew that this was the land where wild vegetables grew, and quickly ran over.

When the man in the t-shirt got there, he immediately pulled out his Eight-sided Han Sword and inserted it vertically towards the ground. The entire sword body was instantly submerged!

I thought he was going to recite a spell, but I didn't expect him to pull it out immediately, then take out a handful of incense ash from his pocket and sprinkle it on the sword.

The ashes made a sizzling sound, bubbling like boiling water.

After about a minute, the ash slowly fell off the sword. At this time, I was surprised to smell a fishy smell emanating from the sword.

"That's right."

The man in the T-shirt wiped the Eight-sided Han Sword clean with a handkerchief before putting it back into its sheath, and then said with a half-smile: "The Eight Hundred Mile Jiao is very smart. It actually uses the nearby ice to cover up its Yin Qi."

After the man in the T-shirt finished speaking, I realized that the ground under my feet was very soft and not frozen. It turned out that the ice cubes in the ground had been absorbed by the Eight Hundred Mile Dragon. It seemed that it was not easy. I was obviously very afraid of cooling. Use ice cubes to survive.

I sighed and asked the man in the T-shirt if he could find the location of the Eight Hundred Miles Dragon?

The man in the T-shirt said he could give it a try, then took out a gourd and let Xiaolin out.

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