Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 619 The Lost Expedition

Xiaolin has obviously been doing well under the T-shirt man recently. At least his soul has returned to his normal appearance, with his red bellyband shining like gold. After seeing me, it kept slapping its hands and showing an excited smile. It seemed that it had not forgotten my first owner.

"Go in along the slit of the sword and see if you can find the direction in which the smell leaves!"

After the T-shirt man finished speaking, he put the scales in front of Xiaolin's nose. Xiaolin closed his eyes and sniffed, then slipped in quickly.


My father-in-law is old, and he felt a little uncomfortable when the cold wind hit him. I quickly took off my coat and put it on him, and then I became nervous when I looked at the sword seam.

Soon Xiaolin crawled out from below. It shook its head at the man in the T-shirt with some embarrassment, and then pointed toward the ground.


The man in the T-shirt sighed, put Xiaolin back into the gourd, and then said: "Xiaolin said that the Eight Hundred Li Jiao drills directly down..."

Before he finished speaking, I knew what was going on. In addition to dead people buried underground, there were also many unknown creatures. With Xiaolin's meager skills, I didn't dare to pursue them too deeply.

But the Eight Hundred Li Jiao penetrates deep into the ground, and the thick soil can well cover up its smell, which means we can't find any clues from here.

On the way back, I felt a little shaky when I walked. I felt that I had never encountered such a difficult thing before, and it happened to a relative.

My father-in-law kept comforting me, but the man in the T-shirt had a sullen face and said nothing.

By the time we got home, Yin Xinyue was already asleep. She hasn't been sleeping well recently, and the appearance of the man in the T-shirt made her feel safe. I tightened the quilt for her and went out to ask the man in the T-shirt if he knew where the Mermaid Tears might appear.

"There may be some in Laizhou Bay."

The man in the T-shirt recalled it and said, "I remember hearing the elders mention that mermaids once appeared in Laizhou Bay."

"When did this happen?"

"Right around the time of the reform and opening up, it is said that those who made a big fuss were suppressed by the country." The man in the T-shirt said seriously.

It turns out that there is a Longwang Village near Laizhou Bay. There is a dam in that village, which is said to have been built a long, long time ago. During the Shang Dynasty, there was a drought in this area. King Chengtang of the Shang Dynasty sent people to provide relief. He wanted to dig out the dam in Longwang Village to divert water. Unexpectedly, just after digging a few times, the sky became covered with dark clouds, followed by a heavy rain.

Since then, people have felt that the dam should contain longan. In the next thousands of years, whenever there is a drought in the area, villagers will come to dig nearby. After repeated trials, people have completely believed that this is the location of longan.

Before and after the reform and opening up, a famous national expedition team was ordered to investigate the mystery of longan in Longwang Village, Laizhou Bay. As a result, they were attacked by ferocious sharks and were eventually annihilated.

You must know that this expedition team once represented the country to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and also went to the underground imperial tombs of Kunlun Mountain. They survived in countless dangerous environments, but in the end they all died in Longwang Village. The authorities were shocked and quickly sent people Block messages.

In addition to the members of the expedition team, many local villagers also saw the mermaid with the head of a human and the body of a fish, so even though the top management tried their best to conceal it, the news spread like wildfire.

The man in the T-shirt suddenly fell silent when he said this. I asked curiously: "What happened next?"


For some reason, the man in the T-shirt suddenly shed a tear as he spoke. Except for the time when the little Taoist boy died, I had never seen him cry. I couldn't help but nervously asked him what happened next.

"Later, many ghost traders went on adventures, but they all died, including the person I loved most."

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and wiped away his tears. He forced a smile and said that he had to thank me. If I hadn't provided him with this opportunity this time, he might never have set foot in Dragon King Village in his life.

I was stunned for a long time after hearing this. I didn't expect that the man in the T-shirt was carrying so much. Suddenly, I felt very blocked. I felt like I had a lot to say, but I swallowed it back when it came to my mouth. Finally, he wriggled his lips and murmured: "Let's go together, brothers!"

Since it is an indisputable fact that the person the man in the t-shirt loved died in Dragon King Village, it is no longer important whether there is a mermaid in Dragon King Village. It is obvious that he wants to take this opportunity to find out the truth of the matter. How can I refuse?

We didn't say anything else after that and went back to the room to rest. When I woke up the next day, I proposed to Yin Xinyue that we would set out with the man in the T-shirt to look for the Mermaid Tears.

I knew that this trip was very dangerous, so I didn't tell her where I was going. I just asked her to stay at home and spend time with her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Husband, I...have given you a hard time..."

Yin Xinyue cried like a little cat. I understood her thoughts. On the one hand, she didn't want me to take risks, and on the other hand, she didn't want her parents to endure torture. No matter what, it would be a kind of harm to her.

"Honey, wait for me at home, we will be back soon!"

I reached out and stroked her hair and said with a smile, but my heart felt like needles.

When we were leaving, my mother-in-law and Yin Xinyue hugged each other and burst into tears. My father-in-law held my hand tightly with red eyes as if we had met for the first time. He trembled for a long time and said, "Be careful, don't worry about us. Here’s the new moon.”

In order to ensure their safety, the T-shirt man secretly kept Xiaolin behind when he left, letting him hide in the dark and keep an eye on the family, and notify us immediately if something went wrong.

Laizhou Bay is not far from us. The man in the T-shirt drove a sports car and arrived at Laizhou City in four hours.

He used the navigation to go to an antique street and took me around. I understood that he was probably preparing something, so I followed behind him without saying a word.

After shopping around for more than an hour, the man in the T-shirt bought a tripod from the Xia Dynasty, a Five Thunder Heavenly Master Talisman and a bust sculpture of Jiang Ziya.

Combined with the legends told by the T-shirt man before, it is not difficult for me to imagine the use of these things. Jiang Taigong fishermen are willing to take the bait. Jiang Ziya is the first person to fish in thousands of years. It will definitely have a deterrent effect on mermaids.

Not to mention the Five Thunder Heavenly Master Talisman, it can restrain all ghosts and monsters in the world. The tripod is a symbol of power and has a strong aura. However, the bottle of Xia tripod bought by the man in the T-shirt looked like a fake. I couldn't help but ask him what his plans were.

"This kind of thing is most suitable for holding the Mermaid Tears. It can contain the Yin Qi of the Mermaid Tears without letting it dissipate."

After the man in the T-shirt finished speaking, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc. I suddenly felt that he was even more handsome than I thought.

Going down from Laizhou City is not so pleasant. Although the roads in Shandong Province are generally good, the roads in Laizhou are quite bad. I thought it might be because there were too many trucks passing by here, and we encountered several traffic jams over a distance of dozens of miles. It took us until about three o'clock in the afternoon to arrive at Longwang Village.

After the car stopped, I was about to go down to find someone's house to explore the way. Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt grabbed me and said coldly: "Jiulin, do you believe me?"

"Xin! What's wrong?"

I was a little confused by him, so I asked doubtfully.

Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt looked at the crowd walking outside with a sullen face, and said coldly: "The people in this village are extremely xenophobic. Most of the illicit traders back then died in their hands."


I was stunned for a moment, and then realized what was going on: Whether it was the country’s expedition team or the T-shirt man’s lover, they were all masters, but they were all dead.

But these ordinary people in Longwang Village can survive to this day, which in itself speaks volumes!

What's more, we have been imprisoned by local residents more than once for handling dirty things. In addition, the lover of the man in the T-shirt died here. I suddenly lost the desire to go out and became confused while sitting in the car.

(ps: Thank you for your support. Please pay attention to Laojiu’s WeChat public account. WeChat-Add-Search: Daomen Laojiu, there are unexpected surprises! And a horror legend will be updated every day.)

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