Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 620 Ghost Village

Gradually, I felt something was wrong, because the man in the T-shirt always clenched his fists together. It was obvious that he had a blood feud with these villagers.

"Can you tell me?" I asked.

The man in the T-shirt took a deep breath and looked at me seriously: "Jiulin, don't worry, I will take care of this matter! You will naturally know when it is over."

After saying that, he told me to go to bed to prepare for the night's actions, and then he lay down on the car and fell asleep without waiting for my reply.

"How could I not believe you? I just want to help you bear the burden..."

I sighed silently in my heart and closed my eyes.

We woke up automatically in the evening and looked out at the brightly lit surroundings. Many trucks were still being loaded and unloaded, and there were hundreds of workers at least.

I was a little worried and said if they kept working all night, how could we do anything?

"Don't worry, they will leave before half past eleven."

The man in the T-shirt said calmly, giving me the feeling that he was very familiar with this place. I didn't say anything more, I just looked at the workers outside and felt the prosperity of ocean trade.

This place is dozens of miles away from the Laizhou Bay pier, but it is so busy. Isn't the famous southeastern coastal city running day and night?

In the process of yy motherland's blue industry development prospects, the man in the T-shirt kept looking at the Eight-sided Han Sword in his hand, with expectations and nervousness on his face.

I occasionally glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally, but the man in the T-shirt didn't even look at me.

If I hadn't known the T-shirt man well, I would have regarded him as an idiot...

By eleven o'clock, the workers outside were still moving goods. I thought to myself, how could the man in the T-shirt learn to bullshit? It was half past eleven in half an hour, but these workers showed no signs of calling it a day.

I simply closed my eyes and fell asleep to save the man in the T-shirt from being embarrassed. Unexpectedly, before I fell asleep, the man in the T-shirt reached out and patted me, pointing to the window with a half-smile: "Jiulin, look It’s a show.”

At the same time, I heard a whistle blow.

When I opened my eyes and looked outside, I was shocked to find that all the workers outside had put down what they were doing and got into their cars as if to escape. Then the cars quickly drove out of the area.

In the blink of an eye, only me and the T-shirt man were left, and there were a world of unfinished boxes outside.


I couldn't help but give the man in the T-shirt a thumbs up, and then asked him if he wanted to go to the village and take a look while no one was around.

"Wait a moment."

"Wait?" I turned around and looked around in confusion. There was no one around. I didn't know why I was still waiting.

After a few minutes, I couldn't hold it in anymore, and just when I was about to ask again, the man in the T-shirt suddenly took out all the lights in the car and looked at me with wide eyes.

His eyes were blood red, and he was holding the Eight-sided Han Sword in his trembling right hand. He looked like he might draw the sword and kill me at any time.

I couldn't help but tremble, and I was about to ask him what happened? But suddenly from his eyes, he saw an additional shadow outside the car window behind me.

"Could it be..."

I subconsciously turned my head and saw a face outside the window!

This face is as thin as a cicada, but the facial features on it are so clear, and the body behind the face is fluttering in the wind like a plastic bag.

This grimace seemed to know that we were paying attention to it. There was a trace of disdain in the corner of its mouth, and it kept sticking out its tongue at us as if it was a provocation.

I was shocked by it at first, but when I came back to my senses, I saw that it was just an ordinary little devil. I immediately took out the Emei thorn and went out to get it. Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt hurriedly held me down and whispered: " Don't move, it's testing us."

I was shocked after hearing this, and then I looked over cautiously and stared at it.

After about a minute, the grimace flew away from the car window, and then ran to another empty truck.

"what happened?"

When I was sure it could no longer hear my voice, I asked cautiously.

The man in the T-shirt said with a sullen face that this was a kid raised by the villagers. He would come here every night to investigate and if anyone from outside was found spending the night here, he would kill them.

Then the man in the T-shirt started talking and told me that he had actually been here many times before. He didn't know the situation at first, so he rushed down and killed the kid like I just thought, but then there were countless little ghosts whimpering and starting from there. Pounced from all directions.

I didn't expect that there would be so many little ghosts in a seemingly ordinary village. I couldn't help but click my tongue, but I felt that the lover of the man in the T-shirt must not have died at the hands of these little ghosts.

The kid's movements were getting faster and faster, but there were too many cars. It took a full hour for the kid to circle around the area. It barked a few times and then flew into the village.

At the same time, there was a slight tremor outside. I looked out curiously, and then I discovered that there were many little ghosts hidden around me. They were running into the village in groups.

After they all entered the village, the man in the T-shirt patted me and signaled that I could get off the car. Frankly speaking, the scene just now really exceeded my expectations!

If there were so many little ghosts around the grave circle, I could barely accept it, but the fact that they appeared out of thin air on a busy construction site is enough to illustrate the abilities of these people in Longwang Village.

The more this happens, the more I believe there are shark tears here!

After getting off the car, the man in the T-shirt went directly to the car window where Ghost Face had been pressed just now, took out a large piece of yellow paper from his arms and pasted it on it, and then lightly sprinkled it with fine cinnabar.

The moment to witness the miracle appeared. Wherever the little devil touched, cinnabar was stuck on it, while the cinnabar in other places fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the shape of the little ghost appeared. The man in the T-shirt cut the little ghost out with scissors. After doing this, he put the paper man into his pocket and walked slowly forward with the Eight-sided Han Sword in hand.

I held the staff of the Holy Mother in my left hand and the Emei Thorn in my right hand, and followed him cautiously.

It was nothing at first, with boxes piled up all around. But after walking for a few minutes, the environment changed drastically, and a small village that was even more shabby than Yin Xinyue's home appeared in front of him.

"This is Dragon King Village."

As the man in the T-shirt said, he walked straight to a dilapidated water tower and stopped. He said that the water tower was the center of the village, and he could see the entire village clearly from standing on it.

This water tower is obviously abandoned. After climbing up, I was covered in spider webs, but this also shows that the place chosen by the man in the T-shirt is still very safe. Then he took out the paper figurine he had just drawn, bit his finger and put a drop of blood on the kid's eyes. Then he asked me to stare at some villages, and then asked him to recite something silently as soon as he closed his eyes, waving his hands while reciting. paper man.

Seeing that he was trying to use the paper man to lure the kid out, I didn't dare to be careless, so I cautiously looked around, and finally discovered that a house in the village that was close to the river was starting to emit yin gas.

I immediately stared at it intently, and after a while, a shadow actually floated out. Only after it flew closer did I see it clearly. It was undoubtedly the kid lying on my car window!

We thought the man in the T-shirt would let it lead us, but we didn't expect the little ghost to fly around and suddenly burst into flames, turning into ashes in the blink of an eye.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw the man in the T-shirt burning the paper man completely with spiritual fire. I couldn't help but ask, "Wouldn't it be better to let it lead the way?"

"If we don't destroy it, our whereabouts will be exposed."

The man in the T-shirt said through gritted teeth, and then asked me if I saw which house it flew out from. I nodded quickly and pointed out the house to him. He sneered and continued to explain: "The only secret in the village is about mermaids, so if there is any trouble, the villagers will think that someone is plotting against longan and mermaids!"

"What if he comes out again during the day?"

The man in the T-shirt wanted to get rid of the imp and scare the snake away, so that the owner of the imp would go to Longan to check it out so that we could have a chance to follow him. After all, the location of the longan and the dam has changed again and again after thousands of years of sea erosion. No one except the locals knows where the exact location is.

This method is good, but I am still a little uneasy and feel that the chances of people coming out late at night are low.

"I said I would come out, and I will definitely come out!"

The man in the T-shirt said calmly, and then stared at it with all his concentration. I didn't have the energy to do it, so I simply leaned against the inner wall of the surrounding water tower to rest.

After an unknown amount of time, the man in the T-shirt suddenly said: "Come out!"

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