Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 621 Roar! Our Lady's Staff

"Where is it, where is it..."

After hearing this, I felt shaken all over and subconsciously sat up.

Following the gaze of the man in the T-shirt, he saw a dry little old man coming out of that house and sneaking toward the river carrying a basket.

After walking to the river, he put the basket on the water and sat in the basket and slowly paddled away. He looked a bit like a child playing in the water in a playground.

I didn’t understand what the old man was doing, so I asked the man in the T-shirt. He thought for a moment and said that he might be feeling the breath of longan.

As he spoke, he clenched the Han Sword and quickly descended from the water tower, then hurried to the river.

At this time, the old man had swam quite far away, and the man in the T-shirt gritted his teeth and followed him. After chasing for a few hundred meters, the river suddenly turned, and there happened to be some simple buildings at the turn, blocking our view. By the time we rounded the bend, there was no sign of the dry old man in the river!

"what to do?"

I asked a little confused.

The man in the T-shirt took one look at me and jumped into the river without much thought. I was not good at swimming so I had to stay on the shore and wait.

After half an hour, I still didn't see the man in the T-shirt come back, so I had no choice but to chase him along the path. As soon as I took a few steps, I found the man in the T-shirt swimming back along the river. I quickly pulled him ashore, only to find that his body was covered in blood and his face was extremely pale.

"Carry me back quickly."

The man in the T-shirt fainted after saying that. I don’t know what happened, but the fact that the other party could hurt him like this shows his strength. I gritted my teeth and picked him up on my back, and quickly ran towards the car.

Unexpectedly, after running for half an hour and not getting out, I realized something was wrong, because it didn't take that long to get in. I must have entered an illusion.

It seemed that the man in the T-shirt was right. There was a murderous plot hidden in this seemingly peaceful little village. I was forced to stop. I frowned and took out the Fantasy Bell, ready to ring it a few times to see if I could walk out. But as soon as I took it out, He was held down by the man in the T-shirt.

"You're awake, what happened just now?"

I felt happy and quickly put him down from my back. As long as he was there, I could always face it calmly no matter what situation I encountered.

It’s just that the man in the T-shirt didn’t use the Fantasy Bell. Instead, he sneered and threw it far away. Then he looked at me sinisterly and said jokingly: “With your level, do you dare to come to Dragon King Village?”

"You...who are you?"

The voice the other party made when speaking was not the voice of a man in a T-shirt at all. I subconsciously stepped back and asked in horror.

He smiled again, reached out and punched his chin twice, and then pulled it upwards, tearing his face off, revealing a dry and wrinkled face.

"It's you!"

I looked at the dry old man in front of me, took a breath, and bravely asked, "What did you do to him?"

"You'd better think about yourself first."

After the old man finished speaking, he quickly took a few steps back, and then his body disappeared out of thin air. Then there was a noise around him. I frowned and held the Holy Mother's staff tightly.

Sure enough, as the sound got closer and closer, I once again saw countless little ghosts, but this time their target was me!

They did not swarm forward, but approached in batches from all directions in an orderly manner.

"Oh shit!"

I couldn't help but curse, and then used my Emei thorn to fly away the nearest kid. I regretted not bringing my umbrella with me.

Now that the little devils are coming forward in batches, there is no way I can catch them all at once. Even with the Beidou Sirius Jue, I am not sure I can kill them all. What's more, I am still in the illusion, so I absolutely cannot expend too much energy on them.

Fortunately, old man Ganba didn't take the Huansi Bell away. I used the Holy Mother's Staff and Emei thorn to defend myself while moving in the direction of the Huansi Bell. Seeing the Huansi Bell appear in front of me, I finally felt a lot more at ease. He circled the Madonna's Staff in a circle around him to push back the nearby ghosts, then he jumped up suddenly, grabbed the Fantasy Bell and shook it.

But what I didn't expect was that the sound of the Huansi Bell was ineffective against this group of brats, or made them more fanatical. It seemed that the old man left the Huansi Bell behind on purpose.

He must be afraid of Huansi Ling, but the little ghosts are not. Before I had time to think about the reason, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. When I looked sideways, I was shocked to find that a little devil had rushed up and was tearing at my shoulder.

"Fuck you!"

I inserted the Emei thorn into the ground, took out the Zhang Lingfu from my pocket and slapped it on the forehead. The little devil immediately let out a shrill scream and turned into a wisp of smoke in an instant.

The little devils who were originally staring at me with eager eyes stopped in place when they saw this scene, eyes rolling, obviously scared.

It seemed that they were afraid of the magic talismans. I thought to myself that I had finally found their nemesis, and took out a few magic talismans from my pocket and rushed towards the little devils.

They immediately dispersed, and the few kiddies closest to me were scattered without being able to run away.

After confirming that they were afraid of the magic talisman, I no longer used the magic talisman, but used the Madonna's staff to actively approach. Whenever they were about to pounce, I would put my hand in my pocket and make a motion of pulling out the magic talisman, and their movements would stagnate. .

But in this way, I was completely deadlocked with the little ghosts. I had no time to think about how to escape from the illusion. My heart became more and more anxious, and the movements of my hands became messy.

The little devils seemed to see my weakness and rushed forward swarm. I could only give up the conservative method and use magic charms instead.

It’s just that there were too many imps. When they pounced on me again, I habitually put my hand into my pocket, only to find that the talisman had been used up!

Their movements stagnated, and after realizing that I didn't take out the magic talisman, they all became extremely excited, screaming and rushing toward me.

At this point, there was no other way. I gritted my teeth and recited the Beidou Tianlang Jue, and the Holy Mother's staff suddenly appeared with golden light, spinning around and scattering all the little devils with me as the center.

Because there were too many imps, the pressure on the Holy Mother's Staff was increasing. I obviously felt that my energy could not keep up, so I tried my best to increase the spell to the highest level that I could control.

After reciting the incantation, the Madonna's staff suddenly rose into the air, and the scope of the golden light expanded infinitely, killing all the little ghosts in the illusion.

I breathed a sigh of relief, squatted on the ground and gasped for air, and rubbed my stomach hard to prevent vomiting.

"go to hell!"

At this moment, the angry voice of a dry old man came from behind, and then a strong chill hit me from behind. I realized that something was wrong but I no longer had the energy to avoid it.

Then, I felt as if I had been hit by a train and flew several meters away. Blood spurted out. When I landed, I didn't even feel pain, but my limbs twitched uncontrollably.

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