Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 623: Ghost Gate Trading Conference

Because of what happened to the little devil just now, I didn't dare to sleep anymore. I wanted to talk to Yin Xinyue but couldn't face her, so I finally called Li Mazi.

I didn't expect that he really hadn't slept. After asking, I found out that this guy was on the train. He took advantage of the rare opportunity to visit Chu Chu's grave. After that, he asked me how I was doing.

"I'm still like this! I just couldn't sleep in the middle of the night." I pretended to smile relaxedly and swallowed the words that just came to my mouth.

Li Mazi is an interesting person. If he heard that I was in trouble, he would definitely come to help me without saying anything.

After his repeated requests, I had no choice but to promise him that I would take him to collect his vaginal objects after a while, but I felt a little sad in my heart.

Only then did I feel lonely and understand why I was always ready to give up my business, but couldn't help it. Being a fetish dealer is not only my profession, but also my life. Without it, I couldn't find anyone to talk to.

In twenty or thirty years of living, I have never been so lonely. It feels like one night is too long, and even every minute is so painful.

Finally, as the east turned white and the first ray of sunshine rose, I finally no longer had to hold on and fell asleep.

This time I slept soundly and didn't have any more dreams. Later, there was too much noise outside and I woke up automatically. I looked outside and saw that the workers were working again. I checked that the time was already noon, but the man in the T-shirt hadn't come back yet. I couldn't help but get worried and quickly called him.

Unexpectedly, the call was answered quickly. The man in the T-shirt said in a weak voice that he was on his way back and asked me not to worry. Sure enough, he came back not long after, but the Kumamon T-shirt he was wearing had been torn, and there were obvious blood stains on his face.

After he got in the car, he said weakly that there were no Mermaid tears here. After that, he asked me to drive home, while he fell asleep in the back seat.

Since last night, I don’t have much hope for Meren Tears, so I didn’t have much psychological fluctuation after he said it.

In the evening, I returned to the village of Yin Xinyue's parents. I stopped at the entrance of the village and woke up the man in the T-shirt.

"I fought with him, but no one had the courage to kill the other! But he told me that there really are no mermaids in Dragon King Village, but there are other secrets, but he didn't tell me."

The man in the T-shirt said with some frustration. I knew he was referring to the dry old man, so I nodded.

Then he told me that since the Mermaid Tears could not be found in a short period of time, the lives of the two elders must be temporarily maintained.

"What do you mean?" My eyes lit up after hearing this, because he usually means he has an idea when he says this.

The man in the T-shirt nodded and told me that on July 15 this year, there will be a mysterious trading conference. This conference is organized by the ghost circle. Countless masters, monsters, and thousand-year-old ghosts will participate. , they will also bring various rare medicinal materials, inner elixirs, yin objects, magic weapons, etc., in exchange for what they lack.

So the T-shirt man thinks he will definitely find the Mermaid Tears there!

It's not even February yet, that is, we need to control the condition of my father-in-law and mother-in-law in the next half year. Ordinary methods can't last for that long. The man in the T-shirt thought for a long time and decided to exchange the senior rat with the zodiac rat. The method of fortune-telling is to temporarily use animals and two elders to exchange fortune-telling.

But ordinary animals may die before July 15th, and then the fate of the father-in-law and others will be ruined. To be on the safe side, the man in the T-shirt decided to go back and bring over the little fox we had conquered in Japan, and also decided to borrow Senior Shu’s natal mouse.

"Thank you, first grade student."

I thought about it, looked at him and said seriously. The man in the T-shirt smiled and drove away without even entering the house.

It took me a long time to muster up the courage to go home. I thought Yin Xinyue would immediately ask if I had obtained the Mermaid Tears. Unexpectedly, she was most concerned about whether I was injured. I shook my head, and then told her what the man in the T-shirt said.

"That's fine, as long as I can keep my parents, no matter what."

I don't know whether it was to comfort me on purpose, or whether her mood had really stabilized, but Yin Xinyue didn't cry like before.

In the next few days, I made ointments for my father-in-law and mother-in-law every day. A few days later, the man in the T-shirt came back with the little fox and the natal rat. He used a spell to swap the fates of the two elders with them.

After doing all this, the man in the T-shirt finally showed a trace of relief on his face. He told me that as long as no accidents occurred, the two of us would not be in danger in the next six months, and we were just waiting for the Ghost Gate Trading Conference on July 15th!

I know that the possibility of the accident mentioned by the man in the t-shirt is almost zero, because the senior rat and the natal rat have changed their fates for so long, and there has never been any problem.

After Yin Xinyue heard me explain all this, her face was no longer so melancholy. After all, she had a job and couldn't stay in her hometown all the time. After staying for a few days and seeing that nothing happened to her husband, we were ready to go back to the city. I wanted to take the man in the t-shirt back to play with me for a few days, but he refused, saying I have to go back to Dragon King Village to deal with some things.

"Then be careful."

I didn't ask him what he was doing, just like I didn't ask him what happened that night when he locked me in the car. Everyone has his or her own secret, so there is no need to ask for details, just give silent blessings.

After returning to the city, Xinyue was busy with work and rarely went home on weekdays. I fell into a life of my own again and felt more and more lonely.

Fortunately, this guy Li Mazi brought me another business at the critical moment, and the client lived near Wuhan. I immediately became interested after hearing what he said. After sorting out some things, I asked Li Mazi for the specific address of his client's home.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi learned how to be cunning, and said coquettishly: "Brother Zhang, you must first agree to take me with you, otherwise I will keep the address in my stomach."

After saying that, Li Mazi closed his eyes and made an expression like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water.

I've really been feeling depressed lately, and I'm not in the mood to make trouble with him, so I had no choice but to agree. Only then did he tell me that the other party lived in a place called Baijiacun.

"Mazi, where did you get this job?"

On the way to Baijiacun, I asked out of boredom.

Not to mention, this guy can always conjure up a lot of business when I need him.

Li Mazi laughed and said that he met a sad-faced man on the train returning from sweeping the grave. Li Mazi's greatest advantage was that he was able to observe people's emotions. He felt that this person might be in trouble, so he asked with a sharp tongue. Unexpectedly, he actually asked something.

This man's name is He Kui, and he went to the South China Sea specifically to pray for Bodhisattvas.

It turns out that since his father's death, strange things have happened in the family. First, his wife accidentally miscarried the baby in her belly. Then He Kui also lost his job in the city, so he had no choice but to take his wife back to live in the countryside. .

Even so, they could not find peace. When He Kui's wife was sleeping, she always dreamed that her dead father-in-law was crying to her, or even yelling at her.

After all, He Kui's wife used to look down on this father-in-law. She disliked him for being a rural person. She threw all the eggs and local specialties that his father-in-law had saved up and sent to her in the trash can. She even kicked him out of the house on a snowy day. .

When He Kui found out, he quickly went to his father's grave to burn paper and beg his father to forgive them, but it didn't work at all. The situation even got worse and worse, making his wife afraid to sleep at night.

If this was bearable, the next incident made He Kui completely hate his father.

During this period, his wife finally gave birth to a daughter, but she didn’t expect that her daughter has been suffering from many illnesses since she was born. Even when she was checked in the hospital several times, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her, but her daughter still kept crying and seemed to be watching. Got something terrible.

Together, the two of them thought that the old father might be scaring the child, so He Kui had no choice but to go to the South China Sea to seek help from Guanyin Bodhisattva!

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