Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 624 Longevity Lock

"How credible do you think He Kui's words are?" I asked with interest after hearing what Li Mazi said.

Li Mazi chuckled and shook his head in perfect agreement with me.

We have seen this kind of thing too many times. The bottom line is that children are unfilial and make their parents die with hatred. In the end, they only realize that they are afraid after being entangled by their parents. When they ask me for help, they basically do not confess what they have done to their parents. What a shameful thing to do.

So Li Mazi and I agreed that He Kui was lying, or obliterating the fact that he and his wife were unfilial.

But a ghost is a ghost after all, and I cannot let it harm innocent children!

After arriving at Baijia Village, He Kui was already waiting at the entrance of the village. When he saw us, he ran up with a few steps, excitedly held my hand and said, Master Zhang, you are finally here.

It seemed that Li Mazi had already introduced me in advance, so I stopped talking nonsense and asked him to take me to his house to have a look.

After hearing this, He Kui seemed a little hesitant, as if something was wrong. Li Mazi waved his hand and told him to speak quickly.

"Master Zhang, I have something here, take a look..."

He Kui lowered his head and thought for a while, then carefully took out a longevity lock from his pocket and handed it to me.

Judging from the appearance, this longevity lock is made of pure copper. The color has turned black in some places, which is obviously not worth much. What surprised me was that the cracks of Changshou Lock were filled with fresh soil, as if it was dug out of the earth, so I asked him what was going on.

Unexpectedly, when he heard my question, his face suddenly sank. He squirmed for a long time before he stuttered and said, "This is a gift from my father."


As soon as Li Mazi took the longevity lock in his hand, he was so frightened that he threw it to me again. I frowned slightly and motioned for He Kui to continue.

He told us that in the past few days after returning from the South China Sea, his youngest daughter's condition had not weakened, but had become more serious. Moreover, his wife dreamed of her father more often than before. Yesterday, he couldn't stand this invisible panic, so he took a nap. The call told Li Mazi to come over quickly and help.

Who would have known that when I woke up, my daughter would find this longevity lock on her little bed!

He Kui said with certainty that this was a gift from his father, because it was something that his father never left his body during his lifetime, and was buried together in the grave after his death.

"Where is your father's grave? Can I go and have a look?"

If the things buried in the grave are given away by the dead, the situation is more serious. Generally speaking, the deceased wants to exchange the things he sent for the life of the living.

But in most cases, the deceased wants to trick the living person into becoming his partner, which is a kind of forced shadow marriage. I don’t think Mr. He has any evil thoughts about his newborn granddaughter, so he wants to go to the grave to see what’s going on.

Naturally, He Kui would not refuse, and immediately led us towards the field, and finally stopped at the edge of a relatively low-lying field. There was a medium-sized grave near the center.

There was only one grave in the whole land, so without waiting for him to say anything, I walked to the grave first. First I bent down and bowed, and then I started to observe it seriously. After looking at it for a long time, I didn't find anything wrong. I just saw some dissipated Yin Qi, but the more it looked like this, the more abnormal it became.

Because the tomb is at the lowest position in the entire land, the surrounding water and cold air will gather towards the tomb. Logically speaking, there should be a strong yin energy under the tomb. But now that the tomb is clean, it is very likely that There was no body inside at all!

"Master Zhang, do you see anything?"

Seeing my ugly face, He Kui seemed to have noticed something, so he asked in a panic. I expressed my thoughts and discussed with him whether we could open the tomb to confirm.

He was shocked at first, but when he heard me talking about digging the grave, his face suddenly darkened, and he asked me very embarrassedly if he could not dig the grave.

"Then let's observe and talk."

I nodded to express my understanding. After all, the old man had already been buried. It was best not to dig his grave unless it was absolutely necessary. I looked at it for a while, but still didn't find anything wrong, so I followed He Kui back home.

His house was a brick house that looked very old. Although it could barely be lived in, it was considered the most dilapidated house in the village. I asked him puzzledly why he didn't build a new house.

He Kui's face turned red after hearing this. He said with embarrassment that this house was built by his father when he was young, and he found a job in the city after graduating from college. When he got married, he spent all his and his father's savings. After getting married, he and his wife rented a house in the city.

Later, after losing their jobs, they couldn't even pay the rent and were forced to return to their hometown. After hearing this, I looked down on him a little, but I also understood that his misfortune had something to do with his father, so I stopped discussing the topic and asked him how his daughter was doing now.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that my daughter didn't make any fuss last night and she slept soundly."

Mentioning his daughter, He Kui finally smiled.

After hearing this, Li Mazi said casually: "Could it be that the longevity lock played a role?"


He Kui listened for a long time without reacting, and finally said in disbelief: "If this were the case, my father would not torture us from the beginning..."

After he finished speaking, Li Mazi remained silent, and the two of them looked at me.

In fact, I have also thought about what Li Mazi said. Many old people hate their daughters-in-law, but they care deeply about their children.

After Mr. He died, he pestered his daughter-in-law out of resentment, which did not prevent him from loving his little granddaughter. I think it was definitely not Mr. He who scared He Kui's daughter to tears, but something else!

"This is a solid idea."

Li Mazi nodded fiercely, indicating that he agreed with my guess, while He Kui's expression became very complicated, with suspicion and guilt for his father.

As soon as I entered the yard, I heard a baby crying from the room. The sound was louder and louder. It was very scary!

He Kui's face darkened and he ran into the house. Li Mazi and I followed behind and found a young woman sitting by the bed, coaxing the baby in her arms.

After the woman saw us, she quickly handed the child over and kept begging us to save her daughter.

I only took one look and was sure that the baby had touched something dirty. Her face was gray, her heavenly palace was collapsed, and there was a blur of purple energy on her heavenly spirit cover.

Children can always see dirty things because there is a group of purple aura on the Tianling Cap when they are born. This group of purple aura also represents the destiny of the newborn. As the child grows up, this group of aura will gradually penetrate into the body and become life. Jingyuan.

Now the little girl's aura is about to dissipate, and she will die within three days if this continues. I quickly took out a Yang Fire Talisman and put it on her forehead to temporarily maintain her life. Then I looked at the room as a whole, and then I discovered that the room was It was actually filled with a black mist that kept pouring onto the bed.

No wonder the little girl's Tianling Gai will be eroded. Living in this house is equivalent to being soaked in Yin Qi all day long. After a long time, let alone children, even adults will be affected!

He Kui's wife also looked haggard, probably because of the yin energy. I asked He Kui to open all the doors and windows, and then continue to observe. I found that this Yin Qi did not go out at all. Even if the wind from outside blew in and dispersed the Yin Qi, when the wind force passed, the Yin Qi would gather together again and continue to hover above the bed.

"What's going on?" I frowned and muttered.

Then he asked He Kui and Li Mazi to move the bed to another place to see if there was anything under the bed, but there was nothing under the bed except some dust.

At this time, I was shocked to find that Yin Qi was following me!

Then I asked them to change the bed several times, but no matter where it was placed, the yin energy would immediately follow.

Li Mazi saw that I kept looking at the top of my head and guessed that there was Yin Qi on it, so he asked me if I could find the source of Yin Qi?

I shook my head. This cloud of yin energy formed a circle from beginning to end, and it was impossible to tell where it started from as it kept circling.

Fortunately, this yin energy was just swirling around the bed. After I took the baby out, the yin energy did not follow me. This shows that the thing is not aimed at children, but He Kui thought that the child had caught a cold, so he basically didn't let her go out, which harmed her.

After hearing what I said, He Kui's wife quickly tidied up the outhouse and moved the crib out.

Sure enough, the child stabilized as soon as she came out, and the last purple energy on her forehead gradually stabilized. I asked her horoscope and used the soul-returning technique to take back her spiritual energy.

However, the child's spiritual energy is very weak, and it is difficult to regroup after it is dispersed, so only part of it is recovered, but at least it can save her from danger. Next, as long as she is not entangled by the negative energy, her body will naturally recover. .

After solving the child's problem, Mr. and Mrs. He Kui were visibly relieved and kept thanking me. I waved my hand and said it was okay, and then told him that I couldn't tell where the yin energy came from now and that I needed to wait until night to observe again.

He Kui nodded and hurriedly asked his wife to cook some food. Li Mazi and I were really hungry, so we just had a bite and slept for a while at his house in the afternoon.

After getting up at night, I asked He Kui's family of three to sleep in the outhouse, while Li Mazi and I hid in that room!

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