Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 625: People weeding in the middle of the night

The yin energy above the head was still hovering like it was during the day. Li Mazi lost his patience after sitting for a while, but I felt that something would be abnormal late at night.

In order to prevent the possible Yin spirits from being surprised, I hid under the bed with Li Mazi and put a sun-shielding charm on my body. As the night deepened, the surroundings gradually became quiet, and the only sound left in the ears was He Kui's snoring.

I looked sideways through the window and found that the sky outside was very cloudy and there was no moon. I was even more convinced that the evil spirit would come out.

But as time went by, my confidence gradually disappeared. When it was past two o'clock, the yin energy on the top of my head was still the same. I couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, and Li Mazi had already fallen asleep under the bed.

It seems that the Yin spirit will not come tonight, so I woke up Li Mazi and climbed out from under the bed. After Li Mazi got up, he muttered and said: "Brother Zhang, I slept well, why are you knocking? .”

"What did I knock?"

I was a little confused by what he said, so I said angrily.

Li Mazi made a sound, then moved his ears a few times, then shook his head and said: "I clearly heard the sound of the cane just now, and thought it was you tapping..."

Before he could finish speaking, I covered his mouth, then lay down and put my ears to the ground to listen carefully. Sure enough, I heard a faint tapping sound like a cane coming from the ground, as if someone was walking.

The sound came from underground. I was about to ask Li Mazi to dig up the floor with a shovel, but the sound suddenly became distant and seemed to be heading towards the door. I quickly stood up, held the Sirius whip and chased after him.

Because the sound can only be heard close to the ground, I would lie down on the ground to listen for a while after chasing. When I reached the entrance of the village, I lay down again, but I heard no more noise.

"Lost with...?"

Li Mazi asked in confusion. I nodded helplessly, patted the dirt on my body and walked home.

"Brother Zhang, I think the noise just now was caused by Mr. He, what do you think?"

On the way back, Li Mazi asked in a low voice. I found that this kid has suddenly become much smarter since he was seriously injured last time.

"It should be him."

I nodded and said. During the day, I felt that Mr. He's body was no longer in the grave. The movement just now confirmed this idea.

And ordinary ghosts can't walk underground at all. He is probably a fake corpse!

After returning to the room, I squatted by the basin and prepared to wash the dust off my face, but Li Mazi exclaimed. I quickly turned around and found him staring blankly at the roof. I subconsciously raised my head and suddenly found that the Yin Qi surrounding the roof had disappeared.

"What...what's going on? Did the old man take away the Yin Qi?"

Li Mazi took a long time to recover and asked in confusion, I don't know what's going on, but the disappearance of Yin Qi is not a bad thing.

After this incident, I wasn't in the mood to sleep, so I made a bunk on the floor, lay on the ground with Li Mazi, and waited. When it was almost dawn, a subtle sound suddenly came from the quiet underground, and I sat up. He winked at Li Mazi.

He was stunned for a moment before he understood what I meant. He lay on the ground and listened, and then pointed to the ground.

I quietly moved in the direction of his finger. After a while, Li Mazi's finger stopped. He listened for a while before getting up and saying to me, "Let's go."

I quickly drew a circle on my feet with Emei thorns, and then looked up, and sure enough, the yin energy began to circle above my head again.

"Do you want to dig it up?" Li Mazi tried to ask.

I thought for a while and said let’s wait until daybreak! After all, it was probably Mr. He who came just now, not to mention that the things down there are very yin-y, so it would be better to dig during the day.

"That's okay. Seeing as this posture comes here once a day, you don't have to worry about it running away."

Li Mazi nodded in agreement, and then we took advantage of the fact that it was still dark and took the time to take a nap.

I don’t know how long we slept, but we were woken up by He Kui. He rubbed his palms and said with a strange expression: "Master Zhang, I just went to the greenhouse and discovered something strange!"

It turns out that He Kui started to set up greenhouses and grow some off-season vegetables after returning to the countryside. He would go to the greenhouses every once in a while to take a look. However, his daughter's health has been getting worse recently and he has no intention of going to the fields. As soon as I rescued her daughter yesterday, He Kui couldn't wait to carry a hoe to the greenhouse to weed. Unexpectedly, when he got there, he found that the greenhouse was clean without a single weed.

It seemed like someone was helping him weed every day during this period. The village set up cameras in the greenhouse area to prevent people from stealing vegetables, so He Kui went to call up the video to see which kind person was secretly helping him.

As a result, during the period shown in the surveillance video, no one entered the greenhouse at all!

"Brother Zhang, it seems he is really Mr. He."

After hearing what He Kui said, Li Mazi couldn't help but say something.

When He Kui saw this, he asked me confusedly what was going on, so I told him what happened last night.

Yesterday I thought the sound was the sound of a cane, but now it seems it must be the sound of a hoe. Poor parents in the world, even though Mr. He passed away, he is still worried about his son. After hearing this, He Kui's eyes suddenly turned red and he asked me what to do next?

"The old man must have faked the corpse, otherwise the corpse would not move around on its own. But he definitely has no ill intentions towards you. As for the Yin Qi that hurt the child, it should be related to the hoe the old man used."

I tried to analyze it, because after the old man took the hoe away, the yin energy disappeared. When he put the hoe back, the Yin Qi came back. As for why the hoe had such strong Yin Qi, I'm afraid we can only find out after digging it out.

After hearing this, He Kui hesitated for a long time and asked me if I could solve the matter without hurting the old man.

In fact, he paid special attention to his old father from the beginning, and it was obvious that he was really a filial child. I nodded and told him that since the old man meant no harm, he should be able to be comforted and reassured. He Kui's face improved after hearing this, and he asked me if I wanted to dig up the ground now.

"Let's dig. It will be easier to dig while there is plenty of sunshine now!"

I opened the door and window smoothly, and put the talisman around the land I circled, and then I signaled He Kui to take action.

Li Mazi consciously picked up a shovel and started digging with He Kui, but the progress was very slow. Because this house is too old, Mr. He may have put a lot of broken bricks in the ground to lay a solid foundation when he built the house.

While they were digging the hole, I asked He Kui's wife to fill a basket of plant ash. Whenever they dug a little deeper, I would sprinkle a layer of ash inside so that they would not have too much trouble.

As they dug deeper and deeper, what they dug out was no longer broken bricks, but black soil.

I knelt down and pinched a handful, put it on the tip of my nose and smelled it, and found that there was a strong smell of pig iron!

It seemed that the hoe was down there. He Kui and Li Mazi were sweating profusely from exhaustion. I was afraid that they would be affected by the yin energy, so I called them up and went down to dig. At the beginning, I didn't feel that it took much effort, but when I dug for the third time, I felt a force sucking the shovel, making it impossible to lift it up. It was obvious that the thing underground started to exert force.

"Mazi, throw ashes on me!"

I shouted loudly, and then quickly read a passage from the Tao Te Ching. At the same time, Li Mazi poured the remaining half of the basket of ashes in. Although I was choked to death, my body became lighter.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I dug a few times quickly with all my strength. The shovel suddenly made a clanging sound. I looked carefully and found a piece of iron exposed in the soil. I hurriedly dug for a while and finally dug out the thing. .

As expected, it was a rusty hoe. There were puddles of black marks on the hoe handle. It looked like blood had been sprinkled on it.

I asked Li Mazi to throw the hoe into the yard, and when I looked up, I saw that the Yin Qi above my head had dissipated. I struck while the iron was hot and made some Feng Shui changes to the small objects in the room. Soon, all the Yin Qi in the room disappeared, and even more A bit energetic.

He Kui heard that after the Yin Qi dissipated, he was about to fill the hole. I stopped him and said with a smile: "The old man should come back to pick up the hoe in the evening."

"I understand." He nodded, his eye circles getting redder.

I tapped him on the shoulder, then called him into the yard and asked him if he had seen this hoe?

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