Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 626 If one day

He Kuigang shook his head at first. When he saw the blood on the hoe handle, his eyes widened suddenly, his face full of disbelief. Finally, he said with tears: "I know."

It turns out that this hoe was used by Mr. He during his lifetime, and the blood stains on it also belonged to the old man himself.

He Kui said that one time when his father went to work in the fields when he was a child, a trafficker from out of town passed by his house and saw him beating glass beads and wanted to kidnap him and sell him.

Just when my father came back, he became angry when he saw the trafficker and frantically hit the trafficker on the head with a hoe.

After the entanglement, Mr. He accidentally beat the trafficker to death. He was also injured in the fight, and his blood was sprinkled on the hoe handle.

"My family hadn't built this house at that time, and my father buried his hoe underneath it! At that time, there was no police control over the remote villages, not to mention that the person who died was a trafficker, so my father escaped the sanction of the law."

After He Kui finished speaking, his face was already filled with tears. He asked me crazily if it was because my father killed someone that he would have no peace after his death.

"Everything has a cause and effect, but the old man has already passed away anyway and should not be tortured anymore."

I comforted He Kui, then sprinkled gasoline on the hoe in front of him, and burned the hoe completely with a fire.

The thing attached to the hoe is not Mr. He at all, but the evil thoughts left behind by Mr. He when he killed the person, so I have nothing to show mercy to.

The old man's body was affected by the hoe, which is why he caused trouble for his daughter-in-law. Now that the hoe has been burned, she can probably sleep peacefully in the future.

"Brother Zhang, if you burn the hoe, will the old man still come?" Li Mazi suddenly reacted and asked with some annoyance as he patted his thigh.

I smiled and nodded, and then patiently explained: "If Mr. He's soul was only affected, he would not come back if the hoe was burned, but this time the old man's body was affected, and it has become a fake corpse. So he will come back whether there is any vagina or not."

He Kui knew that his father would be coming back in the evening, so he bought a lot of offerings in advance and placed them next to the pit as soon as it got dark. He also inserted three incense sticks and two white candles.

In the middle of the night, the sound of walking suddenly came from the small pit. He Kui got up and was about to dive in.

Li Mazi quickly held him down and asked me what should I do? He was afraid that the old man would be furious when he found out that the hoe was gone.

I made an OK gesture to him, then took out the Emei thorn and got ready. Not long after, a black figure appeared in the pit. The figure bent over and kept turning his head to look around, obviously looking for a hoe.

After a while, he slowly turned around and seemed to want to leave. I couldn't let him go, so I immediately stabbed him in the air with an Emei thorn.


The figure turned around suddenly, let out a strange cry, and grabbed me fiercely with both hands. I quickly jumped aside, deliberately trying to lure him up.

There was no color on the old man's face, but his eyes were extremely scarlet. He stared at me fiercely, but did not move for a long time.

I couldn't help but worry. If he didn't jump up, it would be difficult to take him down in one fell swoop!

In order to stimulate him, I took the risk and stabbed him again. This time, the old man was completely angry. He jumped up with a low roar and landed heavily in the room. Then he grabbed me like crazy.

"Mazi, light the candles!"

I yelled at Li Mazi, and at the same time, I kept provoking the old man with my Emei thorn. He kept grabbing at me, and every time he made a move, he would bring a dark wind. Fortunately, his movements were stiff and he never hit me.

Li Mazi quickly lit the candles and incense. As the candlelight swayed, I saw Mr. He clearly for the first time. He was wearing a black shroud, with a high bulge on his back, and the nails on his hands were almost five or six centimeters long.

When He Kui saw his father clearly, tears streamed down his face, and he ran towards him. I thought it was too late to stop him.


The old man smiled sinisterly, grabbed He Kui's neck violently, and then lifted him up.

"Dad, I am your son, I am Xiao Kui...ahem..."

He Kui's face was filled with disbelief, and then his face turned red. I thought to myself, "Oh no!" I rushed forward and stabbed the Emei thorn into the old man's arm with all my strength. His hands were retracted like an electric shock, and Li Mazi took the opportunity to save He Kui.

"Master Zhang, don't hurt my father."

He Kui gasped and shouted at me, and Li Mazi shouted angrily: "Are you stupid? This guy is no longer your father, do you understand?"

The old man had already turned to me and was about to take action. When he heard the conversation between Li Mazi and He Kui, his fierce eyes suddenly darkened, and he looked in the direction of He Kui with a blank look on his face.

I didn't expect the old man to be so sensitive to his son's voice, so I quickly motioned for He Kui to continue.

He Kui broke away from Li Mazi, pointed to the offerings on the ground and said to the old man: "Dad, my son has prepared your favorite food, and also prepared some incense money for you. Don't be reluctant to eat down here. Buy whatever you want. .”


The old man listened to He Kui's words blankly, then looked at the offerings, and the anger on his face miraculously disappeared a lot. Seeing this, I breathed a sigh of relief, took out the Emei thorn and stabbed it in his throat.


With a burst of sound, a black mist surged out of the old man's throat. His whole body fell gently to the ground like a deflated rubber ball, and the long nails on his fingers shortened instantly.

He Kui knew that his father had really left this time, so he knelt on the ground and cried loudly. His wife also rushed in from the outhouse and kowtowed to the body of her husband.

After a while, I saw that they were done crying, so I pulled them up and dug a new grave for the old man overnight.

The reason why the old man faked his body was largely because of the problem with the location of the grave. This time I chose a place with good Feng Shui as the cemetery for him. This was done to ensure that the old man’s body would no longer suffer torture.

What makes me happy is that after this incident, He Kui and his wife seemed to have changed. Every weekend, they would come to the old man’s grave with their daughter in their arms, kowtow, burn incense, and talk about small things. He Kui’s wife did not dislike her father-in-law. Instead, she cried and praised herself for being a good father-in-law.


He was very hungry during his lifetime, just to leave the most delicious eggs to his son.

During his lifetime, he fell down in the wind and snow just to see his son.

Even after death, he crawls out of his grave to weed his son's vegetable patch. Where can you find such a father-in-law?

It's a pity that the child wants to be raised but the mother is not there. The greatest sorrow in the world is like this.

If one day you find that your parents can't walk.

If one day, you find that your parents can't eat.

If one day, you find that your parents suddenly ask you to go home often.

Please drop everything in your hands, go to the last movie with your parents, have the last reunion dinner, and hold their hands to walk the last stretch of the road, just like they held you when you were a child.

Because you are their best concern in their last years.

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