Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 627: Strange dog barking

Through this business, I once again realized the hardships of being a parent, and I couldn't help but think of Yin Xinyue's parents. They have not yet come out of the shadow of the Eight Hundred Mile Jiao.

When leaving He Kui's house, he took five thousand yuan and handed it to me, but I didn't ask for it. After all, I didn't need the money, and his family was very difficult.

Forget it, let’s make a good relationship!

Although Li Mazi was very interested in helping others, because he didn't make any money, he encouraged me to go out and look for business every three days after returning home.

"Feminine things can only be found but not sought. Are you in a hurry?"

I said angrily, but Li Mazi couldn't listen at all. He was working tirelessly on the road of searching for evil things, so I didn't bother to care about him.

It was May Day in a blink of an eye. Li Mazi had been looking for several deals in the past two or three months. I couldn't resist him, so I followed him. The results were all unfashionable gadgets or ordinary haunted incidents.

After several trips, I didn't earn a penny, and I was exhausted. Li Mazi finally accepted his fate and stopped forcing me to go out all day long. I finally calmed down and would hide in my room to draw charms or practice spells.

A few days ago, the man in the T-shirt called me. He said that he had left Longwang Village and asked me not to worry. He also told me that I might meet people from Longquan Villa on the day of the trading conference and asked me to practice my skills more. .

He didn't mention anything about his father-in-law, so I completely buried the matter in my heart and prepared according to what he said.

But as the old saying goes, if you don’t look for trouble, trouble will come to you.

A few days after Li Mazi found his feet, a sufferer came to visit, and this time his occupation was a little special. He was an old man selling tofu. He said his name was Chen Doufu.

That afternoon I was wiping a vase produced by an official kiln in the Ming Dynasty. The tofu seller, Mr. Chen, came into the shop carrying a pole. I thought he was going to sell me tofu, so I was ready to go out and attack people. Unexpectedly, he threw the burden on the ground and said to me naively: "Little brother, is Zhang Daxian in the store here?"

I was speechless for a while after hearing this. I thought to myself who was telling me this nonsense and how could I become an immortal? And I couldn't stand an old man in his fifties or sixties calling him little brother, so I hurried up to him and said I was Zhang Jiulin, and then asked him what happened.

Maybe you think I'm too young? Uncle Chen looked at me in surprise, and then started to tell.

Uncle Chen's original name was Chen Jiefang. He was called Chen Tofu because he had been selling tofu all his life. As time went by, he gradually called himself Chen Tofu. And he came to me this time because he felt that something dirty was following him.

However, there was no trace of fear on his face when he spoke, as if he had been frightened by dirty things. I couldn't help but become curious and motioned for him to explain in detail.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that every time I go out to sell tofu, when I pass by a village, the dogs in their village will bark non-stop! At first, everyone thought it was quite funny, but later they realized that as soon as I got close to the village, , the dogs in the whole village would bark crazily. And it was not a normal bark, and the sound was more miserable than the last. Later, people in the village began to spread rumors that I was unclean, and some even said that I was a ghost, and now I am not allowed to enter. That village..."

Uncle Chen sighed as he spoke, saying that at such an old age, he really wasn't afraid of dirty things, and he didn't necessarily have to go to that village to sell tofu, but he just felt uncomfortable and felt a little late. So he really wanted to find out about this matter, and happened to hear my name while chatting with others, so he came to try it.

"Have you ever raised a dog at home? What do you think of it when you pass by other villages?" I thought about it for a moment and asked with interest.

If the dog barks only when passing by that village, there is probably something wrong with that village.

Uncle Chen shook his head and said that he had never had a dog. He said that he loved peace and could not stand dogs barking all day long. But he said with certainty that there would be no problem when he went to other villages to sell tofu. Only when he went to Xiaoliu Village, the dogs there would bark wildly.

"If that's the case, the problem shouldn't be with you..."

I comforted Uncle Chen, then closed the shop and went to his house to have a look.

Uncle Chen's house is a small courtyard with many haystacks piled up and a donkey tied to it. He told me that if it rains and the road is difficult, he will drive a donkey cart out to sell tofu.

I nodded and looked around the yard carefully. I didn't find anything unusual. There was even a donkey that made the yard a little more lively.

There are three rooms in the courtyard, one is Uncle Chen's bedroom, one is the kitchen, and one is specially used for tofu production. There is a small electric grinder and several bags of soybeans.

After looking at the whole thing, I told Uncle Chen that there was no problem at all. Uncle Chen still didn't believe it, so I had to take out the compass and turn it around again. The compass showed that everything was normal.

In the end, in order to reassure him, I even went to my neighbor's house to borrow a dog. But the puppy barked for a while at the beginning and then calmed down. This shows that there must be nothing wrong with Uncle Chen's family.

"Then what's going on?" After my repeated confirmation, Uncle Chen finally believed that there was nothing wrong with his family, but he still frowned and asked.

The old man always likes to struggle with something. It can be seen that if this problem is not solved, Uncle Chen may not even be able to sleep well.

Anyway, there’s nothing important happening recently, so I thought about it and asked Uncle Chen to take me to Xiaoliu Village to visit some sightseeing spots!

Uncle Chen was very happy after hearing this. He immediately hitched the donkey cart, loaded two drawers of tofu, and set off. I sat on the donkey cart and watched the sunset. For a moment, I felt like I had returned to ancient times, and I felt particularly comfortable.

About half an hour later, Uncle Chen turned to me and said, "Zhang Daxian, further ahead is Xiaoliu Village. Listen to the dogs barking."

I nodded, pricked up my ears and listened. At the same time, I looked forward and found that the village was still far away from us, and the outermost house was also five or six hundred meters away. So I feel like Uncle Chen is a bit confused. How could a dog see it from such a long distance?

What I didn't expect was that after Uncle Chen walked a few dozen meters forward, a noisy dog ​​barking suddenly came from the village.

It would be fine if the dogs barked gradually, after all, they can send messages to each other, but the dogs in Xiaoliu Village obviously started barking at the same time!

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