Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 634 Invisible Divine Needle

After listening to the introductions of these people, I couldn't help but feel a little panicked. I felt like anyone I picked out at random could beat me up, so I told myself in my heart that no matter what I do, I can't leave the T-shirt man!

After dinner, we went to the trading market for a walk. There were already many merchants here, but we still didn’t have the Shark Tears I was looking for, so I had to go back to the inn.

Coincidentally, the people from Longquan Villa also chose this inn. I wonder if they did it on purpose?

Anyway, when we entered the door, the four of them happened to come out, and sparks sparked again between the two of us.

The man in the T-shirt didn't pay attention to their fierce looks, pushed aside the people in front of him and walked upstairs.

I wonder why these people are almost as strong as the T-shirt man, and some are even more powerful than him, but they still dare not confront us head-on? But now was not the time for gossip, so I quickly followed the man in the T-shirt upstairs. When I reached Ichiro Ryuzawa, he deliberately pushed me with his arm, causing me to stagger and almost fall to the ground.

Just when I was about to get angry, I heard the voice of the man in the T-shirt: "Jiulin, if the dog bites you, can you bite it back?"

"Haha, of course not."

I smiled and glared at Ryuzawa Ichiro. He blushed at what the man in the T-shirt said and clenched his fists tightly. I ignored him and stood up and walked forward. At this time, Zen Master Baimei behind me suddenly let out an ouch. I quickly turned my head and found that he had fallen to the ground, with the one-armed dragon and the Yin-Yang Tiger laughing playfully beside me.

"Master Baimei, are you okay?"

I quickly pulled Master Baimei up and yelled at them angrily: "Are you finished?"

"This old monk doesn't look at the road. Can he blame me if he falls?"

The one-armed dragon smiled coldly, stepped forward and patted Zen Master Baimei on the face, saying that you should be careful when walking in the future. I am in a good mood today and will not hold you responsible for stepping on me. You are lucky.

After saying that, they all laughed wildly and left. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I pulled out the Emei thorn and rushed forward. But Zen Master Baimei grabbed me and said calmly: "Little donor, if you get angry now, I will be humiliated by them in vain..."

"What the fuck." I cursed with a sullen face.

What Zen Master Baimei said is right. The other party obviously wanted to anger us by doing this. I also knew to avoid conflict with them, but seeing the seventy-year-old Zen Master Baimei being bullied by them, I felt extremely panicked.

After returning to the room, the man in the T-shirt looked at me and said seriously: "If you feel uncomfortable, just read the Tao Te Ching a few more times. You must not be irritated at this time."

After that, he went out with the sword on his back. I was in no mood to follow him, and the people from Longquan Villa would definitely not break into our room directly at this time. I simply lay on the bed and studied the invisible needles.

Because this needle had been used by that dishonest middle-aged man before, and it was stained with his essence and blood, I had to squeeze a few more drops of blood on it to force out his essence and blood.

Then I tried to use my mind to make the invisible needle stand upright, and sure enough, the invisible needle that was originally lying flat stood up instantly!

Then I tried to make it perform a few simple actions. After I got the rhythm right, I locked the door and used my mind to control the invisible needle to insert into the keyhole.

At this time, I was surprised to find that as the invisible needle squirmed inside, I had a rough idea of ​​the basic structure of the door lock in my mind. I controlled it by feeling and slowly inserted it. With a crisp click, the lock opened!

"Haha, I found a treasure this time."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I thought that if I change my career in the future, I could become a locksmith. Then I would sit in front of the computer and wait for the call to open the door remotely...

Then I tried to use it to pierce the wall. I concentrated on controlling it the first few times, but failed. The invisible needle would always fall softly when it was close to the wall.

Later, I got a little discouraged and was about to give it one last try, but unexpectedly it pierced in all at once.

I was stunned for a moment, and then realized instantly: If you want to use it as a weapon, you don't need to concentrate too much, and the effect will be better if you can control it as you wish.

I tried this idea a few more times, and sure enough, the speed and power of the invisible needle became faster and faster as I followed my will. In the blink of an eye, the invisible needle pierced the wall between me and Zen Master Baimei's room. of tiny pinpricks.

Several of them were pierced in the same place, and a hole the size of a thumb was made!

I quickly took out the medical tape from my bag and prepared to cover the small hole, but suddenly I wanted to take a peek at what Zen Master Baimei was doing. So I went up to take a look and found that Zen Master Baimei was sleeping.

I was just about to get up when I found that the window in his room opened slightly, but there was no sound.

You must know that this is an old-fashioned window, and it will make a creaking sound when it is opened and closed. However, it did not make a sound at the moment. My heart suddenly tightened.

Someone who can control the intensity so well must be a master. I couldn't help but think of the arrogant Ichiro Tatsuzawa!

Sure enough, as the window was opened. A masked man turned over and jumped in from the outside. The height from the window to the ground was less than two meters. He turned over several times in a row. When he landed, he put his hands directly on the ground. The whole process was neat and smooth.

This is a typical Japanese ninjutsu!

Unexpectedly, he came to sneak attack. I was just about to wake up Zen Master Baimei, but suddenly I thought of invisible needles, and I happened to be practicing with Ichiro Ryuzawa.

Ichiro Ryuzawa did not take action immediately after landing, but looked at Zen Master Baimei cautiously. I seized the opportunity to make the invisible needle fly out through my mind.

Originally, I just wanted to teach him a lesson, so I let the invisible needle prick his ear. Unexpectedly, Zen Master Baimei suddenly turned over. Tatsuzawa Ichiro subconsciously turned around and wanted to escape, exposing the back of his neck. The invisible needle Instant penetration!

With a crisp sound of bones breaking, Ryuzawa Ichiro fell down. He held up his hands and seemed to want to turn his head to see what had attacked him? But he was unable to turn around, and finally fell limply to the ground.

Zen Master Baimei was awakened by the noise made by Ichiro Ryuzawa. After getting up, he looked at the open window and Ichiro Ryuzawa lying on the ground. He put his hand on his chest helplessly and said quietly: "Amitabha."

I quickly ran to Zen Master Baimei's room and turned over Ichiro Ryuzawa, and found that he had fainted. Then I tried to lift him up, but when he sat up, his head tilted to one side.

"what happened?"

My eyes widened immediately, and I tried to fiddle with it a few more times. I found that no matter what I did, his head would hang down, as if his neck had been broken.

Seeing this, Zen Master Baimei quickly stepped forward and touched the back of Ichiro Ryuzawa's neck. Then his eyes suddenly opened wide and he said in disbelief: "How could this happen?"

It turned out that the cervical vertebrae at the back of Ichiro Ryuzawa's neck were shattered by an invisible needle!

Zen Master Baimei and I couldn't figure out how this could happen, and we were afraid that other people from Longquan Villa would come to our door, so we waited vigilantly.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the man in the T-shirt to come back. He saw Ichiro Ryuzawa lying on the bed and frowned slightly. Before I could say anything, he quickly stepped forward and took a look. Soon I realized that Ichiro Ryuzawa's cervical vertebra was broken, and his expression immediately darkened, and he looked at me coldly: "Didn't I tell you to avoid fighting with them? What's going on."

Zen Master Baimei couldn't be so indifferent, so the man in the T-shirt immediately thought of me. I knew that the conflict between us and Longquan Villa would be intensified again, so I carefully told him what happened.

After hearing this, the man in the T-shirt looked a little better, and touched Ichiro Ryuzawa's neck again. Finally, he shook his head helplessly and said, "The cervical vertebrae are connected to all the major nerves in the human body. The person must be paralyzed now. He is lucky to wake up." , otherwise you will be in a vegetative state for life!"

After hearing this, I couldn't help but blame myself, but the man in the T-shirt comforted me and said that I was not to blame for this incident. After all, I wanted to save Zen Master Baimei.

The main reason is that Ichiro Tatsuzawa is unlucky, because ninjas usually carry out some difficult tasks, so they all learned the bone shrinking technique, and in the long run their nerves will have reflexes in this regard.

After Ichiro Ryuzawa saw Zen Master Baimei turn over, he was too nervous, and all the bones in his body shrank together in a short period of time. The cervical vertebrae were already very fragile, and they were penetrated by invisible needles when they were squeezed, so the cervical vertebrae were in trouble. It became shattered in an instant.

After hearing this, I felt better, but I still worriedly asked the man in the T-shirt what to do next. I accidentally disabled the young owner of Longquan Villa. They will definitely kill me by any means, even before the end of this trading conference.

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