Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 635: Wangqingchuan

"We must remain vigilant at all times."

The man in the t-shirt lost his usual confidence on his face and said very cautiously: "If we can't defeat them, you must listen to me and leave in time!"

He was obviously afraid that I would insist on staying in the ghost market in order to get the Mermaid Tears, so he took a vaccination in advance.

I nodded and asked him what to do with this loser?

The man in the T-shirt thought for a moment and threw Ichiro Ryuzawa through the window. Anyway, the people from Longquan Villa lived in the same inn as us, so they would definitely hear the noise.

Sure enough, not long after throwing him down, the three elders appeared outside the inn. They hurried to Ichiro Tatsuzawa. When they found out that his cervical vertebra was shattered, the three of them became angry and looked at us with red eyes. Come.

The man in the T-shirt lay by the window and spread his hands indifferently, and even took the initiative to cast a provocative look.

The three of them wanted to rush over immediately, but they still had to send Ichiro Ryuzawa to the hospital, so they gritted their teeth and left.

After they disappeared, the man in the T-shirt said quickly: "There is no hospital in the ghost city. They have to send Ichiro Ryuzawa back to the earth. We have to find the Mermaid Tears as soon as possible!"

In order to expand the search scope, we divided into two groups. After going downstairs, Zen Master Baimei was responsible for searching door to door, while the man in the T-shirt took me directly to the largest trading center.

Because it will be July 15th in a few hours, sellers and buyers have basically arrived, and the entire trading center looks very lively.

What surprised me was that as we arrived, wherever the man in the T-shirt passed by, whether human or ghost, he would take the initiative to make way for me. This made me feel like a VIP, so I asked the man in the T-shirt what was going on.

"Because I have already arranged my number."

The man in the T-shirt said calmly, because there will be a lot of people coming on July 15th, and the boss has introduced a queuing system in order to maintain order, and when he came out before, he went to queuing specifically, and at the same time, he walked around the ghost market. But no shark tears were found.

I nodded and asked who the owner of the T-shirt Man Ghost Market was? Wherever you stay, why do you feel so awesome?

He told me that there are several bosses of the ghost market, including the underworld judge, the demon emperor, the demon lord, and others. They generally do not show up, and the normal operation of the ghost market is also the responsibility of the people below.

At this point, he pointed to a palace-like phantom building behind the trading market and said: "They are staying there to accept offerings. After the ghost market is over, they will return to their respective territories to continue practicing."

I nodded with deep understanding. With such heaven-defying existences sitting here, who would not think of causing trouble here?

Then, led by the man in the T-shirt, I walked around the trading market and saw many strange femininity objects, but I couldn't find the Mermaid Tears.

I couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. Merman's Tears are also a very rare treasure. If they didn't exist here, those small street stalls wouldn't even have them. The man in the t-shirt obviously thought so too. He patted me on the shoulder and said that if it didn't work, he would go back and post a Jianghu post. He would always get news about the Meridian Tears.

Seeing that I was indifferent, he added: "And when July 15th comes, these bosses will release a few treasures to stimulate the atmosphere. If you are lucky, there may be Mermaid tears."


I sighed heavily and reluctantly asked the man in the T-shirt to take me to find Zen Master Baimei. While walking on the road, I noticed a lot of little ghosts running towards the village, saying something as they ran: "There's a fight over there, go and join in the fun."

"You dare to make trouble here, I really don't want to live anymore." At this time, another ghost said next to him.

After hearing this, I immediately thought of Zen Master Bai Mei, and quickly looked at the man in the T-shirt. His face became heavy, and he ran over first with a sword on his back.

As we returned to the area near the inn, we could see that the entrance to the village was densely packed with figures and ghosts, and we could still hear faint sounds of fighting.

When we ran to the front and took a look, we were shocked to find that Zen Master Baimei was fighting with the one-armed dragon. However, since he was getting older, his attack was obviously much slower than that of the one-armed dragon, and there was a faint tendency to be beaten under pressure.

I gritted my teeth and was about to rush to help, but the man in the T-shirt grabbed me and said calmly: "It's a matter between two people now. If we take action, it will become a matter between the two of us. Then no one will care." I want to have good fruit to eat!”

When I heard what he said, I immediately lost my temper. I just didn't understand why the person in charge of the trade fair didn't come to stop it when there was already an explosion here? Didn’t it mean that there was someone specifically responsible for order?

So I wanted to ask the man in the T-shirt what was going on, but at this moment Zen Master Baimei spat out a mouthful of blood, took a few steps back and sat directly on the ground.

The one-armed dragon smiled disdainfully, turned around and ran out. For some reason he seemed a little flustered when he left, and as if he was in a hurry, he disappeared from my sight in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that there was no excitement to be seen, the onlookers turned around and rushed to the trading market. I hurried over to help Zen Master Baimei up and asked him what was going on.

"The Mermaid Tears, the Mermaid Tears appeared, in his hands..."

Zen Master Baimei said intermittently, spitting out blood from his mouth. When the man in the T-shirt heard the words "mermaid tears", his eyes instantly lit up and he asked me to stay and take care of Zen Master Baimei. After saying that, he quickly chased after me.

I looked at Zen Master Baimei sitting on the ground, and my eyes suddenly turned red. He never liked to use force, but he fought hard to help me get the Mermaid Tears. How should I repay this affection?

"Little benefactor, I'm fine. Go catch up with Chu Yi."

Zen Master Baimei wiped the corners of his mouth and shouted anxiously: "Don't be confused, the first year of junior high school is no match for them, go and help, quickly!"

He said it very firmly, and no one from Longquan Villa was here. I thought about it and felt that Zen Master Baimei would no longer be in danger, so I simply chased him out in the direction of the man in the T-shirt.

About the time we first entered the village, I realized that the blurry front became clearer, while the buildings and ghost market in the village behind me became hazy in an instant.

This feeling is a bit like the graphics in some current games. From the outside, there is only one point, but when you enter, you will find a new world.

If the previous village was not so scary due to the opening of the ghost market, the environment in front of me is not so warm...

I felt like I was in a desolate ancient battlefield, with only a few scattered buildings around me. These houses had long been dilapidated and exuded waves of gloomy energy.

Bones appear from time to time on both sides of the road, and many shadows are slowly moving forward in the open field. They are either mutilated or have dark faces. Without exception, they are all ghosts!

I was lost in thought when I heard the sound of rustling footsteps beside me. I thought someone had come in again, so I turned around and looked, but I was shocked to find a headless corpse standing next to me holding its own head.

The corpse was highly decomposed, the head held in the hand was glowing purple, and the eyes were wide open. I was so scared that I almost didn't sit on the ground, so I took a few steps back. Who knew it actually followed me and asked angrily: "Have you seen my head?"

I was afraid that this thing was trying to trick me, so I gritted my teeth to calm myself down, and then continued walking forward as if I hadn't heard anything. It asked a few more times and when I didn't answer, it left me feeling a little disappointed. .

After he left, I let out a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly chased him forward. However, after chasing for a long time, I still didn't see any trace of anyone alive, and I gradually became worried!

In terms of speed, the man in the T-shirt was not much faster than me. He was only a dozen seconds ahead of me. The environment was very empty, so logically I would be able to see him.

Looking at the confused and numb expressions on the faces of the ghosts around me, I became increasingly uneasy and felt that I could not go any further. Just as another kid passed by me, I put a sunshade charm on my body, then walked up to me and asked, "Where is that place in front of me?"

After hearing the action, it looked up at me stiffly, its face full of doubts and wariness, and it seemed that it was not ready to answer. I tried to make my voice more fierce and asked again.

This time it shook its body and said mechanically: "Wangqingchuan!"

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